
The UN and Its Allowing of Slavery and Human Rights Violation

The UN is suppose to be the World Police and Justice system, but it is anything but; it is as corrupt as any place you will find. How can I make such a statement without proof? I can't, but I do have the proof so I can say this is a fact. News from around the world reports this along with videos. How can you expect to put people in charge of an organization, from corrupt countries, and expect the organization not to be corrupt.

There is a great article out there, Amid Tsunami of Scandals, UN Ignores Massive Corruption, which outlines a lot of the corruption going on in the UN. After the UN troops left the Tsunami area, there was a joint investigation into the UN. The findings of the UN Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) found the worse, across every aspect of the UN there was fraud, corruption, and impunity against prosecution across the UN system. A survey by a previously UN occupied town showed 8 out of 10 underage girls were raped by UN troops. The UN did virtually nothing, the rapist were never punished. The exact same horror story is repetitively told in every country that has been occupied by UN troops. Murder of innocent civilians has also been documented in Mali and the Ivory Coast to Congo Haiti, and many other places.

At a minimum, 60 percent of the UN leaders are involved in fraud and corruption, the other 40 percent is not cleared, just not noted in the report. This is no surprise sense the UN has no document defining the term “Fraud”. The report shows the complete UN personnel have immunity from prosecution, who is above them? When whistle blowers come forward like Anders Kompass, leaked UN documents show UN officials conspiring to destroy him.

Over the years, the United Nations has been hit by an unprecedented wave of more and more fraud, waste and corruption claims.

The revelations was an embarrass Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary-General, who himself changed the definition of WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction), because his son, Kojo Annan, was selling WMDs to Saddam Hussein during the Oil for Food embargo. When the US traced back the money, it went directly to Kojo Annan. This is when Kofi Annan had the WMD changed from WMD material like the VX, Serine, and mustard gas we found, to completed WMDs ready for use.

Here is a question for you. What country pays the most in the UN? The US pays 22-28 percent of the UN funding. How many of the UNs 5 year terms for Secretary-General have been held by an American over its 74 years history? Zero, so why are we paying 22-28 percent?

Did you know the UN wanted to disarm America and was given the help to do so by one of our Previous Presidents and many members of the US Congress? The resolution was the “The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)” and was pushed in 2013 by the Obama administration, with 43 Liberal Democrat Senators voting for it. Luckily, The Non-Liberal Democrats (I do not think they exist anymore) and Republicans defeated them.

Many will say that this is all ludicrous, but the evidence shows otherwise but as we have seen from some of our elected officials (Eleanor Holmes Norton), the evidence and truth does not matter. They do not care about the American citizens or America and are just as corrupt as the UN officials. Maybe that is why our corrupt elected officials like thee UN so much. If they did care about America, or human rights and especially women's rights, they would be up in arms over the reality of the UN counsels. If the UN cared, they would not be supporting terrorist.

You can see Hezbollah using a UN Ambulance to escape after they have committed a terrorist attack in Israel. You have two UN people busted second time within a week for supporting the Hamas terror groups.

If the UN was here to protect the people's rights, women's rights and stop atrocities, then why does the below happen within the UN?

The Top 10 countries with the highest percentage of slaves per population is India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Russia, Nigeria, Moldova, Haiti, and Mauritania; five of these countries are on the “UN Human Rights Council”. The countries with the highest numbers of slaves North Korea (104.6 million slaves), Eritrea (93.0 million slaves), Burundi (40.0 million slaves), Central African Republic (22.3 million slaves), Afghanistan (22.2 million slaves), Mauritania 21.4 million slaves), South Sudan 20.5 million slaves), Pakistan 16.8 million slaves), Cambodia 16.8 million slaves) and Iran (16.2 million slaves) with three of these on the “UN Human Rights Council”.

How can you have the biggest slave owning nations in the world be on the “UN Human Rights Council”? You can't, Any country with known ties to slavery or human rights violations, should not be in the UN, let alone on the “UN Human Rights Council”; but they are and it gets worse. Of the 47 members of the “UN Human Rights Council”, 31 of them are known human rights violators; so how are they on the “UN Human Rights Council”? Why are they allowed to be a member of the UN at all? Why do UN Peacekeepers made up from these countries have immunity from prosecution while committing atrocities? You have to ask yourself, what are they doing good for the world? Below is the members of the “UN Human Rights Council”.

Afghanistan, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cuba, Chile, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Egypt, Eritrea, Fiji, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Togo, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Uruguay.

Currently there are 45 members of the “UN Women's Rights Commission”. Of the 45 members, over half are known human rights violations against women; so how are they on the “UN Women's Rights Commission”? This does not make sense does it. Below are the members.

Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Comoros, Congo, Cuba, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Malaysia, Namibia, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, United Kingdom, and the United States.

Lets us check out the UN Peacekeepers and their actions. Are they doing good or committing atrocities.

One BBC headline reads, “Kosovo UN troops 'fuel sex trade”, this was substantiated by Amnesty International (AI). AI found girls as young as 11 from eastern European countries, being sold into the sex slavery by UN Peacekeepers.

UN peacekeepers from Nepal are facing allegations of child rape in South Sudan, with a UN spokesman describing the case as “especially heinous”.

The U.N. Department of Peacekeeping Operations has documented 10 allegations against Burundian peacekeepers working in CAR, including seven cases of sexual exploitation, rape, and murder.

In February 2018, there was over 612 documented cases of sexual abuses and rape committed by UN Peacekeepers.

Have I shown you enough for you to see the truth about the UN? Should we be funding an organization who allows their people to rape of children and women, not to mention the murder of innocent people with no one ever being punished. As I stated before, the US provides 25 percent of their funding and I think it needs to end.

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