
The Truth about Our Crime and Illegal Population

The Truth about Our Crime and Illegal Population

Have you seen the “Largest Insane Asylum in the World” post going around? It claims many things about Illegal Aliens, some are true and some are false, but what is the facts about Illegals in the US?

The article says:

1. That 40% of all workers in LA County (10.2 million people) are working for cash.

Answer: this is nothing out of the ordinary in big cities even if it is against the law.

2. That 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

Answer: This is a bogus number, the LA California prison population of Illegal Aliens in not 95%, but the California prison population does consists of 50% of Illegal Aliens according US Department of Justice statistics.

3. That 75% of people on the Los Angeles Most Wanted are Illegal Aliens.

Answer: The truth is somewhat funny; it is actually 78.5%.

4. That 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, paid for by taxpayers.

Answer: According to Medi-Cal, they paid for 50.4 percent or 253,068 births. According to the GAO (Government Accounting Office), they confirmed around 78,000 Illegal Aliens births on Medi-Cal. This would make it 30.8% paid for Illegal Aliens through Medi-Cal.

5. Nearly 35% (52,127) of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals; they are here illegally.

Answer: Here is another funny, if the person who made this claim would have went to the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) (page 11) at the GAO; they would have found the truth was higher. Of the 148,933 incarcerated people in California, 65% (96,806) of California inmates are Illegal Aliens, with 68 % (65,828) of them from Mexico; this makes it 44.2% of Illegal Alien inmates are from Mexico, not 35%. Do not confuse this with the LA most wanted.

6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

Answer: This could be true but I could not find any solid facts. Considering the number of Illegal Aliens living in Los Angeles I would say it is a lot higher, I did find where 1 person would rent a house and several Illegal Alien Families, as many as 10, would live in the same house, but that was it. There was also a bill introduced by Liberal Democrat David Chiu that would make it illegal for Landlords to report Illegal Aliens to ICE. This in itself is illegal, a state or city may be able to skirt Federal Law but you, as an individual, will go to jail. Do you think the City or State is going to come to your rescue or pay your lawyer bill?

7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

Answer: This idiot should have done their research. I cannot find anything specific about Los Angeles but in California, the 18th Street Gang is the largest, with over 20,000 members. According to the California Department of Justice, over 12,000, or 60% plus, of its gang members are Illegal Immigrants. I could not find the FBI report, but the California Department of Justice report shows it may even be higher.

8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) properties are illegal.

Answer: According to the Center for Immigration Studies, if you read the whole document it states 65.6% of Illegal Aliens, based on 2 Migration questions, are using Entitlements. HUD Inspector General decided to shut down their web site during the government shutdown so people cannot do research; it is the Liberal mindset. The end is I cannot verify what percentage of Illegal Aliens get HUD housing, but 65.6% receive entitlements so 60% is possible.

9. Over 21 radio stations in LA are Spanish speaking.

Answer: Who cares, you can have any radio station you want, that is called freedom.

10. In LA County, 5.1 million people speak English; 3.9 million speak Spanish.   (There are 10.2 million people, in LA County.

Answer: Again, who cares? I do believe all official government business needs be in English. I believe this to keep continuity and it is our recognized langue. Other than that, I do not care what language you speak.

Now that this part is over, we really need to look at our nation’s crime and if Illegals really add to it. According to the US Census Bureau, America is 60.7% White, 13.4% Black, 18.1% Latino (Legal and Illegal), 5.8% Asian (Legal and Illegal), 1.1% Islamic (Legal and Illegal), and .09% Russian and other races. When you look at the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted, you will find 3 white (US-Citizens), 1 Black (US Citizen), 4 Latino (2-US Citizens, 2-Illegals from Mexico and Honduras), 1 Islamic (Illegal from Egypt), and 1 Indian (Illegal from India). What should jump out at you is 40% of the FBI top 10 List is Illegal Aliens and not just Latino Illegal Aliens.

FBI Top 10 Most Wanted
Latino-US Citizen
White-US Citizen
Latino-US Citizen
White-US Citizen
Black-US Citizen
White-US Citizen

The FBI has 263 wanted fugitives, with a higher population; we can get a better reading on if Illegal Aliens are causing major problems in the US. Of the 263, if crime is equal the population of percentage of race, the FBI’s 263 fugitives would be, 160 Whites, 35 Blacks, 48 Latinos, 3 Islamic, 15 Asians, and 2 others; this is not the case. What we have is 43 Whites (26.9% of population), 25 Blacks (70.9 %of population), 48 Latinos (210.1% of population), 44 Islamic (1520.9% of population), 15 Asians (170.4 % of population), and 2 others (1056.2% of population mostly Russian); Illegal Aliens are 50% plus of the FBI fugitives.

The FBI Fugitives at Large
Criminal Acts per Race
By Population of Race, What Should be Criminals Acts Per Race
Actual Crimes Percentage per race (Equal to race is 100%)
(Legal and Illegal)
(Legal and Illegal)
(Legal and Illegal)
Russian and others (Legal and Illegal)

Now you need to ask yourself. Why does the media not tell you this and why is this the desire of the Liberal Democrats? The truth is 95% of the media are Liberal Democrats and they will lie, cheat and steal to help the Liberal Politicians.

The Liberal Democratic Politicians want it because Americans who love their country will not support the Socialist Democratic Party. To change this, the Socialist Liberal Democrats must change the dynamics; the only way is by flooding states with Illegal Aliens who will vote illegally for the Social Liberal Democrats and indoctrinating our children in school to believe the Socialist Liberal Democratic lie. The last election showed massive voter fraud, many major Democratic areas where reporting 110%, to 145% voting of people registered to vote, in short Voter Fraud. Voter IDs are needed, but who is against it, yes, Liberal Socialist Democrats. Can you figure out why; this should show you. The socialist teachers and professors from grade school to collage do not even try to hide their brain washing of our kids. Where there was once an open forum to discuss deferring beliefs but today it is the educator’s way or you fail. It only took 15 to 20 years for Venezuela, because of Social Liberal mandates and teaching, to collapse and reach One Million percent inflation; that you socialism.

We have been under socialist attack sense the 1960s, almost 60 years, how much more can we take before we get to the point of no return? Our Liberal Politicians, both Democrat and Republican, known as the “Establishment” would both put our country at risk to prevent losing their power. The Establishment has been ripping off the American people for decades while endangering our sovereignty and National Security. We need term limits, a border wall, and a halt on the attacking of the US Constitution by this same Liberal Socialist. If we do not stop it, how long will it take before we become the next Venezuela? Illegal Immigration is key to collapsing our country, do you want this to happen?

Please Comment.

1 comment:

  1. I read a California court duty article that said over 600k scheduled for court duty were excused because they were illegal Aliens yet many California counties had 115% votes to registered residents. I wonder how many was by the same Illegal Aliens that could not do court duty.
