
Liberal Hatred for Our Country

Do you believe in America and the US Constitution? Do you believe you have rights that none are allowed to take away such as Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Over-Taxation, and the Freedom to Protect Your Family and What is Yours? Do you believe in fairness and the rule of law; that it should be applied to all equally? Do you believe in America you should work for what you get and keep the majority of it? Do you believe in America, Americans should come before foreign governments or Illegal Aliens? Everyone should be subject to the same laws, with the same punishments, including our Politicians, affluent people, and any race, religion, or gender. If you are an American Citizen and do not believe in this, please go to another country and renounce your citizenship, because you are not worthy to be called a citizen of this great country. If you do believe in this, then stand up for Your Country and your Way of Life.

Liberalism say, “You must conform to what we say”, is that what you want. Most of our Federally Elected Liberals, both Democrat and Republican, believe they know what is better for you then you. They make rules and regulations to try and force you to bend to their way. Example:

When President Reagan was shot, the first thing out of Liberal's mouths was, “We must ban Assault Rifles”, Why? President Reagan was shot with a .22 caliber Röhm RG-14 revolver, so how did Liberals make the jump to Assault Rifles? It was because they did not care about President Reagan getting shot, only they had an opportunity to take a portion of the one right that is in the Constitution to prevent a Tyrannical Government, like the Liberals want. They want to take away your right, this is what Liberals do.

They lie about the facts, make up cover-stories, get the Liberal Media loop the reporting from one station, to another, then another, and back to the original one, referencing the previous station with none of them having source data; if they do have source data, it is from a far Left source who made it up. Example:

In 2007, Al Gore predicted that in five to seven years, there would be no ice in the Arctic because of global warming, yet that same year, according to the Danish Meteorological Institute, is growing at a phenomenal rate; How can both of these happen at the same time? They can't, it was another Liberal lie to pave the way to get rid of anything they did not like.

If Liberals get in charge of a system, such as the IRS, where they can use it to target people or organizations they do not like, even if it is against the law, they will. Example:

The IRS was busted for targeting conservative, 401 non-profit groups in 2010, to prevent them from raising money for Conservative Candidates. Senior management within the IRS’s Exempt Organizations Division, all Liberals, were found to be the culprits. They wanted to prevent the conservative voice and used the IRS as a weapon. They lost in court and had to settle the law suite by apologizing to over 467 groups and pay millions. Shouldn't these officials at the IRS’s Exempt Organizations Division have been fired? They weren't.

The hard truth is, minorities were offered money through social programs after the poll taxes and the Liberal Democrats other shenanigans failed. Through these social programs, the Liberal Democrats have managed to put minorities back in chains, but instead of being medal chains, they were financial chains. Liberals have held down minorities and poor white people using these programs to control them and put them into submission. Vote for us because there are no jobs for you and if you vote for the other guy, he will take away your money. The truth is if you lose your will to work, you lose your will to advance yourself out of the poverty level, this is holding you down. Any group that refuses to let someone else in their group purely because of the race, is a racist group. Example:

Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Muslim Caucus, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) do not allow any other race on their caucus; that is the definition of being a racist. Are we all not Americans, the other identifying factor of these Caucuses is they only have Liberal Democrats in them.

Are you for one Gender's side, no matter if they are the victim or perpetrator? This goes both ways, but the majority of mistreatment is toward the ladies in our country. Here is where I ask a very pin-pointed question. Are you a Feminist or a Liberal Feminist? What is the deference. A Feminist is for stopping all mistreatment of females, no matter their race, religion, party affiliation, or age. A Liberal Feminist will only come to a women's aid if she follows all their views “lock, stock, and barrel”, and supports their Political Ideology; They are not real Feminist. If you do not support women, and look at them with the same respect no matter if they are a Senator or house wife; you are not a true Feminist.

Are you for one Religion's side, no matter if they persecute another religion or non-religious person or group? If you said yes to this, you should leave the US, you do not deserve to live here in my opinion. You need to respect other religions, no matter if you think they are 100% wrong or not or even if they are an atheist. The only exception to this is when said religion or atheist group want you dead because you do not believe as they do, you do not have the right of Free Speech about their religion, or they deem your life style as offensive. Freedom of Speech, which is a right, does not give you the freedom from being offended. A large portion of Islam believes if you offend their religion, the Quran, or Mohammad, you should be put to death. If you are part of Islam and believe this, go to another country because you do not deserve to live here. If you do not want to blend with the American society, leave now.

The history of our country is under constant attack from the Liberal left, it shows the truth about their past and Liberals associations, it also about truth of our history. Are you for one Race, no matter if they are the victim or perpetrator? Are you for one Political Party, no matter if they are right of center or left of center? If you take a look at our history, the ones who claim to be the fighters of freedom and equal rights are really the oppressors, Liberals. Examples:

The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was founded by the Democratic Party in 1865, it extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for Democratic resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. The first African-American man elected to any state legislature was Republican Alexander Twilight, in 1836. The first African-American man elected to any state legislature in California was Republican Frederick Madison Roberts, in 1918. Democrats gradually regained control of Southern legislatures. They proceeded to restrict the rights of the majority of blacks and many poor whites to vote by imposing new requirements for poll taxes, subjective literacy tests, more strict residency requirements and other elements difficult for laborers to satisfy. Racism is all over Liberals and the Democratic Party, so why do minorities vote for them?

To show the last part of Liberal hate for Our Country, all we have to do is look at this impeachment. The process for impeachment is put into place for a good reason, this impeachment is being used as a Liberal weapon against what the American people want, but the Liberals do not. This started with Liberal Democrats wanting President Obama to have a 3rd term which violates the US Constitution; but the US Constitution doesn't matter to Liberals, it is a Road Block to their plans. After this failed, and Hillary lost in a land slide, but before President Trump even took office, Liberal Democratic were calling for his impeachment; think about that. They do not care about the American peoples votes, this is why they are also allowing Illegal Aliens to get driver's license, so they can Illegally Vote, and vote against what the American people want.

Voting to me is our most precious right, it should be set up to be as free of corruption as possible; any American would agree with this; then why won't Democratically controlled states allow the Federal Government to scrub state voting registries to remove Dead People, Dual Registrations, Illegal Aliens, and Felons who are prevented from voting? Once again, they do not care about a fair vote, just winning at any cost, even if they have to throw away military votes as they did in Dade County Florida, in the 2000 election of President Bush. Miami-Dade County also had 125% of registered voters compared to its population; when voting was cast, one Dead Man who voted was immediately noticed, with a possibility of up to 30,000 dead people voting Florida wide, of the 53,000 dead people still on the rolls. In California, they found hundreds of dead people had voted.

We can fix a lot of the Voting Problems quickly, but Liberals do not want to, it will cut into their ability to manipulate an election. To fix the problem, first have all state Voter Registry hooked together so when Mr. Fluffy moves from California to Florida, the system will automatically flag that he has moved by tracking his Social Security Number. Second, if you have to have an ID for flying, renting a car, getting cigarettes, going to the doctors office, getting utilities hooked up, and getting into the DNC or RNC conventions, it only makes sense you need one to cast a vote. Only someone trying to cheat the system would have a problem with this. Third, any non-US Citizen caught voting illegally, will be automatically deported, no matter if they are a diplomat or awaiting asylum.

We must start following the US Constitution to strengthen America or we will not have a country or rights. Please comment.

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