
The Double Standard in Pro Sports

There are several pro sports team owners and coaches have been forced to sell their teams or fired for making racist remarks which I back 100%. In my opinion, if founded, force all to sell making these type of remarks. I do not have a problem with this; snuff out racism at every turn. We must do this across the board with all in the pro arena, no matter their position.

After making racist and anti-Semitic remarks, the MLB forced Marge Schott to sell her team, the Cincinnati Reds. I could not have been happier.

After making racist comments, the WPS (Women’s Professional Soccer) league forced Dan Borislow to sell his team, Boca Raton.

After making racist comments, the NFL forced Jerry Richardson to sell his team, the Carolina Panthers. Later, the NFL claimed they did not forced the sell, but we know the truth. My question is; why after doing the right thing, did they not want the recognition?

After making racist comments, the NBA forced Donald Sterling to sell his team, the LA Clippers, he had owned for 30 years, banned for life from the league, and even prohibited him from attending games.

All these team owners did not show the respect for others of different races and, rightfully so, was forced to see their teams. I am sure, there are other pro owner, who are racist and sexist, and they too should lose their teams. What about the other people in the pro establishment, they need held to the same standard. We need to focus on the treatment of women as well, sexism has no place in pro sports, so why are they not penalized?

In 2010, Floyd Mayweather stated about Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao, "I’m on vacation for about a year, about a year. As soon as we come off vacation, we’re going to cook that little yellow chump.” This just one racist statement out of the video he made, no punishment came.

In 2011, Cam Newton was the debate over discriminating language; Warn Moon defended him, the NFL still drafted him, does this mean money means more than ending racism?

In 2012, Jason Whitlock said, "Some lucky lady in NYC is gonna feel a couple inches of pain tonight." Whitlock received no punishment for his tweet, other than a wave of angry followers, why was he not banned.

In 2013, Riley Cooper, of the Philadelphia Eagles, said racist slurs on tape. The league fined him, why was he not removed permanent?

In 2014, Colin Kaepernick, yes, that Colin Kaepernick, made racial slurs, calling Lamarr Houston the N-word. Kaepernick was fined $11,025, but refused he did anything wrong, but never lost a day of playing. If he cares so much about minorities as he tries to say today, why is he acting like a racist, why did they not remove him permanent as they have team owners?

In 2015, LeSean McCoy from the Philadelphia Eagles was traded to the Buffalo Bills. His response was racist in nature by claiming the coach, Chip Kelly did not want blacks on his team. McCoy stated, “That’s the truth. There’s a reason. ... It’s hard to explain with him. But there’s a reason he got rid of all the black players – the good ones – like that.” McCoy did not use racist words, but his claims were racist.

In 2015, Brandon Boykin, upset with coach Chip Kelly said, "I said that he was uncomfortable with men of our culture," "I'm not saying he's a racist at all.” You said he was racist as soon as you said “men of our culture”; you did not use the word racist but the intent was to point in that direction."

In 2016, Steven Adams, described his opponents as, "quick little monkeys". I could not find him receiving any punishment. Where is his punishment? That is as racist as you can get. Does it have to do with the money?

In 2017, Yuli Gurriel, made racially insensitive gesture toward Dodgers pitcher Yu Darvish. He was suspended for five games, why was he not removed permanent.

In 2018, LeBron James made a racist charged rant stating, “In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams and they got that slave mentality,” James said in the conversation. “And it’s like, This is my team. You do what the f— I tell y’all to do. Or we get rid of y’all.” The NBA did not removed or fined him, why?

This is just a few examples. The truth is, it is all about the money. If an owner can be removed permanently, so should a player, like it or not you are a role model and have a responsibility. It does not matter if you make racist, sexist, or any other discriminatory remark, there should be a punishment. My researched showed there were more minority players making racist remarks then white, but this would make sense because in pro sports, minorities make up around 70% of all players. The flip side of the deal is white players receive more harsh punishments, the punishments should be equal across the board no matter your race. There are many complaints about “White Men” own all the teams. This is founded, out of 92 teams, I only found 6 pro team owners who are not owned by white people. Maybe the NFL, NBA, and MLB should have open vetting of prospected buyers and open bidding for teams coming up for sale, all who have been vetted and clears bid on the team, the most money wins.

The sad part is racism is in pro sports at all. I do not watch pro basketball anymore because it is not basketball anymore. Basketball is supposed to be a non-contact sport, called evenly for the same offenses, but this does not exist anymore. The last great game in pro basketball I saw was between the Great Magic Johnson and Larry Bird. Few playing today would be good, if you used the rules from this era. I tell you this because when you dilute the integrity of the rules for one side or the other, or do not hold all to the same standard, you are discriminating. If you allow any owner, coach, player, or worker to discriminate or make racist remarks, no matter their race, gender, or other, without punishing them equally, you are a bigot. We as Americans love our pro sports, but the racism double-standard and politics need removed. It is the place Americans go to forget their disabilities, poverty, politics, and their differences; for me a place to forget Iraq, being away from my family, with people trying to kill me, and my troops. We need to keep it that way.

Please let me know what you think.

Liberal Democrats and Their Racist, Sexiest, Degrading Remarks

Liberal Democrats are always saying they are for the people, yet every other group is racist if you do not believe in what they support. History will show this is a false statement from the beginning. Democrat Stephen Douglas, Lincoln’s opponent, defended the right of Southerners to own slaves and transport them to the new territories. The Democratic Party’s war against African-Americans continued after the Civil War with the birth of the Democratic Militant group, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). It was the de facto terrorist arm of the national Democratic Party during Reconstruction; an interesting fact is the KKK lynched more Republican politicians then minorities. The beginning of their hatred terroristic activities was the unleashing of the KKK; today their hatred lives on in the New Black Panthers (NBP), Antifa, Black Lives Matter (BLM), and many others. The question to ask is if racism and discrimination is still in their DNA as said by some people.

The Media or News

Surely, the Liberal news would call out racism and hold it accountable. The problem is you can see racism in the news.

Mika Brzezinski from MSNBC made a homophobic remark, which in the current Liberal environment should get anybody fired. She said, “Is that a patriot speaking, or a wantabee dictator’s butt boy.” She asks for forgiveness, which is funny because she NEVERS accepts an apology from anyone. She will NEVER accept an apology from anyone who is a non-Liberal person.

PBS reporter Yamiche Alcindor, takes “Nationalism”, (which means according to the dictionary; 1 spirit or aspirations common to the whole of a nation, 2 devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism) and twists it to become “White Nationalism”, which is a racist term, to try and besmirch President Trump; this is how far Liberal hate goes. Do any of the Liberal Media call her out on this? No, they criticize President Trump for shutting her down and pointing out her racist question. Is it not the job of the media, to expose all racism, not create false racism, and expel any racist journalist? Why the double standard again? Why did the media once again take the side of the racist?

Vanessa Williams, a reporter for the Washington Post, stated, “What’s up with all those black men who voted for the Republican in the Georgia governor’s race?” She goes on to say, “White female voters in Georgia showed little interest in helping black women” talking about them not supporting Stacey Abrams for governor. Once again, we have a Liberal Democratic, who is a racist reporter, by his or her own words.

Local and State

What about the grass roots Liberal Democrats, surely they are not racist.

Buena Vista, Michigan, elected Liberal Democrat Gloria Platko caught on tape calling Township Supervisor an "Arrogant N-word"

The New York Mayor Bill de Blasio used a racial phase, “CP (C*l*r People) time”, which is never acceptable in any situation, but he is a Liberal Democrat.

Michigan State Representative, Liberal Democrat Bettie Cook Scott referring to her Asian rival, Stephanie Chang, as “the Ching Chong” and called one of Ms. Chang’s campaign volunteer an “immigrant” who she told “you don’t belong here” and “I want you out of my country.”

Liberal Democratic State Senator Lena Taylor comments on use of N-word in black culture shows her racist bias. The word, no matter of variances, is a racist term. If one cannot say it due to their race, none can say it or they are now the racist and discriminator, it is an unpleasant fact.

California State Senator Diane Watson, who is black, commented on opponent Ward Connerly's interracial marriage, "He's married to a white woman. He wants to be white. He wants a colorless society. He has no ethnic pride. He doesn't want to be black." You cannot get anymore racist

Alabama State Rep. Alvin Holmes claimed white Republicans would be fine with aborting mixed-race grandchildren. This is the epitome of racist.  


What about the National Democratic Politicians, they have to show the character of being against racism and discrimination. The truth is it has been there sense the beginning of the Democratic party, a fact the Liberal Democrats try and hide.

Liberal Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson had a couple of racist quotes people would like everyone to forget. One was “Son, when I appoint a n***** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a n*****.” Another was “As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, n******, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you will make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture.” Even though it was the Republicans who forced and passed the “The Civil Rights Act of 1968”, LBJ having to sign it or being overridden by the Republicans anyway stated, "I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years."

Democratic President Harry S. Truman was a racist as well. One of his most famous quotes was, “I think one man is just as good as another so long as he’s honest and decent and not a n***** or a Chinaman.

Robert Byrd, Liberal Democrat from West Virginia, was the longest ever serving US Senator and held positions of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of his local chapter of the KKK, I guess we can say he may have been racist.

The Liberal Democrat Mary Frances Berry, former Chairwoman, US Commission on Civil Rights, has been practicing racism for years. Her statement, “Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them” landed her is some hot water but why was she not removed from her position as any White Male would have been if they said the same in reverse? This is condoning racism and a Liberal Democrat corner stone.” Doctor Carol Swain hits the nail, and the truth, on the head. If you do not understand discrimination happens to all races and every race has racist people, you might be a racist. Mrs. Berry shows the reason racism thrives in certain areas, especially in Liberal minority areas, because Liberal indoctrination teaches the people what Mrs. Berry states as fact instead of discrimination. The adverse effect is Whites see a double standard which is discrimination being ignored against them, which causes discontent and racism against that race. The people perpetrating the action are no better than the KKK.

Liberal Democrat Danny Davis defends Nation of Islam; he says Farrakhan’s work is outstanding. Should a US Representative ever support a racist person? No, but some Liberals from minorities groups have stated you cannot be racist or prejudice if you are a minority group, which is racist and bigoted in itself.

Former US President Bill Clinton, when the race for the Democrat nomination was in full swing in 2008 between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama stated, "this guy would have been carrying our bags". Hillary will not let Bill out do her.

Hillary Clinton while in an interview, stated, “I know they all look alike”, after confusing two black political figures. What would have happened if it had been a non-Liberal person? Would the news have treated them different? Do not worry; Hillary is not done yet. Hillary Clinton, upset with political operative Paul Fray called him a, "You f*cking Jew b@stard." I have met Hillary Clinton and she was the most vile person I have ever met.

The Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison completely supports the Nation of Islam; he was, according to their rolls, at one time member. Its leader is the number one most out spoken racist in America, Louis Farrakhan. Ellison also endorses Islamic people who murder our troops. In step with the Islamic belief in censorship of anything showing them in a bad light, he wanted “Burn This Book”, a biography of Ellison’s hate for others through the years, banished. On July 17, 2018, Representative Keith Ellison demand Amazon CEO Jeffrey Bezos submit his company has printed and digital products to censorship by the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The SPLC was once a respectable group but now targets anyone who points out the hate of Islam. They lost all credibility losing a $3.375 million dollar judgement against former Muslim Maajid Nawaz for listing him as a racist in its bogus “Field Guide to Anti-Muslim Extremists.” Accused in 2018 by his girlfriend of domestic abuse, it is amazing not one Democrat said he should step aside, not even the ones acting as judge, jury, and executioner on a 35-year-old abuse claim against Judge Kavanagh. Ellison also supports the Antifa hate group.

Barbara Lee, who is African American, after losing the race for House Democratic Caucus leadership to Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, who is African American, calls him a racist. This highlights one of the biggest problems on the Liberal Democrat side, if you lose your race on anything; it is racist, even if the winner is the same race.

Maxine Waters, who does not even live in her district, make racist quotes like, “Policy, for the most part, has been made by white people in America, not by people of color.” I ask could this be because 73% of Americans are white to 13% being black. I wish we could stop having these Liberals divide us and just become “Americans.” She completely supports the Nation of Islam, which we already know is a racist group.

When Joe Biden said that President Obama was the first, “Main Stream African American who is articulate and bright, clean and a nice looking guy”, it is so racist and condescending to the African American cultural history. Was Martin Luther King, Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglass, and Benjamin Mays not “Main Stream African American who is articulate and bright”?

President Obama slams his own White Grandmother for being white. Says she is a typical “White Person”. What if I said a black or Latino person did something because they were a typical black or Latino person, that would be racist and so is this statement.

On 4 April 2018, John Parker, a Democratic National Committee member, referred to blacks as “colored people.” Many were outraged, as they should be but he did not just start using the term. The truth, he was finally caught.

Racist Religious Groups

Nation of Islam, led by Louis Farrakhan, is one of the most, racist religious groups, in the world. This should not be a surprise since the basis of Islam has been the hate of all other religious groups. If you look at the most racist people in America, Louis Farrakhan is at the top of the list. With all the racist hate speech you can pull up on Mr. Farrakhan, you have many Liberal Democratic Congressman who completely support him.

They are Keith Ellison from Minnesota, Barbara Lee from California, Maxine Waters from California, Danny Davis from Illinois, Andre Carson from Indiana, Gregory Meeks from New York, and Al Green from Texas. If the Democratic Party is the party against hate and racism, why do they have so many of them in their party?

The facts are the Democratic party have always been the party of hate and they nothing has changed. The Republican Party died to give slaves freedom and minorities’ rights, but after that achievement, minorities and the poor have been enslaved once again, not by chains and whips, but by entitlements and free handouts. As long as you depend on free handouts from the government, you will never know freedom or prosperity. If you do not protect this great country and its borders, you may end up with no freedoms or even a country. You have racists in all races and political parties. If you see a statement that does not seem discriminating to you, but if you switch places with the object in the statement and it does, you may be discriminating and not know it.

Democrats Want to Remove the US Constitution

Liberal politicians, mostly Democrats, for a long time tried have tried to get rid of the US Constitution. The basic reason is they do not want exposed for what they are and what they are trying to do to our country. If you noticed in the televised coverage of President Trump and the Democratic leadership debating the looming government shut down, the first statement from Democratic Leadership was, “Can we please do this in private”. You see, the media was there broadcasting live and you could see both Mr. Schumer and Mrs. Pelosi did not want the public to see the truth. The other truth to see was how the media twisted, what broadcasted live, to try to twist it to say something different to support Democratic Leadership; media bias is real. Liberal Democratic Leadership have for a long time, been at the forefront of stifling free speech, the reason is because if the public learns the truth about Liberal politicians, the Democratic Party as it is today will cease to exist. Remember that every elected official swears an oath to Defend the US Constitution, unfortunately, ever Liberal politician is just giving lip service.

The 1st Amendment

Free Speech

The ability to express our views, no matter how enlightening or ignorant, is what allows us to enjoy freedom and prevents us from turning into subjects of a tyrannical government instead of having freedom as citizens. I can say any hateful thing I want and the US Constitution protects it. I can tell any of our leaders to go (you fill in the blank) _______ themselves without going to jail or being put to death as it is in many countries, they claim to be free but without free speech you are not truly free. Today, many American politicians are only in politics for their or their party’s interest, and not what is best for America or its citizens. In 1976, the Supreme Court in Buckley v. Valeo found there was no compelling governmental interest that would justify regulating speech, yet the Liberals try and try to do just that. I do not want you to believe me, below is their own words, and today, they do not even try to hide it.

In April 2012, Liberal Democrat, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi endorsed a bill, H.J. 78, to ratify an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would allow Congress to regulate Free Speech. She, as all Liberals, want you only speaking what they believe, everything else is heresy.

In July 2014, Liberal Democrat Senator Dick Durbin, submitted a bill, S.J. Res. 19, to remove the Buckley v. Valeo ruling of the USA Supreme Court and make a Constitutional Amendment to remove a part of your Free Speech. There were 48 cosponsors, 46 Democrats, 2 independents. Remember you must have 2/3rds (67 votes) to pass a Constitutional Amendment; when voted on; there were 54 Yah (42 Democrats and 2 Independents) and 42 Nays (all Republicans). What I do not understand is why Democrats would vote people into office that want to remove their US Constitutional Rights.

In December 2018, California Democrat Ted Lieu admits on CNN that he hates this. Mr. Lieu stated, “I would love to be able to regulate the content of speech'” and admits it is only thwarted by the U.S. Constitution. The point is not that he admits the US Constitution stops him; the point is that he wanted to remove Free Speech. That is as un-American as it gets.

 January 2017, Liberal Democrat Representative Theodore Deutch, submitted a bill, H.J. Res. 31, to remove Free Speech again. There are 435 Representatives in the House which the bill had 140 cosponsors, 139 democrats and 1 lone Republican from New York. He is so arrogant that he says his beliefs strait up which should be a warning sign to the American people. When Liberals say all others have “Weaponized the First Amendment”, this is a precursor to it must be removed.

Freedom of the Press

Freedom of the Press does not mean the Press is free from ridicule or attacks. President Trump has been hard on the press, but when you look at the facts, he was right. He said they were in collusion with Democratic Party during the election and he was right. He said they were bias, skewing and making up false stories and again, he was right. I have also seen, sense President Trump’s election, the most unprofessional press in my lifetime, they have no manners, do not follow protocol, and try to attack the president at every turn. He fights back and the press wants to say he is trying to infringe on the “Freedom of the Press”. They forget, Liberal Democrat, President Obama who barred the media from events and only allowing photographs from the official White House photographer. They forget, President Obama targeted Fox News trying to shut them out, arguing that it was not a legitimate news organization because they would not capitulate to him. They forget, President Obama refuse to provide the Press with FOIA request, or if he did they were so redacted you had no information. His administration spent a record $36 million dollars of Tax Payer’s money fighting and denying over 500,000 FOIA request. They forget, President Obama pursued prosecution of Fox News reporter James Rosen’s private emails and sources. They forget, President Obama wiretapping the Associated Press in 2013.” They forget, President Obama attacking Major Garrett for asking why the administration was not trying to free Americans held by Iran, including Washington Post journalist Jason Rezaian. Honestly, there are too many to talk about them all but you can definitely say the Liberal Democrats are against the free press.

Freedom of Religion

I like most people do not care if you are or are not religious, but the liberals in our country want to destroy you is you are religious, or at least if you are of a Christian faith or denomination. The call it Political Correctness or PC for short. It has made it a sin, or with secular people, a crime to practice or adhere to your Christian faith. The biggest problem is there are too many Liberal judges who want to make law, instead of intrepid law, which is what they swore an oath. Gay Liberal AG Alan McCullough used his position to fine an Organ baker, Sweet Cakes, who refused due to their religious beliefs, to make a gay couple a Wedding Cake. AG McCullough fining the small business a ridiculous $135,000 stating Religious Freedom does not matter. In 2015, the Liberal Oregon State Justice system upheld the ruling. In 2012, a Gay Couple purposely targeted the Masterpiece Cake shop owned by Jack Phillips because he was a Christian. Cakes are an expression, art, and Freedom of Speech; Jack Phillips said he would make any cake the gay couple wanted but not a Wedding Cake, but this was not good enough. In 2015, a Colorado Judge ruled Jack Phillips must make a Gay Wedding cake, no matter if it violated his religion. Of course, the Liberal ACLU who should be supporting the Constitutional rights of the Christian sided with the Gay couple. In June 2018, it made it to the US Supreme Court and the Baker, as it should have been, won the case. This also negated the $135,000 fine to the Organ baker, Sweet Cakes. Side note is people have tried this same tactic with Muslim bakers who refuse sighting their religion, but no AG has ever fined or took them to court. Can you say double standard? This type of attacks have also been levied on Christian flower shops, wedding planners, Churches, and teachers.

The 2nd Amendment

If you remember the first “Assault Weapons Band”, it was because of the attempted assignation of President Reagan by John Hinckley Jr. The ironic fact is the perpetrator used a 22 revolver, so why did the Liberal Democrats go after Assault Rifles? John Warnock Hinckley, Sr. was a rich staunch Democrat supported when his son, John Hinckley, Jr. tried to assassinate President Reagan. The US Constitution mandates the execution of ANY person who tries or succeeds in assassinating the President of the US. John Hinckley, Jr. avoids execution; is this because of his father’s donations? A bigger question is what does this have to do with President Reagan’s attempted assassination? Anytime there is a shooting, the Liberals come out against guns, even when assailants use knifes. Liberals like former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg demand Gun Control after “Knife Attack” at Ohio State University. Liberals use BAMN, their moto which mean “By Any Means Necessary” to get what they want instead of the truth. The attacker was an Islamic immigrant from Somali, did you notice they did not call for immigration fixes? I bet you remember the attack on Orlando’s Pulse nightclub in June 2016. Did you know the Liberal liars at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) immediately labeled as a “Right-Wing Conservative Terrorist” without any information; that is what Liberals do, remember, BAMN. I bet you did not know then-FBI chief James Comey stopped investigating into Omar Mateen at the request of the Obama administration. Omar Mateen murdered 49 people and wounded 53 in the Pulse nightclub attack. .The courts acquitted Noor Salman, the wife of Omar, who was involved, or at the lease new about the planned attack, because once again the FBI, because of Liberal politics, did not do their job. The SPLC finally admitted it was wrong when identifying the shooter as a “Right-Wing Conservative Terrorist” that it was a Radical Islamic, but it took them 2 years. This is just a couple of events but there are literally hundreds.

The 4th Amendment

The 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and require a warrant by issued by a judge or magistrate, justified by probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and must particularly describe the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. The Liberal Obama administration admitted it used the Patriot Act, enacted to help protect the country, to spy on Americans, which violates the 4th Amendment. Paperwork shows they were even targeting then candidate Trump’s campaign for usable information. Think about that, it cannot get much worse except the Liberal IRS and EPA are worse. The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) released a report Tuesday detailing how, between 2012 and 2014, Liberal IRS investigators seized hundreds of bank accounts worth $17 million dollars from business owners based on nothing but a suspicious pattern of deposits, in many cases targeting gun shops and conservative storeowners. In 90% plus of the cases, there was no crime except by the IRS investigators for illegal interviews, not advising people of their rights, and improperly bargained (blackmailing) people to resolve cases. They never paid interest, which was robbing the small businesses again, some who went out of business because of the IRS’s illegal actions. Why did the orchestrators of these policies sent to jail? They should have been. The Liberal IRS and EPA, who are to be neutral, have been caught repeatedly targeting conservatives. Why are they not in jail?

It is no wonder the American Citizens do not trust the government. One thing President Trump said last night was, “we need to be completely transparent”, Liberal Pelosi and Schumer did not like that Idea. If you were completely transparent, it would be like turning the light at night and watching all the cockroaches scramble to get out of sight. I give you a challenge. There is a slush fund, set up by congress to pay off sexual assault complaints against congress, which congress refuses to release all names of all accused for the public to see. Both Democrats and Republicans claim to be for protecting women, make them prove it by posting the names.

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