
The Liberal Game

There is a deceitful, nasty, dishonest, manipulative, group in our society with zero class and the belief that their opinion and beliefs are the only one that matters. They seek power, influence, and control over all the American people. They use weapons like the “Wrap up smear”, making up false stories about sexual assaults, calling people racist who are not racist, accusing people of hating children while mass murdering them, This group is the catalyst of so much hate, from the KKK, Antifa, and Occupy Wall Street. This group says they are for the LGBT community while supporting the Nation of Islam, who would murder everyone in the LGBT community on sight. When you step back and look at the facts and truth, what you see is this group who personifies hypocrisy, deceit, and hatred, is the Liberals in our country. This can be seen by asking a couple of questions.

Question 1: Why do Liberal not want to protect the American people's voting rights?

Question 2: Why do Liberals have a wall around their houses and where you work to protect themselves, but Liberals do not want one on our border to protect our country?

Question 3: Why do Liberals always try and make everything about race?

Question 4: Why do Liberals want to give Illegals more benefits then we do our own elderly who have paid their Social Security for 50 years?

Question 5: Why do Liberals lie about the number of Illegal Aliens affiliated with gang and the damage they do?

Question 1 answer.
The DNC and RNC require IDs to get into their conventions, so are their conventions more important then our elections? The Liberals argument, that requiring an ID to vote, does not hold water. You must have an ID to drive, fly, get a bank account, pay an electric bill, get a credit card, and even get entitlements, so why are the trying to to say requiring ID cards is racist? It is quite simple, they cannot have illegal votes if there is a check and balance. They cannot have people illegally vote in multiple districts and states if there is a check and balance. They cannot have dead people voting in multiple districts and states if there is a check and balance. If you let the states and federal government purge the voter roles of all the dead, illegal, and duplicate, in short, Liberals cannot steal elections from the American people if there is a check and balance. In every election, I have watched Illegals vote, Dead People vote, Convicted Felons vote, voting in multiple districts, and Liberals destroying Absentee Ballot, which mostly come from our military who's vote should count more then anyone's.

Question 2 answer.
This actually goes back to the first question, Liberals want to be able to acquire illegal vote and there is no better way than to let them come across the border. They also want to use Illegal Alien labor which disenfranchises legal US citizens. The third part is they know the Black community is becoming smart and realizing that with all the entitlements the Liberals keep pushing, it is a form of economic slavery meant to hold minorities down and beneath them, do not forget, the Democrat Party is the party of Slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, and segregation.

Question 3 answer.
Two of the most explosive and silencing remarks you can make toward someone is to call them a Racist or Homophobic. This is used by Liberals to silence any debate they are loosing, they cannot win on the facts or evidence of an argument so they turn to personal attacks. This is why when they drummed up support for the KKK, they leveled the claims that blacks were intellectually inferior to whites and were descendants of animals, not men. What people have forgotten, is it was the conservative Republicans who put an end to slavery and passed the 1967 Equal Rights Amendment. Hiram Rhodes Revels, a Mississippi Republican became the first black member of the U.S. Congress in 1870, Arthur W. Mitchell was the first black Democratic member of congress, but it took the Democrats 65 years to elect a black, finally in 1935. The Republicans had already elected 21 blacks to congress by that time. This is also the year entitlements started. If you look though the history of the Democratic and Republican Parties, you will see in the KKK, the Imperial Wizard (leader of the KKK), Imperial Kludd (chaplain of the KKK), Imperial Kaliff (second highest position in the KKK), and Imperial Kleagle  (recruiter for the KKK) were all most exclusively Democrats. Today they are still the ones holding down minorities in our country, but if you go against them, you are branded a racist. If you are a black that wants to think for themselves, you are a Uncle Tom, Black Barbie, Cooner, or Ding Dong by other blacks; according to the Liberal Democrats, you must be for them and their theology only or you are not truly black. How stupid is that. Liberals will turn everything to race, even to the point of pitting blacks against blacks.

Question 4 answer.
The average retired worker receives $1,400 dollars from Social Security, the medium rate of living in the cheapest state, Arkansas, is $2,447. Illegals Aliens, who cannot be tracked accurately, have been documented getting up to $4,000 dollars and more, in benefits, this does not to include heath care is some states. Think about that for a minute. Americans when they retire get $1,400 yet Illegals Aliens get up to $4,000 dollars; this is wrong. The last study showed 63% of non US Citizens collect welfare and other entitlements they are not allowed to receive. Do not believe the lies from Liberals that all they want is a chance to work.

Question 5 answer.
Sense California is the Liberal Mecca, we will use this state to show you the truth about Illegal Aliens and crime, what Liberals do not want you to hear, and what Republicans are too spineless to tell you. If you look at the Los Angeles Most Wanted by Law Enforcement, the 10% Illegal Aliens population hold 75% of the Most Wanted Spots; 7.5 times their population. If you read the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on “Information on Incarcerations, Arrests, Convictions, Costs, and Removals”, you would see the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP). Of the 148,933 incarcerated people in California, 65% (96,806) of California inmates are Illegal Aliens, with 68 % (65,828) of the 65% being from Mexico; this makes it 44.2% of Illegal Alien inmates are from Mexico. Do not confuse this with the LA most wanted. The 18th Street Gang is the largest, with over 20,000 members. According to the California Department of Justice, over 12,000, or 60% plus, of its gang members are Illegal Immigrants. I could not find the FBI report, but the California Department of Justice report shows it may even be higher. The number of American citizens being murdered, raped, and people forced into becoming sex slaves is astronomical, and the Liberal Democrats keep blocking at every turn, any who want to stop the flow of Illegal Aliens in hopes of receiving their votes.

If you cannot see the deceptive nature of the Liberals politicians in our country, you choose not to see the truth because you do not like the truth. They hate the rule of law, especially when they have to follow it and believe the everyday person is to stupid to know what is good for them; they have stated this very quote. No one will ever defeat the US from the outside, but if you support them, the Liberals in this country can defeat our country from the inside; think about that.

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