
White Privilege

I really need someone to explain this “White Privilege” idiocy to me, because I apparently missed having it. People who push this theology are either lazy, or cannot forget what happened, by no one alive today, in our countries past. No one living today has been a slave or slave owner, this is just a way to divide Americans brought on by the Liberals and it is starting to get annoying. Who keeps telling you that you are inferior, that no “Whitey” will ever treat you as an equal? Is it white people or race baiters from your own race? A very wise Lady once said:

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Our past, just like every other nation on earth, has great things from our past in it, but we also have evil. If these Race Baiters were right, in America, minorities would have never been able to achieve recognition as the number one Neurosurgery in the US (Dr. Ben Carson), become a Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall, or become an American president, President Obama. Another very wise Lady once said:

“Hanging on to resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head.” - Ann Landers

White Privilege is a “Red Herring”, anybody, no matter your race or gender, can make it to the highest level of his or her ability; the only thing holding them back are themselves. I grew up working in the fields from the time I could remember. We were “Poor White Trash” even though we were not exactly white. My mom was German and my dad was Indian (American) and Irish. Half of us kids looked white like my mom (White as Ghosts), the other half, looked dark like my dad (very dark complexion); I took after my dad. Nonmatter what we looked like, we were reminded daily that we came from the wrong side of tracks, and only lesser people come from the wrong side of the tracks. I was getting in trouble every now and then but I had a State Trooper, who unfortunately knew me by first name, told me:

“Never let the past spoil your present or govern your future.”

He told me not to listen to these hateful people and sent me on a path to be something. I was angry because my mom was gone, besides going to high school, I was working 40 hours a week, and I did not understand why many of the people from the same place I was from, never worked at all; I did not want to work. I had one of my teachers, when teachers truly cared for their students; smack me upside the head and say:

“Losers live in the past. Winners learn from the past and enjoy working in the present toward the future.” - Denis Waitley

I ask you; where is my “White Privilege”. There is ZERO, but this is what the people holding minorities down want you to think. They want you to think, that there is “White Privilege” because they lose all notoriety, and in most cases money, if minorities realize these people are frauds. These people take away people’s future by living in the past and as a 1900s era writer stated:

“Don't let the past steal your present.” - Taylor Caldwell

I always told myself growing up, “If you play the victim, you will be the victim”. I do not know if I read it somewhere or just came up with it, but I live by this code. I will never play the victim because it gives people power over you and takes away your self-worth. It is the same reason I do not engage in Identity politics, I see individuals and groups as a number. I will point out facts about that number but I will not block the truth because it is offensive to a group or number. If I say something like, 77% of Black births and 49% of Latino births were out of wedlock and one reason these groups stay in poverty, this is a fact and not my opinion. If you say, “All whiteys have White Privilege”, that is an opinion, not a trackable fact. “White Privilege” is a lie, one that Liberals have been exploiting for years to hold down minorities and prevent them from reaching their potential. The problem is, even though minorities know the truth, they follow the lie.

“Stop lying to yourself. When we deny our own truth, we deny our own potential.”
- Steve Maraboli

“Politicians, especially Liberals, like dealing in half-truths. It is harder to discover their lies, when a part of their lie is factual.” - SGTG

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” - Abraham Lincoln

“A lie that is half-truth is the darkest of all lies.” - Alfred Tennyson

“Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.” - Lysander Spooner

Another problem with the thought of “White Privilege” is it is blatant overuse term just as “Racist”. When disagreeing with someone or whenever a minority gets into trouble or killed, they immediately yell “Racism”, it takes away from the true victims of racism making everyone think it is just a phrase being thrown around and really is not happening. First, every race has “Racist” within it, and every race has been the victim of “Racism”, even “Whitey”. The problem comes when every time an incident happens, people “Crying Wolf”, and as with the little boy, people will stop believing you. The Duke Lacrosse case is a good example. Crystal Gail Mangum claimed the Duke Lacrosse team raped her. Without any evidence, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton immediately said it was rooted in racism and the Duke Lacrosse team players were guilty because they were rich white kids. These innocent students would have went to jail except their parents had deep pockets for lawyers and the truth came out. Crystal Gail Mangum tried to extort the Duke Lacrosse team players for more money and they refused. What about the innocent people who do not have deep pockets? This was racist, but it was racism implemented against the White Duke Lacrosse team. What if the girl was white and the players were black, it would still be racism implemented by the accuser but I bet it would not have been in the media long. If there is a racist incident against anyone, I will be the first to stand with you; I will also be the first to say it is not racism when it is fake racism, as we all, no matter our race, should do.

Another problem with “White Privilege” is it depends on which political party you belong. No matter if White or Black, it is always the man’s fault; right. Liberals attack Bret Kavanagh viciously with zero evidence yet Bill Clinton, Al Franklin, John Conyers, and Neil Goldschmidt, who admitted having sex with a 14 year old all go free; think about that. Where is the “White Privilege”? “Sometime the lie about “White Privilege” smacks the liars in the face like CNN legal analyst Areva Martin, a black female. She accused David Webb of being the product of ‘White Privilege', the funny came when she found out David Webb was actually black. I say it is funny, but it really is not. She did this because she was taught, yell “Racism”, any time you are losing an argument.

“When you chose to live as a victim you will never become victorious” - Maria Koszler

“Abandon the idea that you will forever be the victim of the things that have happened to you. Choose to be a victor.” - Seth Adam Smith

“Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future.” – Robin Sharma

White Privilege” does not exist and is a racist trigger word. Usually, as with Crystal Gail Mangum, the Media will broadcast false racism and Race Baiters will claim racism before any facts have come out. The Media plays it up, even when they know it is false, for a political agenda or to get rating, seldom apologizing when wrong.

Let me know what you think.

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