
What Would Work to Better Our Country

I ask myself constantly; What could we do to make our society better, safer, and freer? What can be done to help America to become stronger and more able to be the beacon of Freedom and Justice for the rest of the world. Every nation wants to be us and most every citizens of these nations want to be our citizens; we are the best. This said, when you make a list of the problems in the US, the majority of people point to, most can be fixed very easily, so why do our politicians not want to fix them?

Healthcare is one problem that can be fixed by a stroke of the pen. Make all state borders open and the price will drop and the service will rise. Currently, even though they will not admit it, many states insurance companies have a monopoly on service which makes prices go up and services go down. At the same time I say this, I believe in Freedom. I worked with a guy who made the same as me but said he could not afford health care. The reason he could not afford health care was because him and his wife smoked 2 packs each of cigarettes, had ever cable channel you could want, and bought the NFL Sunday Ticket. The cigarettes were $600 a month, Cable TV was $135 dollars a month, and NFL Sunday Ticket was $34 a month for a grand total of $769, not counting all the other stuff he was constantly buying. I believe in freedom, he has all the right to spend his money like he wants but do not come up to tell me you cannot afford it, your priorities show you do not want it.

Another problem is politicians using the Defense Budget to pile on pork spending, around half of the last Defense Budget bill was pork spending. The Democrats usually give 17% of the budget to the Defense Budget while the Republicans give 23% to the budget to the Defense Budget; why not just make it a permanent 20% of the budget. This would get rid the pork spending and save billions of dollars. Speaking of the budget, we need to break it out again from the single budget, back to the 12 areas of Discretionary and 6 NON-Discretionary spending so the rest of the pork spending can be removed. We need to reverse what, I think it was under President Carter, when Social Security went from individual accounts to a conglomerate, so we can stop Congress from stilling our money. The Social Security Act, signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935, to give the middle class and poor people a type of retirement. Congress in there appetite for more money and power has also been robbing the US Post office for years of billions of dollars, that needs to stop as well. All budgets, excluding the military and intelligence agences need to have their books wide open for the public to read; this would be freedom.

Next, let us talk about guns. Like it or not, guns have never killed anyone, but the person behind them have. I believe it was the US Constitution that gave the states the right to all licensing, no matter what the product, that was until the Liberal Democrats violated the US Constitution approving Gay Marriage across the board and every state. I have noting against the equal treatment of the LGBT community, but if the Federal government can violate state rights by shoving Gay Marriage into every state, I guess it can also make a National Conceal Carry License. We need to do this because no matter how many time the Supreme Court upholds the 2nd Amendment, Liberal Democratic states refuse to follow the law. This will make the Liberals go wide with statements like, “You are violating the US Constitution” or “You are overstepping your authority”; but is this not what the Liberals did with Gay Marriage. Liberals always want a different set of rules for themselves. The biggest problem with shootings are three fold.

First, according to the FBI stats, 82% of all mass shootings happen in designated “Gun Free Zones”. The only thing “Gun Free Zones” do is prevent “Law Abiding Citizens” from protecting themselves and allows criminals to have easy targets; does this sound smart.

Second, mental health officials have to be allowed to sidestep HIPAA laws when they believe there is an imminent threat without fear of loosing their licenses; if they are habitually wrong, in other words harassing gun owners, then they need to be slapped.

Third, everyone who buys a gun, needs to go through training on that weapon so they can remain proficient. This pne is pretty simple but along with this there should never be a registry of guns, it is our only defense against a tyrannical government which is were the Liberal Democrats are today with many Republicans licking their heels. Liberals lie, there are more people killed by texting then by guns, but they want your guns. They want to turn you from citizens into subjects so you will lose your freedom. Do not think it cannot happen, it is what Hitler, Castro, Mao, and Stalin did that led to the murder of over 147 million deaths because they couldn't defend themselves.

Congress has past several laws that need revoked. First, Congresses raises need to be directly tied to the Military pay. Under President Obama's last four years, the Military pay was 1.25% while Congresses was 2.8%. The ones who fleece out country made over twice what the Women and Men who die for our freedom received in pay raises and the average pay for a Military officer is $77,000 where congresses is over $193,000, not including all the other special pays they receive which many put around another $113, 000; think about that.

The Speech or Debate Clause needs to be removed. This is the clause that allows congressional members to knowingly and purposely lie to congress and the American citizens. This was put into effect citing the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 6, Clause 1), but instead perverted the US Constitution. It was put into place by Senator Mike Gravel, Democrat from Alaska, on June 15, 1971; but do not be fooled, many Republicans were just as much at fault. This allows Congress to deceive, manipulate the truth, and flat out lie not only to the American people, but also within congressional testimony without being punished as would happen to a normal citizen.

We need to pass a law that directly mandates that if the US Congress passes a law, it must also be applied to them. Congress is allowed to do insider trading without consequence where for you or me, it would be a felony.

Next, Voting. I think voting is our most important US Constitutional right. First, I have a couple of questions. 1. Why would you not want anyone to remove dead voters from the rolls? 2. Why would you not require an ID to vote when you require one to get into the DNC or RNC conference? 3. Why would you not want to prevent foreign influence on an election by Illegal Aliens? 4. Why would you not want to release your state voter rolls to the Federal government? And Last; 5. Why would you have a group known to be very partisan, run the voting machines? All the questions above should give you fear that they even need to be asked.

1. The only reason that you would not want to remove dead voters from the voter rolls is so you can cast votes using their names to give a different outcome to an election; in short, to cheat the winner who you do not want. If we just take a look at Florida, in 2012, 2,600 legal Third Country Nationals here on VISAs were registered to vote, 53,000 dead people re-registered to vote that year, and as many as 182,000 registered voters were found to be Illegal Aliens. Most were found in the Liberal Democratic strong hold of Dade county, the same county that tried to throw out every Absent T ballot from our military serving over seas. Sense G.W. Bush only won by 500 votes, how close would it had really of been if the Liberal Democrats had played by the rules?

2. The only reason would be to get illegal votes. You need an ID to cash your Social Security Check, Buy Cigarettes, Buy Alcohol, or get a plane ticket, so why would you not need one to vote?

3. Illegal Aliens voting are the only way Liberals can win in some areas. I have already showed you that they do not care about your voting rights, only their ability to win at any cost. The minorities in America are starting to switch sides because for 60 years the Liberal Democrats have promised them the world and gave them nothing but excuses. The Illegal Aliens are here to take the Legal Minority's place.

4. State voter rolls are where you can find voter fraud. When you take the Federal Social Security roll where John Doe died in 2000 but re-registered to vote in 2004, you know you have corrupt people in them precinct and can investigate further; corrupt people do not like you finding them.

5. During the 2016 election, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado had Voting Machines changing votes; it

Maybe one last good thing here would be, no one donating to anyone's campaign can have foreign contributors. If a charity receives money from Canada, they cannot contribute to any American political campaign. If a New York Charity recieves money from a California company who does direct business with foreign countries, they can not contribute. How does that sound?

Last, let us talk about Immigration and Visas, but first we need to point out a couple of facts many do not like. Fact 1: You cannot be a country without a secure border. Every country has a border to protect it's citizens and assets. Fact 2: Illegal Alien is not a race, there are over 40 countries of origin for Illegal Aliens coming into the US, white, black, Latino, Asian, Indian, Muslim, and many more so you cannot be a racist for being against Illegal Immigration. Fact 3: According to the FBI, of the Illegal Aliens in the US, 51% are involved in criminal activities from petty theft to murder. On the other side of the coin, close to 40% are hard working people trying to make a better life for themselves. The left overs are scamming the system to get free benefits that only Americans are to receive. Unfortunately, politicians would rather give them to Illegal Aliens to buy illegal votes then give it to a Disabled Vet, A Homeless American, or A Family who needs some extra help; remember you voted for these politicians.

You need a boarder wall that is high, deep, with sensors, and near impossible to scale; no it will not stop everyone, but it will stop 95% of the people and drugs from being driven strait across. It is also to stop the drug cartels who do not give a damn about you freedom or security; what they did to the 9 Mormons in Mexico, they will do here if not stopped. The Mexican President is in the cartels pocket; how do I know this, he is still alive. Any politician who goes after the cartels die very quickly.

Combine this with the fact in a one year time frame, the Customs and Border Protection picked up nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists; I would say we need this border without a doubt. We need to protect our families and homeland or we will end up without both. We need to set up a quicker system for immigrants to include taking their DNA. I know of one Illegal Aliens who was a convicted rapist but used many aliases to get back into the US. Once they took his DNA, he was linked to no less then 5 rapes; he in now serving time. We can also use bio-scans like finger prints and cornea scans to ID persons quicker then waiting for the DNA test to come back. If released and you do not show up for your court date, it is automatic immediate deportation. If found to commit any felony crimes, DUI, or any drug crime, automatic immediate deportation. We will remake appointments for all who missed theirs, if they refuse to go, automatic immediate deportation.

We need to track our VISA holders just as close as possible. Only two of the 19 hijackers were in America on non-expired VISAs and one of them was on a student VISA but never showed up for class making his VISA revoked but none of them were being tracked. Of the 461,000 Temporary VISAs issued every year in the US, seldom are anyone of them tracked down after they expired to see if the person has left or filed for an extension; This needs to end.

To keep our country safe, we need to know who is here, which includes living citizens, dead citizens, legal Immigrants, and Illegal Aliens; there is nothing racist about it. The people who call you racist is grasping after straws because their argument has a false foundation. They are doing it not to protect the US or make it a safer place, but to push a political agenda.

Why won't our elected officials fix these problems? Maybe because they get rich off them. If the President is limited to eight years, shouldn't our Congress be limited to the same? These positions are to serve the US people, not become a lifetime appointment. If we limited their time in congress (and maybe ban all lawyers), America will only be better for it.

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