
Islam in It's Own Light

If you want to see what Islam brings and is about, look to Islam countries for the answers. When I say this, I am talking about the religion and its followers, not the Muslim race. There are many Muslims who follow and do not follow Islam like there are many followers of Islam who are not of Muslim descent. If you want to know the truth about anything, you go to its core; so let us go to Islam's core.

There is no doubt that Islamic ran countries are scary to live in, not only for non-Islamic people, but also for Islamic people. There are 195 countries in the world with 50 of them controlled by the Islamic Religion and Shariah Law. There is 7.53 billion people in the world, the Islamic religion accounts for 1.6 billion people, or 21.3 percent of the world population. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a far left Islamic organization admits, radical Islam is between 15 to 25% according to all intelligence services around the world. This mean between 240 to 400 million Muslims are terrorist; think about that for a minute. That is more than the whole population of America. As I have said in the past, you have about 25% of Muslims who want to live in peace and just raise their children, but their religious heritage will not allow them this peace; if you leave Islam, by Shariah Law, you must be put to death. You are born into a violent religion that you can never leave without being “Honor Killed”. I have not even talked about the 50% left who support Radical Islam, but do not want to get their hands dirty. This 50%, for Political Correctness (PC) reasons, along with the 25% of radicals, are still in our country, thanks to our politicians. Why would you allow a threat to stay?

By saying this, many will say I am an Islamophobic, considering I have many Islamic friends, this is just the Liberals trying to bully again. My friends will tell you straight up that the Islamic Religion is not peaceful, but the most violent murderous entity in the world. One of my friends who escaped Lebanon talks about the execution of his friends because they were not Islamic enough, they refused to murder innocent people. I watched at an observing position while this religion shot a mother in the back of the head because she was not walking far enough behind her husband. We can across children who arms were burned by acid to get their parents to perform an action for the Insurgents. It is a normal every day occurrence to see people of the LGBT community thrown off buildings, or children hung by cranes because an Imam or government official was offended by something they said. The main teachings come from the Quran, which I cover in “What is the Truth about Islam?”, is violent verses against all that is not Islam. In the same writing, I tell you about Taqiyya, Takiyya, Tawriya, Kitman, and Muruna, which is the Islamic belief that Islam can lie, deceive, cheat, steal, trick, and manipulate any and all who are not Islamic for their own good and the good of Allah; Allah is known and referenced as the great deceiver in the Quran. If someone is a liar, deceiver, cheat, thief, trickster, and manipulator, are you going to let them into your house? I won't,

There is over 20,000 estimated honor killings a year. in another writing, “Muslim’s Peaceful Religion, Atrocities, and Honor Killings”, I point out that the Islamic religion uses no normal logic to commit what they call, “Honor Killings”, which is nothing but sanctioned murder. Just recently, Abdulkareem al-Hawaj,who was detained at the age of 16, was beaten, tortured with electricity with his hands chained above his head until he confessed to charges the Saudi government made up, then he was executed because he tweeted something about a protest. You can say many things about Islam, having “Freedom of Speech” is not one of them. Islam is the number one executors of children, Iran executed a nine year old girl, her crime, she was raped. The main reasons for “Honor Killings” are refusal of forced marriage, seeking a divorce, talk against family, victim of rape, being a member of the LGBT community, having forbidden friends (anyone outside Islam) or partners (anyone outside Islam or disliked by the family), or becoming to “Westernized.” Amina, 18, and Sarah Said, 17, were shot to death, in America, by their moderate Muslim father, because they were becoming to westernized. There is an estimated minimum of 500 Honor Killings every year in the US by the Islamic community. Leftist Judges allow the Islamic religion to get away with mutilating children as we saw in Michigan, with doctors illegally performing an estimated 200 Female Genital Mutilation procedures on children to follow Shariah Law. It is illegal to follow any law the contradicts US law in America, yet a judge in Detroit has declared America's Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) law unconstitutional; he accepted Shariah Law over the US Constitution and Law. By their own actions, Islam once again show they have no problem abusing children by FGM or child brides which is pedophilia.

If you read the Quran, you will soon find out that the number one priority of Islam is to conquer the world and make all submit to Allah or die; it is written in their “Holly Book.” We allow CAIR, who was busted by the FBI supporting terrorism, to remain an active group in the US, Why? We have a Somali representative who is of the Islamic faith, openly making anti-Semitic remarks, and disrespecting our fallen soldiers, and the Liberal Democrats are backing her; why. Islam believes if you usher in the 13th Imam, or Imam Mahdi, the Imam at the end of time; but they must kill one third of earths population to create the turmoil to accomplish this. If you do not believe me, read the Quran for yourself, that is what Thomas Jefferson did to find out what drove the Barbary Pirates, who were Islamic. After reading it, he immediately declared war on the Barbary Pirates because he realized they were a cancerous danger in the world. Radical Islam is the biggest threat to the world, including the US, and we had better wake up. If you are Muslim and want to live in peace, integrate with the rest of America, and become a contributing part; I stand o 100% behind you. If you want to attack America from within, refuse to integrate making a subculture, or kill mutilate and murder innocent children from within our boarders; you need to leave. This is not asking to much.

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