
Who are the Real Racist and Anti-Semites in Congress?

Did you ever wonder who the biggest Anti-Semites and Racist are in Congress? We have a few but most people are scared to call them out, after all, they are Racist or have a phobia of some type if they do. I do not care your race, gender, religion, or sexual preference, no matter what your tags are, if you discriminate against another that has a different tag then you, you are bigoted, racist, or have a phobia. Our country have some very simple rules, especially for foreigners, to join us as Americans. Come here legal, assimilate into our society, work for a living, live by our laws only, and treat all with respect. Unfortunately, especially in our political arena, we have forgotten these basic rules. Your opinion, according to University of California, Berkeley professors, if found offensive by another, gives them the right to physically attack you. It does NOT! Wake Up! First let us understand one thing about immigrants and Illegal Aliens; immigrants is not a race and neither is an Illegal Alien, but the latter is a criminal. I am not a racist because I want a border wall and neither are you if you do not want a wall, but there are other factors, that do show racist people. Being an Anti-Semite is being a racist, it is just against one race. While history shows Democrats created the KKK after the Civil War, after Democratic Senator Robert Byrd died, I do not know one member of Congress who has belong to the KKK. That said, I do know members of Congress who are Anti-Semites and racist by their own words and actions which do not need translated. If you call a black person the N-word, a white person the Cr-word, or a Spanish person the S-word, you are a racist. When we talk about Anti-Semite groups, four are at the forefront, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Nation of Islam (NOI), Free Palestine 1948, and in our collages, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

The FBI has identified CAIR, as a supporter of Islamic Terrorist Groups. The State Department has found ties between CAIR and Islamic Terrorist support group in the US. Therefore, why are they still allowed operating in the US? The sad part is, we have members of Congress, specifically Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib who support them. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, asked and let Imam Omar Suleiman of Irving Texas, a known Anti-Semite and supporter of Terrorist Groups, deliver the noon prayer in the House of Representatives. According to the FBI, American Jews are still the victims of a majority of religious hate crimes in the U.S., despite making up less than 2 percent of the population.

Founded in 1930, The Nation of Islam (NOI) has grown into one of the wealthiest and best-known organizations in black America. It believes Black are superior to all other races, and are in fact a highly racist, Anti-Semitic, and Anti-LGBT group. Just like the KKK, it is almost 100% Liberal Democrats; think about that. Their statements like, “These same Jews that are attacking the Minister are the blood relatives of the slave ship owners” and “Jews have been conclusively linked to the greatest criminal endeavor ever undertaken against an entire race of people, the black African Holocaust” which are lies. The Barbary Pirates brought most slaves to America and they were Islamic. If you were a Black who hates racism, or an LGBT hating your persecution, why would you want to support this group? Unfortunately, many of our Democratic Politicians completely support NOI, which means they support discrimination.

Free Palestine 1948, they want to annihilate all Jewish people and take Israel. On 14 May 1948, the Arab countries and the Palestinian people attacked Israel to finish what Hitler had started; the Arab countries lost. In 1967, the Islamic countries tried again, known today as the “6-Day War”, where Israel soundly defeated Libya, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. In 1973, Egypt and Syria, attacked Israel, again, Israel was victorious. The Palestinian Authority promised if if Israel gave the West Bank and Gaza Strip back to Palestine, they could have peace. Israel did but there has been no peace; Hamas and Hezbollah consistently attack Israel. Free Palestine 1948 has a direct link to Islamic Terrorist groups. Once again, we have members of Congress, specifically Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib who support them.

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is one of the most Anti-Semite groups on campuses in the US. One At the University of California, Berkley, an SJP member "grabbed a pro-Israel sign from a Jewish student and then shoved him," according to the report. Statements and graffiti stating, “Zionists should be sent to the gas chamber", was also found. At Drexel University, a Jewish student found a swastika and the word "Jew" written near an Israeli flag outside his dorm room from SJP. So why are they allowed to remain on these Liberal campuses?

We have Congress member, like Danny Davis who finally did a U-turn after receiving pressure and has denounced racist Anti-Semites like Farrakhan, but he initially supported him. I guess he is lying again for his reelection bid. Other take another path.

Liberal Democrat Representative Keith Ellison, was the first Islamic elected to Congress even with his close ties to anti-Semitic leader, Louis Farrakhan, and the Nation of Islam. Ellison renounced his association with the Nation of Islam in 2006 (wink, wink) when he found out it was effecting his run for congress. Johari Abdul-Malik, of Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center, uploaded a YouTube video in 2013 showing Ellison meeting with Farrakhan. A documented private hotel meeting in 2015, between Ellison, Farrakhan, and Liberal Democrat Representative Andre Carson shows the support is still there. Therefore, I guess he really did not denounce his ties to Farrakhan.

Liberal Democrat Representative Andre Carson will not denounce the Anti-Semitic leader, Louis Farrakhan, and the Nation of Islam. He refuses to denounce the racist, Anti-Semitic and Anti-LGBT rhetoric of the Nation of Islam leaders, including top minister Louis Farrakhan. When Republicans pointed this out, Carson dismissed the Republicans as the “Republican Jewish Coalition”, stating that they did not have “"any credibility with him.” He is another Liberal Democrat Anti-Semitic Representative.

Liberal Democrat Representative Maxine Waters of her embracing Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. “The powerful Jews are my enemy,” declared Farrakhan, who once openly praised Adolf Hitler. “White folks are going down.” and “Jews were responsible for all of this filth and degenerate behavior,” the black supremacist figure stated in a “Saviors’ Day” address in February, according to the Washington Examiner and Waters agrees with him. I guess we can safely say she is an Anti-Semite.

Liberal Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar, during her March 23 Los Angeles speech at a Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) event in stated, “Some people did something”. The FBI identified CAIR as a supporter of terrorist. Omar said during the speech, “For far too long, we [Muslims] have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen and, frankly, I’m tired of it, and every Muslim in this country should be tired of it. CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.” She, as all Liberal Democrats lied to cover up her Anti-Semite rhetoric; in 1994, CAIR’s was founded, not 2001. She also refuses to say Islamic Terrorist orchestrated and carried out the 911 attacks. When people called her on it, even from her own party, she said they were “Islamophobia” and manipulating her remarks. She will call you a racist, as she did with Stephen Miller a “White Nationalist”, who is a Jew.

Liberal Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib from Michigan on twitter stated, “When will the world stop dehumanizing our Palestinian people who just want to be free? Headlines like this & framing it in this way just feeds into the continued lack of responsibility on Israel who unjustly oppress & target Palestinian children and families.” She is lying as do most every Liberal, the Palestinians where in alliance with Hitler and aiding the Jew genocide. In an effort to live in peace with the Palestinians, Israel gave up the West Bank (1993) and Gaza Strip (2005) with the agreement that they would stop their terrorist attacks on Israel; you can see today that the word of the Palestinians means nothing. Representative Tlaib later stated, she stated that thinking about the Holocaust gave her "kind of a calming feeling" and she offered Jews bread on Passover, which is an insult to the Jewish community, which she would have known. Representative Tlaib has tried to “Strong Arm” Pitzer College to drop support of University of Haifa in Israel, because, it is in Israel, and finally yet importantly, she is a member of the Free Palestine 1948 group, the group supports Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist groups and calls for the annihilation of all Jews. Does this not sound like an Anti-Semite to you.

Former Liberal Democratic Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, shows she is Anti-Semitic all through her career in politics. WikiLeaks released emails showing she and senior officials in the Democratic National Committee (DNC) orchestrated targeting of Senator. Bernie Sanders for being a Jew. “I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps.” She adamantly supported and has ties to Black Lives Matter (BLM), who is Anti-Semitic and renounced by mostly all people; Clinton has yet to renounce BLM or its views. The State Department’s email dump of Clinton’s correspondence shows she supported articles attacking Israel. She supported Max Blumenthal, her closest adviser, Sidney Blumenthal’s son, who likens Israel to Nazi Germany and attacked the late Elie Wiesel. She supported Palestinian, Suha Arafat, after Ms. Arafat falsely accused of “Gassing” Palestinian women and children, using the hateful gas reference to initiate an Israeli response. When asked, Clinton stated, “I did what I was expected to do.” She supported and negotiated the release of billions of dollars to the number one most Anti-Semitic Terrorist group in the world, Iran. Hillary Clinton praised actress Lena Dunham, who published an article last year, “Dog or Jewish Boyfriend? A Quiz”, which was completely an Anti-Semitic, and joined her for an interview.

The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) group called on Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Danny Davis (D-Ill.), Andre Carson (D-Ind.) Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) and Al Green (D-Texas) to step down for their support of Anti-Semitism. Did you notice the party who say they are for the fair treatment of all are the ones discriminating, while their leadership does nothing to them, even electing them to run for President? If you are a minority, do you actually believe the Democratic Party has your best interest at hand; or are they just giving lip service while, while holding you down, to get your vote. There is no difference in being Anti-Semitic, Anti- Black, Anti-White, Anti-LGBT, or Anti-Strait; all are bigoted. So why do you vote for them? If you have a “Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, or any other Caucus that admittance is decided by Race, Religion, Gender, or another factor; you are a bigot. Think about that.

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