
CAIR Is an Islamic Terrorist Support Organization

Before we get started, we need to look at history to see the facts because they sure do not teach them in school anymore. The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928 and labeled a “Terrorist Organization”, in the 1950s, after trying to assassinate Egypt's President Gamal Abdel Nasser. In the 1970s after the death of Nasser, the new President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat, tried to remove the “Terrorist Organization” label and invited them back into Egypt. Afterwards, he engaged in negotiations with Israel to get back the Sinai Peninsula which they had lost in the Six-Day War of 1967, culminating in the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty; this won him and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin the Nobel Peace Prize. The majority of Egyptians celebrated and rejoices, but it was rejected by the Muslim Brotherhood, Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Hezbollah, Hamas, and the left. On 6 Oct 1981, militant (terrorist) Muslim Brotherhood and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) people, led by Khalid Islambouli, opened fire on Sadat with automatic rifles during the 6 October parade in Cairo, killing him. Following Islambouli's execution, Iran, the number one supporter of terrorism in the world, and their Supreme Leader, Ruhollah Khomeini, declared him a martyr. The Muslim Brotherhood, PLO, Hezbollah, and Hamas are all Islamic Terrorist organizations ,who if you read what they say, believe all other religions, especially Jews and Christians, need to be exterminated.

The Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) was founded in 1989, and along with the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, helped found Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in 1994. HLF was the largest Islamic charity in the United States, headquartered in Richardson, Texas, and run by Palestinian-Americans who founders were convicted on 108 charges, including material support for terrorism, money laundering and tax fraud. HLF was found to support several terrorist organizations including the Muslim Brotherhood, PLO, Hezbollah, and Hamas. The HLF is now considered defunct in the US.,

Fatah is another terrorist organization linked to CAIR. Fatah, also spelled Fath, means Conquest, conquering, or victory and is an inverted acronym of Ḥarakat al-Taḥrīr al-Waṭanī al-Filasṭīnī (“Palestine National Liberation Movement”); a terrorist group. The word is used in religious discourse to signify the Islamic expansion. The founders of Fatah included Yasser Arafat, leader at the time of the PLO. Another helper of CAIR was the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), a group with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and other terrorist groups. They holds titles on approximately 300 properties, mosques, and Islamic schools in the US today. Why is a terrorist group allowed to hold properties in the US? NAIT demands all in the US conform to Shariah Law.

When it comes to CAIR, there is no doubt that it is a terror organization given its founding and connections to many other terrorist organizations. The FBI's former Chief of Counter-Terrorism, Steven Pomerantz, proved that CAIR was giving aid to international terrorist groups like Hamas. Kamal Nawash, head of Free Muslims Against Terrorism, says CAIR condemn terrorism on the surface while endorsing an ideology that helps foster extremism, adding that "almost all of their members are theocratic Muslims who reject secularism and want to establish Islamic states." Testimony of Simon Henderson, Saudi Strategies, Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Terrorism - In July 1999 (page 7), “the IDB gave a grant of $250,000 for the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR, for refurbishment of new offices. Since September 11, 2001 three CAIR officials have been indicted by the federal government on terrorist charges...” Testimony of Matthew Epstein Before the Committee Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology, and Homeland Security - (page 2) "Saudi largess has similarly been bestowed upon the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a U.S. based organization purporting to "promote a positive image of Islam and Muslims in America" and "empower the Muslim community in America through political and social activism."1 However, in supporting claims of religious discrimination, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and its leadership has managed to disguise its true agenda of supporting militant Islam and protecting the operations of radical groups supporting terrorism.”

Of the FBI's Top 20 most wanted Terrorist in the US, Islam, with a population of 1.1% of the US population, how many of the Top 20 do you think are Islamic? The number is 11 of the 20 Most wanted are Islamic; that is over 50% with a US population of 1.1%; think about that. Most people think that the Islamic attacks in the US is from foreign actors, but according to the FBI, the majority of jihadist terrorists in the United States are not foreign infiltrators, they are American citizens or legal residents. Of all Islamic attacks in the US, 87.5% are launch from Liberal states, that is 7 out of every 8; do you think this is a coincidence. There is no government policy on the establishment of Mosques in the United States, this is how they hide everything. The Mosque to Islam is not like a church to us, it is their whole life, including the terrorist actions; all goes through the Mosque. The Mosque is, yes, their religious place of worship, but it is also the government, court, judge, executioner, armory, Terrorist Planning Center, and the launching point for past, present, and future terrorist attacks; think about that.

There are good Muslims and Mosques, but there is no way to monitor the Bad Ones activity, there is a high value placed on religious freedom in the U.S. which complicates the situation as mosques are places of worship. CAIR knows and exploits this to the Terrorist advantage, both here and abroad. Radical imams are spewing hate and antisemitism in the US, and against the US,with impunity. Over a six months period, at least five prominent US imams have been caught on tape preaching violence against Jews in sermons at mosques across America. Yet these radical preachers inciting anti-Semitic violence aren’t prosecuted or even permanently banished by the leadership of their mosques which leaves you realizing they condone the antisemitism. CAIR supports and even defends these Imams letting you know letting you know they do not care about, “American Islamic Relations “, just submission. If you still do not believe me, look at the FBI's investigation of CAIR, they find them red handed supporting terrorism.

Members of Congress pointed out that in an FBI report, they found that CAIR was supporting terrorism, but the Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich, refused to act on the FBI findings; Why? Other members in Congress support CAIR, knowing they are a supporter of terrorism? These people need to go. The ironic part is these same politicians who support Islam, have the votes of the Jewish people and the LGBT community, the same communities Islam wants to annihilate. I guess people can always be led to a slaughter.

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