
The Truth About Liberals and Lies

When I talk about a subject, the first item to me is to research the topic, find the truth. If there is a video link to it, in this way I do not look like a fool as many Liberal Politicians do every day. If you want to find the truth, which all of us should want, never believe the news or politicians, find their videos to see what they really said, look at their voting records, and find the stats from a reputable source. With politicians, check their votes to see their true stripes and you will never be surprised; well hardly ever. Here are some Liberals who excel at lying.

Liberal Sacramento California City Council Member, Sandy Sheedy says, “There has been a lot of people who have been shot by an unloaded gun.” Are you kidding me? The Liberal Democrats must think the rest of the country is stupid to state that lie; but some still believe the lies.

Liberal New York Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington thinks scientists had invented heat seeking bullets, her quote, “Some of these bullets as you saw have an incendiary device on the tip of it, which is a heat seeking device”. First, incendiary device catch things on fire, heat seeking devices track items using their heat signature, two totally different things. She apparently has watched the 1984 movie “Runaway” too many time because there is no such thing available. A heat seeking missile costs upwards of $500,000, to develop this from a 10 foot missile to a 2 inch bullet, would cost a fortune, hundred times more. In short, this was a flat out Liberal lie.

Liberal State Senator Hank Johnson stated, “This is a Ghost Gun, this right here has the ability with a .30 caliber clip to disperse 30 bullets in half a second.” Think about this, that is 3,600 rounds a minute, if I don’t have to change magazines, don’t have to aim, and don’t have to recover from each shot, I can pull the trigger just over 200 times in a minute. Do you think someone may be lying about the 3,600? I don’t, it’s a fact he is lying.

Liberal Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, stated, “We lose 93 million Americans die every day from gun violence.” If this was true, in four years, no one would be alive in America. Gun violence, or murder makes up 11,208 in gun deaths. If Governor McAuliffe meant to say 93 persons killed a day, he would still be over three times the amount with the number averaging 30.1 people a day; which means he was lying from the get go.

Liberal United States Senator Diane Feinstein wanted to take all the guns from the military and military retirees because in her words, “With the advent of PTSD we can’t prove that prior military person and that they weren’t impaired or mentally incapacitated.” Start at the 3 minute mark and listen, Snopes says she didn’t say it but listen to her in her own words. She is a liberal and like most all liberals, she lies to get what she wants; she said in a news interview that she just wanted to remove assault weapons but not all guns but video tape doesn’t lie but she does. She is a sitting congress woman and can’t tell the truth about her intentions.

Liberal United States Senator Diane Feinstein has a habit about lying, here she says she just wants to take certain guns, but in another video, she admits she wants to take everyone's guns. Do not take my word for it. Take hers.

Social Issues

Liberal Representative Sheila Jackson Lee states, “I Stand Here as a Freed Slave”. I guarantee you she was never a slave. I grew up working in the fields and will bet you she had never set one foot in a field to work.

Liberal Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi stated, "Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs." Side note, there is only 327 million Americans.

Liberal Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton states when asked about the evidence, even from Michael Browns own pathologist which proved the police officer was correct, her response was, “The evidence isn’t a concern.” If you do not care about the truth derived from the evidence, you do not need to be in office.

Liberal United States Senator Hillary Clinton states about her Bosnia trip, “I remember landing under sniper fire, there was no greeting ceremony” which was a blatant lie. Some of the media and Hillary supporters try to make it seem like she was talking about the “Hillsides”, but that was not what she said. She has more false statements in her history then Charles Ponzi, who was such an accomplished liar, the Ponzi Scheme is named after him. Hillary makes him look like an amateur.

Liberal Representative Nancy Pelosi explains how she and other Liberal Democrats tried to use the “Wrap Up Smear”, where you knowingly tell lies about people to ensure they do not get into office. It is usually done right before an election or interview before congress because the target will not have time to form a defense against the lies.

Liberal Mary Frances Berry, former chairwoman of the United States Commission on Civil Rights shows why no Liberal should ever be on a Civil Rights board when she stated, “Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.” Civil Rights are for all legal Americans and this type of indoctrination is what is splitting our country apart.

Just Plain Ignorance.

Liberal Representative Sheila Jackson Lee states, “Today we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working, we may not agree with all North Vietnam is doing but they are living in peace.” She does not even know the history of America, yet she is still put back into office. When it comes to lying, I could right a book on her alone.

Liberal Representative Hank Johnson I think may win the ignorance award, he think if you put too many people on Guam, it will tip over.

Liberal Presidential Candidate Al Gore states, “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.” This is not just a plain lie but a hilarious one, the military invented the internet long before Al Gore was out of diapers, but this shows the extent Liberal will lie to get what they want.

Liberal former President Barack Obama stated, “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.” Anyone who does not know we have 50 states, not 57, should never be allowed to run for office, especially not the presidency. The scary ominous thing about this is there is 57 Islamic Countries.

Liberal Congressman John Conyers stated on the Health Care Bill, which he voted for: "I love these members, they get up and say, Read the bill ... What good is reading the bill if it's a thousand pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?” If you take the job, do the work! If you are not going to do the work, do not take the job.

Liberal Senator Chris Dodd, while on the campaign trail: "Eight more days and I can start telling the truth again." If that is not funny enough on its own, I am pretty sure he was actually telling the truth for once.

Liberal Senator Al Gore stated on zoology: "A zebra does not change its spots."

Liberal Representative Nancy Pelosi on legislation: "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it." I could write a book on Nancy as well, but to pass a bill into a law without reading it is dereliction of your duty. Once again, if you do not read the bill, you should not be allowed to vote on it.

I have shown you allot of our politicians lying or just being plain idiots, but my reasoning is because you as Americans, or even people reading this from other countries, should never trust your politicians of news agencies. Both has shown us time and time again where they knowingly lie without a care about the truth. If “Climate Change” was as bad as they try to make you think, my house would be under water right now; its not. They say these lies mainly to try and scare you into making an emotional response instead of a logical response. Liberals cannot win on logic so they use scare tactics. Liberals want to attack anyone who supports the 2nd Amendment, but there was only 14,542 murders by guns in 2017 compared to, house hold accidents were 161,374 deaths or suicide was 44,965 deaths. Gun deaths are not even in the top 10 causes of deaths in the US and account for only 0.005 percent of US deaths a year.

Why do I tell you this? These politicians lying to you is to get a response to make you have an emotional, instead of a logical response to take more of your freedoms away. Ask yourself a question. Why would you have to show your ID to get on a plane, buy cigarettes, or go to the DNC/RNC convention, but not have to do so to vote? It is so criminal politicians can cancel your vote. Liberals do not want a fair vote because they would lose every time. For an example, in the 2012 election, with 75-80% of Philadelphia's citizens being Democrats, when the voting in their 59 divisions where counted, President Obama had 100% of the votes. This is a statistical impossibility. With 20% of Philadelphia's citizens being registered Republican, not one of their votes were counted; Philadelphia does not require an ID. Think about that. When the Federal government went to scrub the state voter books to eliminate Illegal votes, Duplicate votes, and Dead people from voting, every Liberal state fought it; why, because it is the only way they can win. They have no desire to tell the truth or follow the law, they just want power, and this applies to Liberals in both parties. This is why they want to do away with the Electoral Collage, because if that happened, then 5 states would be all that is needed to pick the next president. To drive this how, President Trump, like him or not, won 3,084 counties in the US out of 3,141.

Let me know what you think.

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