
Islamic Hatred OK with the Liberals

The Minnesota Democrat Representative, Ilhan Omar, has made many racist, anti-Semitic remarks yet the Democratic Party has done nothing to punish her. We should not be surprised, the same group of Liberal Democrats who wanted to hang Judge Kavanagh from the highest tree for a “Wrap-Up Smear” (lie) of sexual assault with no evidence, will not do a thing about Lieutenant Governor Justin E. Fairfax, accused of sexual assault by multiple Democratic females who have evidence. I wonder if the Liberal Democrats would have reacted differently if it were a White Male making racist remarks against blacks or another person of color. The answer is, not if they were a Democrat, just look at the former United States Senator from West Virginia, Robert Byrd, who held the KKK title of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops, yet no one in the Democratic Party ever challenged or punished him; they have never tried to remove all his statues. Ilhan Omar is not the first openly racist or anti-Semitic Liberal Democratic person in Congress; it is the Democratic way after all. .

Ilhan Omar was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, which has dual citizenship; does she have dual citizenship and dual loyalty? She is Muslim, belonging to the Majeerteen Clans, which are an active group of Somali Pirates. Ilhan Omar friend, Rashida Harbi Tlaib, who is a Muslim of Palestinian decent, has made racist and as anti-Semitic remarks just like Ilhan Omar. If it would have been anyone, of any race, and of any gender from the Republican Party, their committee seats would be gone and received disciplined; but this is the Democrats, both the Democratic Party and Bias news media will cover it up. If it is something that will put a Democratic politician in a bad, but true light, the media will try to avoid it at all cost. Liberal Democrats and the media are so bias and corrupt, having “Trump Derangement Syndrome” that for the first time in our nation’s history, a Democratic political operative, has targeted the president’s family. New York’s AG, Letitia James, has opened up investigations into President Trump and his family’s past, not because there was a crime committed, but to see if she can find something to call a crime after the whole “Russian Collusion” debacle ended. This is corruption and tyranny at its best. If they wanted to open an investigation, why not investigate Hillary’s “Pay to Play” while she was Secretary of State; oh, that is right, because she is a democrat. To get back on target, why has the media and Democratic Party not dug into the party of eight?

A photo from 2005 shows eight members of Congress buddying up to one of the biggest anti-Semite, races person in America, Louis Farrakhan. The eight were Illinois Democratic Representative Barack Hussain Obama, Illinois Democratic Representative Danny Davis, Minnesota Democratic Representative Keith Ellison, New York Democratic Representative Gregory Meeks, California Democratic Representative Maxine Waters, South Carolina Democratic Representative James Clyburn, Indiana Democratic Representative Andre Carson, and Texas Democratic Representative Al Green. The photographer hid the photo from the public until after the reelection of President Obama to mask his support for Islamic hatred. President Obama has sense said he denounced Mr. Farrakhan, but is the just an act of Taqiya. If he truly denounced anti-Semitism, then why would he or any president give $150 billion dollars to the number one anti-Semitic country and number one sponsor of Terrorism in the world, Iran, especially when America is the number one target? This makes you wonder why President Obama and Eric Holder did not prosecute the members of the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation, when the DOJ attorneys said it was a “Slam Dunk Case”; was this because of their race?

Helen Thomas, a hero among many reporters, was one of the biggest anti-Semites in the world and did not try to cover it up. She was of Palestinian decent but does that give you the right to be racist; no. Anti-Semitic remarks got her fired, but she doubled down on her anti-Semitism, as all Liberals who lose the moral high ground, and claimed to be the victim. She began as a journalist in 1943 and never tried to cover up her hatred for the Jews even after watching Hitler slaughter millions. This type of deep seeded hatred is what we see from many Islamic leaders and Liberals.

In our collages we have Liberal anti-Semitic Professors like Joy Karega at Oberlin College, Hamid Dabashi at Columbia, Michael Chikindas at Rutgers, Elizabeth Midlarsky at Columbia, John Cheney-Lippold at University of Michigan, Marc Lamont Hill at Temple University, Clyde Magarelli at William Paterson University, and the list goes forever. In our collages, we have openly racist remarks by professors like James Livingston at Rutgers University, like Oscar Monge at San Diego State University, like Saida Grundy at Boston University, like Shannon Gibney at Minneapolis Community and Technical College, like Michael Eric Dyson at Georgetown University, less we forget Henry Louis Gates at Harvard, and the list again goes forever. If all these professors can be racist and anti-Semitic, the culture of Islam fits right in.

The bottom line is, we know Islam at its core is filled with hate for all that do not follow Allah, and even some that do. When you hate women so much, you put a rape victim to death for accusing the perpetrator, you are not right in the head. When you want to kill everyone of any other religion, you are not right in the head. When you throw people in the LGBT community off buildings because you do not like their lifestyle, you are not right in the head. When you perform Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) because they are only for baring children and should not enjoy it, you are not right in the head. When you “Honor Kill” your women because they have offended you, you are not right in the head. When you sent your children to blow themselves up in the name of Allah, you are not right in the head. If you are of any other religion, from no religion, and you support the Liberal leaders who support the Islamic atrocities, you are not right in the head.  

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