
Liberals Protecting Terrorist Organizations within America

We have no less than 52 groups who support Islamic terrorist within our country and I have to ask the question, why have they been allowed to stay. If you do the research, the people in Law Enforcement say their hands are tied, but many of these groups have fully automatic rifles and explosives. Do they have a Class III license for all the Full-Auto rifles or a permit for the explosives; I bet not. It is easy to check out, and then you can get a search warrant and go to town.

AMSE    The Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers
AMSS    The Association of Muslim Social Scientists
ATP        America Trust Publications
AVC       Audio Visual Center
BMI        Baitul Mal INC.
FID         Foundation of International Development
IBS         Islamic Book Service
ICD        Islamic Centers Division
ICNA     Islamic Circle of North America
IED         Islamic Education Department
IFC         ISNA Fiqh Committee
IHC        Islamic Housing Cooperative
IIC          Islamic Information Center
IIIT        International Institute for Islamic Thought
IMA       Islamic Medical Association
IPA         Islamic Association for Palestine
IPAC      ISNA Political Awareness Committee
ISNA      Islamic Society of North America
ITC         Islamic Teaching Center
MAYA    Muslim Arab Youth Association
MBA      Muslim Business Association
MCA      The Muslim Community Association
MIA       Mercy International Association
MISG     Malasian (sic) Islamic Study Group
MSA       Muslim Students’ Association
MYNA   Muslim Youth of North America
NAIT      North America Islamic Trust
OLF        Occupied Land Fund
USRA     United Association for Studies and Research

ASC       Afghan Support Committee
AHF       Al-Haramain Foundation
ARC       Al Kifah Refugee Center
BIF         Bosanska Idealna Futura
GRF        Global Relief Foundation
IR           Islamic Relief
JDQ        Jamaat al Dawa al Quran
TJ            Tablighi Jamat
KA          Khalsa Aid
MK         Maktab al-Khidamat
MA         Muslim Aid
RSS        Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh

The second question is why do we allow politicians to stay in office who supports terrorist groups? One of the most hateful, racist, sexist, anti-Semitic Islamic Imams we have in the US is Louis Farrakhan. He stated the following.

"Murder and lying comes easy for white people." Louis Farrakhan in 1994.

“When the Jews left, the Palestinian Arabs came, Koreans came, Vietnamese...and we call them bloodsuckers." Louis Farrakhan in 1995.

"They call them [Hezbollah] terrorists, I call them freedom fighters. Louis Farrakhan in 1996.

"A decree of death has been passed on America. The judgement of God has been rendered and she must be destroyed..." Louis Farrakhan in 1997.

"The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him.” Louis Farrakhan in 2002.

"White people deserve to die, and they know, so they think it’s us coming to do it." Louis Farrakhan in 2015.

I despise racist, sexist, hateful people. People who push hate through a religion I dislike even more. Mr. Farrakhan has the right to say everything he does. Why does the media not highlight his hate so the whole world can see? I have another question, if it were a Christian white man spitting out this hate, the media would be milking it for all it is worth, so what is the difference? This is why the media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, and the New York Times are called “Fake News”, the truth doesn’t matter to them. You have many politicians who support Mr. Farrakhan and his hate. The list includes:

Al Green                        Andre Carson                             Anna Eshoo 
Barack Obama             Barbara Lee                                Charlie Crist
Danny Davis                 Debbie Mucarsel-Powell             Donna Shalala
Gregory Meeks              Ilhan Omar                                  James Clyburn
Keith Ellison                   Maxine Waters                            Rashida Tlaib                 

There is only one inactive, which is Barack Obama and he is not inactive in reality. What would happen if white politicians met with Richard Butler, the leader of the Aryan Nation or David Duke, former leader of the KKK? Every minority politician would be up in arms, rightfully so, and every news agency would be reporting on it. Why is there no uproar when the discrimination is against White and Jewish people? Ilhan Omar, Keith Ellison, and Rashida Tlaib do not even trying to cover-up their Anti-Semitic remarks. Where is the condemnation from their party and where is the media? If they will do this, ask yourself a question. Which politicians support known terrorist groups?

Ilhan Omar, a US Congress Women, speaks at banquet for CAIR, identified by the FBI as a terrorist supporter.  This should not surprise people, she has made several Anti-Sematic remarks, not to also say the 911 attacks was just some bad people who did something bad. Hillary Clintons number one aid for over 20 years has direct ties to radical Terrorist Groups. Human Abedin has direct ties to terrorist, and so does Hillary Clinton, who has had many meetings with them. The shocking part is over 100 members in Congress back CAIR, 19 senators and 83 representatives, knowing they are a supporter of terrorist. If you look at the breakdown, 97 Democrats with 2 senators and 95 representatives, while Republicans have 1 senator and 2 representatives. The 3 republicans are Thomas Tillis, Susan W. Brooks, and Rodney Davis. If you read their voting record, they are Liberals which mean they are not true republicans, but RINOs. Liberals, Republican or Democrat, will never protect you, our country, our children or our rights, and will always pick and say what they need to say to get reelected. Another list showed as many as 160 Congress people supporting this terrorist organization, but I could not verify the list. Think about this, there are 535 members of Congress, with 100 know to support CAIR, which is 19%, the non-validated list if true, is 30% of Congress who supports CAIR and its terrorist network.

The last three Democratic Presidents we have helped out terrorist due to them being Liberals, their ineptness or out rights collusion.

President Jimmy Carter
Iran would not be the sponsor of terror, that it is today, if President Jimmy Carter would have honored the US Treaty with the Shah of Iran. Iran was westernized and friendly, until the Islamic Radicals attacked and President Carter allowed the takeover of Iran, and allowed the imprisonment of 52 Americans for 444 days. The day Ronald Reagan sworn in is the day Iran released them. We would have a safe place, but due to inaction and ineptness, instead we have the number one sponsor of terrorism.

President Bill Clinton
President Bill Clinton could have stopped the 911 attack, which caused 2,977 deaths and over 25,000 injuries. Instead of taking actions to prevent a terrorist attack by taking out Osama bin Laden, he was more interested in playing with an intern. President Clinton had nine opportunities to take out Osama bin Laden, well before 9/11 but denied the request from the Intelligence agencies. This was after al Qaeda had tried to take down the World Trade Center in 1993, but President Clinton, being a Liberal Democrat, refused to protect America and its citizens as due all Liberals. President Clinton, if you count the casualties caused by his inaction, is responsible for 11,465 deaths, at a minimum.

President Barrack Obama
President Obama also swapped five Taliban Generals for a foot soldier, who was a deserter, who caused several military deaths searching for him. President Barrack Obama gave the number one sponsor of Terrorism in the world, Iran, $150 billion dollars in cash; the dumbest deal ever seen. If you check all areas, $150 Billion is a high estimate with several claim as high as $120 Billion confirmed and the lowest being $56 billion confirmed. Even if it were $56 billion, why would you give it to terrorist? How much of this money has been, and will be used against the US and its allies? By doing this payout, President Obama is responsible for countless deaths. I cannot tell you how many people’s deaths, President Obama is responsible for, it has to be high, but we do not have the stats. I can show you his the effect on the military.

The effects of his Rules of Engagement (ROE) show President Obama’s hate for the military, as it is with most Liberals. The Afghanistan War is the only constant of the last three presidents, so let us see the results of their ROE.

President George W Bush, 7 years in Afghanistan, 564 deaths, average of 80.6 per year.
President Barack Obama, 8 years in Afghanistan, 1,729 deaths, average of 216.1 per year.
President Donald Trump, 3 years in Afghanistan, 54 deaths, average of 18 per year.

The only real difference is the ROE. I was in Iraq under President Bush, I did not like his ROE; but this is what you follow as a military member. I was also in Iraq under President Obama. President Obama’s ROE looked like it was to protect the insurgents more than the military. They endangered our troops and are why he had the most military deaths of the three presidents in Afghanistan. The same ROE applied to Afghanistan and the stats show it. President Bush was a semi Liberal while President Obama was an all-out Liberal. Compared to President Trump, President Bush had almost 4.5 times the casualties do to his ROE; the complete Liberal President, President Obama, had over 12 times the casualties due to his ROE. Liberals get our troops killed. Pandering to terrorist gets our people killed. Liberal “Political Correctness” gets our people killed. I do not know how to show this truth to you any plainer.

One last thing before I go. We know the high end leadership of the FBI was Liberal Democrats. The FBI knows we have at a minimum of 35 Islamic Terrorist Training Camps on US soil and we have done nothing; I wonder why. Do the US and its citizens not come before terrorist? Not to a Liberal.

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