
This is What is Wrong with Our Elected Officials and News Media?

The biggest problem with our elected officials is the media; from the forming of our country, the media would monitor our politicians and let us know the truth about their behavior and agendas, no matter their status or political party. “Freedom of the Press kept the politicians honorable, honest, and with class, all three of these areas have all but disappeared because now the media have become Political Operatives, instead of impartial entities. This has all changed, when during the last 243 years, I do not know, but it was not for the good of our country. Previous presidents rape people, appoint knowingly racist judges to the Supreme Court, possibly be involved in their predecessor’s assassination, and responsible for massive amounts of military deaths due to their Rules of Engagement. For their political party’s agenda, the press will only report on the presidents with whom they disagree and in many cases making knowingly false statements to push the agenda of their political party completely ignoring all facts.

A New York Times reporter, Linda Qui, lies through her teeth for the Democrats when she wrote, “No, Democrats Don’t Want ‘Open Borders”, claiming President Trump is lying about the Democrats wanting “Open Borders”. I will show you below he is not lying by Democrats own actions. It has had a very damaging effect on our country and its people, when you have politicians and judges stating they do not care about the facts or refusing to accept hard-facts due to their political position, we have a problem. We have a problem when members of congress refuses to do what is best for our country because of politics. Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, President Obama, and yes, even Hillary Clinton stated they were for border; this is the lie. Then you have another reporter on MSNBC, not even challenge Jon Meacham who tried to tie the border wall and President Trump to the KKK. I guess that also ties Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, President Obama, and Hillary Clinton to the KKK as well. Media Research Center Vice President Dan Gainor stated, “Notice the selective nature of today's media. When Democrats like Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer promoted a wall, no one on the left or in the media made a peep. Now that it's Trump, suddenly they tie it to the KKK.”

When it comes to politicians, do not ever listen to what they say, look at their votes and that will answer any question about where they stand. If you look at the Votes for Border Security (listed below for last 15 years), Congress’ voting record, which is kept at  has 83 bills presented on the Border Security, 73 by Republicans and 10 by Democrats. When you see this statistic, it looks like some Democrats want to secure the border; but let us take a closer look at their bills.

HR3469, America's Border Security Act of 2007, presented on 08/07/2007 by Representative C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger, Democrat from Maryland sounds like security. When you read the bill, it is anything but security, actually legislating prevention of security. It reads, “A security perimeter known as a “virtual fence” along such international borders to provide a barrier to illegal immigration. A physical barrier is prohibited.” Why would you prohibit a physical barrier if you were not for “Open Borders?” Maybe this is a one off, let us look further.  

HR5875, Emergency Border Security Supplemental Appropriations Act         , presented on 09/23/2010 by Representative David E. Price, Democrat from North Carolina and sounds like security. When you read it, it “Rescinds from unobligated balances certain funds for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, border security fencing, infrastructure, and technology.” In other words, it directly “Opens the Border”. We have seven more; let us try another.

S1258, Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2011, presented on 06/22/2011 by Senator Robert Menendez, Democrat from New Jersey sounds good, except it is for amnesty for all.

HR547, Border Security and Responsibility Act of 2013, presented on 03/12/2013 by Representative Raul M. Grijalva, Democrat from Arizona sounds good, even getting into responsibility. That is until you read it; it prohibits the construction of border fencing, physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, sensors, or other tactical infrastructure. This aids Illegals Aliens to cross the border; would you not say Linda Qui.

S744, Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, present on 06/27/2013 by Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat from New York himself. It mimics Senator Robert Menendez’s S1258 bill and in nothing but Amnesty and for Open Borders.

HR15, Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, present on 03/26/2014 by Democrat Representative Joe Garcia from Florida. On 911, 18 of the 19 attackers were on expired VISAs or in the country illegally; the one left was on a student VISA but never attended class as required to maintain the VISA. Why do I tell you this? The VISA system is broken and needs a massive fixing, Representative Joe Garcia wants all Illegal Aliens to bypass the VISA process putting Americans at an even greater risk. Yes, he is for open borders.

HR4303, Border Security and Accountability Act of 2015, presented on 02/12/2016 by Representative Raul M. Grijalva, Democrat from Arizona, his second out of ten. This bill “Prohibits military from helping the Border Patrol, no armed Border Patrol operations within 25 miles of the border, and allows money trafficking.” This is idiotic; the military has protected our borders forever, just look at WWII for some good examples.

HR739, This Land Is Our Land Act, presented on 02/10/2017 by Representative Adriano Espaillat, Democrat from New York. This bill prohibits the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from constructing, or obligating or expending any funds for the construction of, any new border barriers, including walls or fences, on federal lands under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior or the Department of Agriculture within 100 miles of the international land borders of the United States. If you do not want walls, you are Open Border type person.

HR1477, No Taxpayer Funding for the Wall Act, presented on 05/18/2017 by Representative Gwen Moore, Democrat from Wisconsin needs little explanation. This bill prohibits: “(1) any federal agency from obligating or expending any federal funds to carry out provisions of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 regarding barriers at the border or any related provision of law or to otherwise build a border fence, wall, or related physical barriers along the U.S. southern border; and (2) a state from using federal grant funds for such purpose.” Definitely Open Borders type person. Now to the last one.

HR3474, Border Security and Accountability Act of 2017, presented on 09/05/2017 by Representative Raul M. Grijalva, Democrat from Arizona once again. It prohibits armed or Non-armed operations within 25 miles of the border, including listening posts and observation post operations. It prohibits the military involvement in border enforcement. It puts our Border Patrol at significant risk. No matter what the news tells you, you can see all 10 bills the Liberal Democrats have presented over that last 15 years is a farce and for open borders. Never believe what any Politicians or news media tells you, check to see for yourself the politician’s votes and the News Media’s lies; this will tell you the truth. It is even better if you can find a politician on tape. They admit how they really feel before the news comes out and say, “They just misspoke.” When they were letting you see the real them. Maxine Waters during an interview said, “The evidence does not matter to me.” If the evidence and truth does not matter to her, she needs removed from office. When you have National Security Reports presented to congress including the numbers, and without any data, both Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi tell DHS Secretary Kirsten Nielsen, “I Reject Your Facts”, it is for political reasons; they are putting our country and citizens at risk and need immediately removed.

We need to build the wall and secure the border, not only to help slow the Drugs coming in, Child sex slave coming in, Terrorist coming in, and Illegal Gang members coming in; but also to stop all the diseases be brought to the US by Illegal Aliens. The Washington Times headlines reads, “Tuberculosis, flu, infections rampant as the number of sick migrants surge at border”. The CDC found a direct connection between Illegal Aliens and the Enterovirus D68, the polio-like illness that has been killing American children. This seems to show the Liberal Democrats care more about getting Illegal Votes from Illegal Aliens then protecting America and its children. The Enterovirus D68 virus alone is a good enough reason to physically close the border and build the Border Wall on its own, or do we need a pandemic before the Democrats, and the American people who vote for them, see the danger? We need to build the wall and end the shutdown.

Complete list of Border Security Bills.

10/19/2005-H.R.4083-Border Security Improvement Act.  (R)
10/25/2005-S.1916-Strengthening America's Security Act of 2005.  (R)
11/17/2005-S.2049-Border Security and Modernization Act of 2005.  (R)
01/27/2006-H.R.4437-Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005.  (R)
03/09/2006-S.2394-Border Security Act of 2006.  (R)
04/07/2006-S.2454-Securing America's Borders Act.  (R)
04/17/2006-H.R.5067-Border Security and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2006.  (R)
06/06/2006-H.R.5484-Good Fences Make Good Neighbors Act of 2006.  (R)
06/23/2006-S.3564-Border Security First Act of 2006.  (R)
10/26/2006-H.R.6061-Secure Fence Act of 2006.  (R)
01/18/2007-S.330-Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2007.  (R)
02/13/2007- S.575-Border Infrastructure and Technology Modernization Act of 2007.  (R)
08/02/2007-S.1984-Immigration Enforcement and Border Security Act of 2007.  (R)
08/07/2007-H.R.3469-America's Border Security Act of 2007.  (D)
09/11/2007-H.R.2954-Secure Borders FIRST (For Integrity, Reform, Safety, and Anti-Terrorism) Act of 2007.  (R)
10/12/2007-H.R.3638-Border Security and Elimination of Sanctuary for Illegal Aliens Act of 2007.  (R)
11/02/2007-S.2294-Immigration Enforcement and Border Security Act of 2007.  (R)
11/14/2007-S.2348-Emergency Border Security Funding Act of 2007.  (R)
01/31/2008-H.R.4987-Fence By Date Certain Act.  (R)
02/14/2008-H.R.5124-Reinstatement of the Secure Fence Act of 2008.  (R)
03/06/2008-S.2709-Border Crossing Deterrence Act of 2008.  (R)
03/06/2008-S.2712-Complete the Fence Act- (R)
03/06/2008-S.2716-A bill to authorize the National Guard to provide support for the border control activities of the United States Customs and Border Protection of the Department of Homeland Security, and for other purposes.  (R)
03/18/2008-H.R.5568-Start Building a Real Fence Act of 2008.  (R)
04/10/2008-H.R.5562-To authorize the National Guard to provide support for the border control activities of the United States Customs and Border Protection of the Department of Homeland Security, and for other purposes.  (R)
04/28/2008-H.R.5728-Border Fence Trust Fund Act of 2008.  (R)
09/29/2008-H.R.6923-Complete the Fence Act.  (R)
04/17/2009-H.R.1904-Border Fence Trust Fund Act of 2009.  (R)
05/26/2009-H.R.2083-Border Sovereignty and Protection Act.  (R)
07/24/2009-H.R.3236-Complete the Fence Act.  (R)
07/31/2009-H.R.3289-Unlawful Border Entry Prevention Act of 2009.  (R)
05/05/2010-H.R.5173-Secure the Border Act of 2010.  (R)
05/07/2010-S.3332-Border Security Enforcement Act of 2010.  (R)
07/14/2010-H.R.5675-National Border and Homeland Security Act of 2010.  (R)
09/23/2010-H.R.5875-Emergency Border Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2010.  (D)
10/13/2010-H.R.5836-Border Security and Employee Verification Improvement Act of 2010.  (R)
10/20/2010-H.R.6253-National Guard Border Enforcement Act.  (R)
02/04/2011-H.R.152-National Guard Border Enforcement Act.  (R)
03/25/2011-H.R.1091-Unlawful Border Entry Prevention Act of 2011.  (R)
04/13/2011-S.803-Border Security Enforcement Act of 2011.  (R)
06/01/2011-H.R.1196-LEAVE Act.  (R)
06/02/2011-H.R.1921-Build the Fence Now Act of 2011.  (R)
06/22/2011-S.1258-Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2011.  (D)
07/11/2011-H.R.1274-Keeping the Pledge on Immigration Act of 2011.  (R)
07/11/2011-H.R.1507-Border Security Enforcement Act of 2011.  (R)
12/15/2011-H.R.3401-Enhanced Border Security Act.  (R)
06/04/2012-H.R.1299-Secure Border Act of 2012.  (R)
03/12/2013-H.R.547-Border Security and Responsibility Act of 2013.  (D)
04/08/2013-H.R.830-SAVE Act of 2013.  (R)
06/27/2013-S.744-Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act.  (D)
03/26/2014-H.R.15-Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act.  (D)
06/17/2014-H.R.4882 - Southwest Border Protection Act of 2014.  (R)
07/21/2014-H.R.4962-National Border and Homeland Security Act.  (R)
09/26/2014-H.R.5400-Border State Protection Act of 2014.  (R)
01/21/2015-S.208-Secure the Border First Act of 2015.
01/27/2015-H.R.399-Secure Our Borders First Act of 2015.  (R)
01/28/2015-H.R.300-SMART Border Act of 2015.  (R)
11/30/2015-H.R.4034-Secure Fence Restoration Act of 2015.  (R)
01/22/2016-H.R.4391-Finish the Fence Act of 2016.  (R)
02/12/2016-H.R.4303-Border Security and Accountability Act of 2015.  (D)
02/23/2016-H.R.4547-Build the Fence Act of 2016.  (R)
04/14/2016-H.R.4482-Southwest Border Security Threat Assessment Act of 2016.  (R)
01/25/2017-H.R.22-SMART Border Act of 2017.  (R)
02/02/2017-H.R.278-Finish the Fence Act of 2017.  (R)
02/02/2017-H.R.454-Finish the Fence Act of 2017.  (R)
02/10/2017-H.R.739-This Land Is Our Land Act.  (D)
03/27/2017-S.725-Transnational Criminal Organization Illicit Spotter Prevention and Elimination Act.  
04/06/2017-H.R.1741-Transnational Criminal Organization Illicit Spotter Prevention and Elimination Act.  (r)
05/15/2017-S.1126-Securing the Border and Protecting Our Communities Act.  (R)
05/18/2017-H.R.1477-No Taxpayer Funding for the Wall Act.  (D)
08/01/2017-H.R.3219-Make America Secure Appropriations Act, 2018.  (R)
08/29/2017-H.R.3436-Southwest Border Security Threat Assessment Act of 2017.  (R)
08/29/2017-H.R.3479-Secure Miles with All Resources and Technology Act.  (R)
09/05/2017-H.R.3474-Border Security and Accountability Act of 2017.  (D)
09/06/2017-H.R.3526-Border Protection Fund Act.  (R)
10/05/2017-S.1937-Border Security and Deferred Action Recipient Relief Act.  (R)
12/06/2017-S.2192-SECURE Act of 2017.  (R)
12/07/2017-S.2199-Border Security and Deferred Action Recipient Relief Act.  (R)
03/23/2018-H.R.3548-Border Security for America Act of 2017.  (R)
06/27/2018-H.R.6136-Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2018.  (R)
09/19/2018-H.R.6415-American Border Act. Text. (R)
10/09/2018-H.R.6657-Fund and Complete the Border Wall Act.  (R)
12/10/2018-H.R.3593-Securing Our Borders and Wilderness Act.  (R)

10 Democrat

73 Republican

83 total

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