
What is the Truth about Islam?

When you think of Islam, if you are going to understand Islam, you need to do an honest evaluation. You need to take a step back and honestly look at what the Quran, Shariah Law, and the Imam’s teaching within Islam from an unbiased open-minded position. You need to realize, it is not just a religion to the Islamic people. It is their spiritual core, governing core, their fighting core, their judgement core, and their executioner core, and their mosque is the support for all of these cores. Any supplies, planning, and selection of personnel for attacks, all go through their mosque and Imam. You ask, “How can this be, they condemn the attacks.” This is why you need to learn about Islam.

When you talk to Muslims, you will have three trains of thought and actions. First, you have the ones who just wants to live in peace and raise their family; they are the minority of Islam. Second, you have the ones who do not want to get blood on their hands but supports the violence within the teaching of Islam, by funding or physically helping to supply the violence of Islam; they are the majority of Islam. Last, you have the ones funded by the second group, who carries out all violence condoned by Islam; this group according to experts makes up from 15% to 25% of Islam. The majority of Islam have no honor or integrity with any outside of Islam, their religion teaches them that dishonorable actions are honorable.

There are five words, which define how the Islamic religion is to deal with any non-believers, and even other Islamic groups with whom they disagree; they are listed below.

  1. Taqiyya- deployed as active deceit. (They are taught that lying, cheating, and stealing are OK when dealing with any non-Islamic believers. 
  2. Takiyya- Is the religiously sanctioned deception to protect or promote Islam. (The Islamic religion will condone anything that spreads the Islamic religion and kills all others, even atheism)
  3. Tawriya- Is a doctrine that allows lying in virtually all circumstances including to fellow Muslims and by swearing to Allah. (If we swear to God, it means something; to them it is a deception.)
  4. Kitman- It comes from the Arabic word katama and means “to hide” or “to conceal”. (On 911 and the Pulse Night Club shooting, and the Fort Hood shooting, they concealed their intentions until completed.)
  5. Muruna- literally means “stealth” or “flexibility. (They are to hide in the shadows until the time is right.)

How honorable can a religion be whose core belief is deception? This should sound familiar. It is how Islam was able to carry out the 911 attacks on US soil, it is how Islam carries out Blue on Green attacks on our military, and it was how US Islamic soldiers like Hasan K. Akbar and Nidal Hasan, was able to murder other US soldiers who swore the same oath to protect each other. It is ironic that Islam murder people, calling it “Honor Killings”, but in reality they have no honor. The above are all facts but let us see if the Quran teaches this violence against all other people or is it just an anomaly within one part of this religion.

America is a big mixing bowl; the only thing asked of naturalized citizens is that you follow only US laws and assimilate into our society.

  • Sura 3.28, the faithful should not take the faithless for allies instead of the faithful, and whoever does that Allah will have nothing to do with him, except when you are wary of them out of caution. Allah warns you to beware of [disobeying] Him, and toward Allah is the return.
  • Sura 4.101, when you journey in the land, there is no sin upon you in shortening the prayers, if you fear that the faithless may trouble you; indeed the faithless are your manifest enemies.
  • Sura 5.51, O you who have faith! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for allies: they are allies of each other. Any of you who allies with them is indeed one of them. Indeed Allah does not guide the wrongdoing lot.
  • Sura 9.123, O you who have faith! Fight the faithless who are in your vicinity, and let them find severity in you, and know that Allah is with the Godwary.
  • Sura 25.52, so do not obey the faithless, but wage against them a great jihād with it.

It does not sound like they want to assimilate to me; this might be why the Dearborn Michigan population is about 60 percent Arab descent, 44.7% non-English speaking, and 29.7% are foreign born.

Well, just because they are of Arab descent, non-English speaking, and foreign born, does not mean they are against other religions. What does the Quran say about other religions?

  • Sura 2.193, fight them until faithlessness is no more, and religion becomes exclusively for Allah. Then if they relinquish, there shall be no reprisal except against the wrongdoers (who do not submit).
  • Sura 8.39, fight them until faithlessness1 is no more, and religion becomes exclusively for Allah. But if they relinquish, Allah indeed sees best what they do.
  • Sura 9.29, fight those who do not have faith in Allah nor believe in the Last Day, nor forbid what Allah and His Apostle have forbidden, nor practice the true religion, from among those who were given the Book, until they pay the tribute out of hand, degraded.

Does it sound like they want all religions to COEXIST, no, they want to be the one and only. In their belief all other religions or having no religion is blasphemy, and those people should be put to death. Wait, does the Quran really condone violence?  

  • Sura 56.17, they will be waited upon by immortal youths, with goblets and ewers and a cup of a clear wine, which neither causes them headache nor stupefaction, and such fruits as they prefer and such flesh of fowls as they desire.
  • Sura 76.19, they will be waited upon by immortal youths, whom, when you see them, you will suppose them to be scattered pearls.

This is the verses where the Islamic religion allows 9-year-old girls to be married, with the marriage consummated that night. This is where the Islam religion allows the rape for both male and female children if no parent is around or they are not Muslim. Think about that for a second.

  • Sura 3.56, as for the faithless, I will punish them with a severe punishment in the world and the Hereafter; and they will have no helpers.
  • Sura 9.14, make war on them so that Allah may punish them by your hands and humiliate them, and help you against them, and heal the hearts of a faithful folk.
  • Sura 9.30, the Jews say, ‘Ezra is the son of Allah,’ and the Christians say, ‘Christ is the son of Allah.’ That is an opinion that they mouth, imitating the opinions of the faithless of former times. May Allah assail them, where do they stray.

So now they want to portray violence against all who will not submit to Allah; that COEXIST thing does not seem attainable and it is only Islam’s fault; but can it get worse?

  • Sura 81.8, when the girl buried-alive will be asked for what sin she was killed.

Stoning of women is common in Islam; it is an Honor killing to them, murder to everyone else. Women can be stoned for because they were raped, they were disobeyed their father, brother, or son. Yes, this happens in America. Aqsa"Axa" Parvez, 16, father and brother strangled her for not wearing a hijab or head covering; it dishonored the family. The father of Amina, 18, and Sarah Said, 17, shot them for dating non-Muslims. The father of Sandeela Kanwai, 25, strangled her for wanting to divorce a man she was forced to marry. The father of Noor Almaleki, 20, ran over her in an SUV because she was too westernized. The father and mother of Palestina Isa, 16, murdered their daughter for listening to American music. The husband of Aasiya Zubair bought a New York television station to portray Islam in a positive light. When his wife asked for a divorce, he murdered and beheaded his wife in the studio; the Liberal New York, only charged and convicted him of 2nd Degree Murder.

The list goes on and on; Honor killings, Female Genital Mutilation, and Child marriage is a common stay in the American Islamic community. You ask how they can get away with this. The answer is there are too many Liberal judges on the bench. In 1996, both Democrats and Republicans passed a statute criminalizing female genital mutilation; that is the job of the US Congress. In November 2018, this judge, Judge Friedman, said it was unconstitutional. Therefore, it is unconstitutional to stop the mutilation of little girls; welcome to the new Democratic Party. No matter, out of appeasement or fear, this is wrong.

If you want to talk Shariah Law, below are the Shariah Law mandates. I ask you, is this a loving peaceful religion? Let me know after you read below.

  1. Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands (Quran 5:38).
  2. Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
  3. Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
  4. Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death (see Allah moon god).
  5. A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death (See Compulsion).
  6. A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
  7. A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
  8. A woman or girl who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
  9. Testimonies of 4 male witnesses are required to prove rape of a female (Quran 24:13).
  10. A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery.
  11. A woman or girl found guilty of adultery is punishable by death (see "Islamophobia").
  12. A male convicted of rape can have his conviction dismissed by marrying his victim.
  13. Muslim men have sexual rights to any woman/girl not wearing the Hijab (see Taharrush).
  14. A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
  15. A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
  16. Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
  17. A man can beat his wife for insubordination (see Quran 4:34 and Religion of Peace).
  18. A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a wife needs her husband's consent to divorce.
  19. A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.
  20. A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's.
  21. A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (see Mathematics in Quran).
  22. A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
  23. Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be "Halal."
  24. Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.

The last part is the Imam’s teachings, all you have to do is go onto YouTube and search and you will find many full of hate in America, Louis Farrakhan is one of the worse and has one of the biggest followings in the US. The religion of Islam is nothing but hate and deception; this is from their own words. The Quran, Shariah Law, and the Imam’s teaching is at the least, deceitful. Allah, in the Quran is the great deceiver. I have seen in the Middle East, children strapped with bombs and told to kill Americans. ISIS, which is part of Islam, showed 8 year-old kids executing people; how sick can one religion be. Islam’s whole purpose is to make the whole world submit to them; do you want that. We need politicians for America instead of their party, than maybe we can be safe in America.

Please Comment, I want to hear what you think.

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