
MAGA Hate from Mega Left

There are two sayings I tell everyone when he or she want to find the truth out about a person or group. First, check history to see if any of the actions you are seeing has happened in the past. Second, do not trust what anyone says, to find out what they are truly about look at their actions.

If you look into the worlds past, you will find a distinctive pattern when it comes to oppression and tyranny. They bully and attack anyone or group that opposes you by any means necessary. This is what Hitler, Stalin, and Mao did for a combined death toll of around 118 million people. First, they started indoctrinating kids in schools. Second, they started lying and presenting false information about their opposition. Third, they started attacking any who opposed them. Fourth, they disarmed any who could challenge them. Last, they murdered all who did not blindly follow them.  

When President Obama shirts and hats started popping up, you did not hear about attacks on people wearing them, the only place you seen them in the news was in the massive amount of mugshots of people wearing the President Obama shirts which should be a warning sign. You do not see any other president in history with this statistic, not even President Trump, but you do see the most attacks on supporters of any president, perpetrated by the Liberal Left; a short list is below.

When you can look into our schools and universities to see Liberal educators revising history because it proves their errors. When these same educators are preventing free speech because it is the only way for them to stop the truth. When these educators call for people to kill police, they need fired. These educators allow no viewpoint other than their viewpoint, berating any student who thinks differently than they want you to think, look to Perry High School in Arizona for one of hundred examples, where the school punished students for wearing MAGA hats. When you see this, you have met the first step of oppression and tyranny, which is indoctrination of our kids.

When you have Liberal Leaders like Nancy Pelosi bragging about the “Wrap-Up Smear”, who admits to using lies and disinformation to remove someone the Left does not like by any means necessary, you have met the second step of oppression and tyranny, which is lying and presenting false information about their opposition. It is the majority of the Democratic Party and several in the Republican Party who are doing this, not just Nancy Pelosi. They will lie to get credibility by passing it to three news agencies just to have them quote each other without ever admitting they lied. If a celebrity says a falsity, it is automatically the truth because they are liberal. For an example, look at Jussie Smollett, a black, openly gay actor, who on 29 January 2019, filed a false police report stating someone wrapped a noose around his neck and yelled, "This is MAGA country." The news ran high and low with it until it was proven fake, but did they ever say they were wrong; No.

The third item was physically attacking People, like the Nazis Brown Shirts, who oppose you. Hitler claimed no affiliation to the Brown Shirts just like Liberal Democrats claim no affiliation to Occupy Wall Street, BLM, NBP, ANTIFA, La Raza, and more, but they openly show support for them. The Nazi’s called for attacks on the opposition parties as Liberal Democratic Leaders like Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and many others are calling for attacks on those who oppose their view or are in a different party. You might just think it is just words and rhetoric, but the just as the Brown Shirts attacked the Nazi opponents, the attacks on Conservatives and Republicans prove it is not.

This call for attack on the Conservatives and Republican politicians did not slow down one beat even after James Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois, a left-wing activist, On 14 June 2017, shot five people at the Republican practice for the Congressional Baseball Game for Charity. Republican Cory Gardner’s wife received a graphic text message with video of a beheading shortly after he voted to confirm Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanagh. Police arrested Liberal Democrat; Clifton Ward after threatening to kill Republican Diane Black who was running for Tennessee governor. Sohail Rana, a Radical Democrat who follows Radical Islam, which Democrats protect, pleaded guilty to threatening to kill Republican Clay Higgins from Louisiana. Police arrested a man for threatening to cut off Republican Rand Paul’s head with an ax.

I know, even after the Congressional Baseball Game for Charity attack, these are just idle threats, or are they. Police arrested a Democratic operative after assaulting Republican Adam Laxalt and a female campaign manager; The Alameda County Sheriff's office arrested, Registered Democrat, Farzad Fazeli, who pulled a switchblade knife, and tried to stab California Republican Rudy Peters. Sense that time, Republican Susan Collins was mail ricin, a deadly poison with no antidote. The Laramie, Wyo. Republican office was set on fire, a case of arson, according to police. This is not just happening to political figures, but also civilians. An adult punched a peaceful 15-year old Pro Life activist in Virginia. The protesters called the police after the assault, but Virginia must allow adults to assault children, they made no arrests. This should not shock us sense Liberals are for murdering babies even after they are born. If you challenge them peacefully, they will attack.

The attacks coming from the Liberal Left are fierce and they are trying to take out the most vital resource our Founding Fathers put into place to stop tyranny and an out of control government; our Second Amendment. After President Trump initiated his steps to protect the America people, the first thing out of Nancy Pelosi’s mouth is, “We can use executive order for Gun Control.” The first fact to point out is no law that Liberals have come up with has stopped any shootings because they go after the honest person instead of criminals. Gun free zones do nothing but make honest people a bigger target because criminals do not follow the law. Gun Free Zones are a criminal’s best friend; the criminals know they are safer because Law-Abiding Citizens will be unarmed. Liberals try to play this off as they are concerned for children but this is a ruse, if they were concerned about children, they would not be pro-abortion and for allowing live aborted viable children to die. The real reason is that they cannot control the American people as long as we have a way to resist.

Below is a short list of MAGA people being attacked, how many Obama people did you see attacked.

In January 2017, Greg Piatek of Philadelphia had his First Amendment Right violated by the “The Happiest Hour bar”. Liberal New York State Supreme Court Justice David B. Cohen, who stated discrimination is legal if you are wearing a MAGA hat, then violated him again.

On 4 February 2017, a 12-year old Mr. Cortina was mob attacked and beat on the on the school bus for wearing a MAGA hat.

On 31 August 2017, at a suburb school near Atlanta Georgia, an unidentified teacher told students they could not wear MAGA items then expressed her political views; this is “Indoctrination”. The River Ridge High School principle apologized and reversed the teacher, but never gives her name or what discipline the teacher received.

On 6 October 2017, Edith Macias, assaulted Matthew Vitale on the UC Riverside for wearing a MAGA hat, she now faces felony charges.

On 13 November 2017, a transgender YouTube vlogger wore a “Make America Great Again” hat around Hollywood to see what would happen in a Liberal area, trying to see if Liberals were violent. Upon arrival at the “Walk of Fame”, Liberals quickly attacked the group.

On 12 May 2018, 22-year old Eugenior Joseph, a black man, wearing a MAGA hat had the complete staff at Cheesecake Factory in Dadeland Florida; physically threaten him and calling him the N-word.

On 5 July 2018, 30-year old Kino Jimenez attacked 16-year-old Hunter Richard for wearing a MAGA hat at a San Antonio Whataburger.

On 20 July 2018, Ethan Jackson and a woman attacked 17-yar old Ashton Hess for wearing a MAGA hat outside of Starbucks in Seattle Washington.

On 28 August 2018, Jo-Ann Butler, a 17-year-old Union Mine High School student in El Dorado County California, assaulted a classmate and teacher because the student was wearing a MAGA hat. Ms. Butler said it was her way of expressing her “Political Feelings.”

On 16 Nov 2018, 42-year old Daniel Zaroes Brito viciously attacked Jonathan Sparks, breaking his ankle and ripping off his “Make American Great Again” for supporting President Trump in Tucson Arizona.

On 19 February 2019, a coward yet unidentified, even though Berkley University and police know his identity, attacked Hayden Williams for being a conservative.

On 23 February 2019, police charged Rosiane Santos, 41, with disorderly conduct, assault, and battery of Bryton Turner for wearing a MAGA hat in Falmouth, Massachusetts. Ms. Santos was also an Illegal Alien illegally in the country.

On 25 February 2019, a coward attacked an 81-year old man for wearing a MAGA hat in Franklin Township New Jersey.

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