
Who Loves America, Who Hates Her?

How do we tell whom “Loves” or “Hates” America? First. You must define what America is for and against to define its character. Second. We look at people’s actions; do they support or contradict America’s Character and values? To me America stands for, the Rule of Law, Innocent until Proven Guilty, Freedom of Speech, Protecting the Innocent, Protecting Social Minorities, Freedom of Religion; or to have No Religion, No Taxation without Representation, and The Right to Bear Arms; in short, America stands for Freedom. If you do not believe this, please leave our country.

Rule of Law: When I talk about the “Rule of Law”, it is simple; if the law is on the books, you must enforce it equally across all groups of people, no matter race, gender, religion, sexual preference, political party, or political standing. Since Hillary Clinton is not running for any office, I will use her for an example. If you look at the James Comey report on Hillary Clinton, you will see she committed many felonies. To be fair to all Americans, she deserved prosecution. I work for the Federal Government and if I did what she did, I would be in jail for the rest of my life. She, along with every politician, should be treated the same as the common citizen; do you agree? Why can any Congress member flat out lie on the Floor of Congress with no charges? If it was you or I, we have committed a felony. Why can any Congress member commit “Insider Trading” without charges, but it is, once again, a felony for you or me? The “Rule of Law” needs applied equally to all.

Innocent until Proven Guilty: I have watched a disturbing trend over the last few years that scares me to death. People are accused and vilified with ZERO evidence; most every time it is done for political reasons or gain. Nancy Pelosi describes it perfectly when she talks about the “Wrap-up Smear” and how Liberal Democrats use it to attack anyone with whom they disagree. This should disturb you as well because this is what the Southern Democrats did to Blacks and Republicans, who challenged their dominance, killing many and placing even more in jail on a “Wrap-up Smears” or what we call a lie. Representative Leonidas C. Dyer submitted the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill to end lynching, but Democrats blocked it along with every following bill. The Democrats lynched Blacks and Republican Politicians on a daily basis in the south. Many accused of committing crimes, not given the presumption of Innocent until Proven Guilty, or a fair trial. The Democrats are carrying on their legacy, just look at the Trump Impeachment.

Freedom of Speech: There is a big misconception about “Freedom of Speech”. First: “Freedom of Speech” does not give you the freedom from offensive speech. Freedom of Speech is currently under attack at Universities and in Liberal Cities, some using “Speech Free Zones” and others attacking anyone with opposing views. I had a Political Science professor who said, “My opinion is the only right opinion and if you disagree I will fail you.” Think about the abuse of power he displayed. I asked him why he did not want both sides of the political spectrum shown to give us more knowledge. His answer was, “Anything but what I believe is a waste of my time.” Freedom of Speech is one of our most precious rights, yet most every Liberal collage or town; they try to take it away. They do this because if you are thinking, you are a threat. If you have a debate with a Liberal, they will try to prevent you from speaking. They do this because they do not like the factual of an argument or debate, taking the place of their made up lies.

Protecting the Innocent: Who are the innocent of the American people? The innocent are the American children, senior citizens, and all Americans who are not criminals; we are all “The Innocent!” When we have politicians, making policies that knowingly, put us in an unreasonable direct line of danger, they need removed. When politicians put our lives in danger for personal political reasons, it is unacceptable. Illegal Aliens kill many times more people, in America, by Diseases, DUIs, Drugs, Gang Violence, and Assaults, than killed by guns. The Police Foundation on a research grant from the National Institute of Justice found Defensive Gun Use (DGU) saved 4.7 million people per year. So why would anyone want to take them away from Lawful Gun Owners protecting themselves, they are the “Innocent”. Who created Plan Parenthood? This said; you know by this that the Liberal Democrats do not care about “Protecting the Innocent”. Sanctuary Cities, Gun Free Zones, Violent Criminal Early Release, and many other Liberal Policies remove protection from the Innocent and give it to the Criminals.

Protecting Social Minorities: Who protected and gave Blacks rights in the US? It was not the Liberal Democrats although they did create the KKK. Who blocked all the Anti-Lynching laws in the early 1900s; the Liberal Democrats Politicians. Who created the Welfare State that suppresses mostly minorities and the poor, to ensure they never get out of the basement of the economy? Liberals once again. Currently, Illegal Aliens now hold many jobs once occupied by the Minority Americans, trying to get a foot up in life. Who supports Illegals over the Minority Americans? Yes; Liberal Democrats. Liberal Democrats are trying to get votes from the Illegal Population. They believe Minority American votes are automatically their votes, no matter how much they damage the American Minority community. If you are a Minority, ask, “Who has done most for you lately?” Is it President Obama, with a 25% Minority unemployment rate, or President Trump with a 4.1% Minority unemployment rate? If you want to stay in the gutter, keep taking the free handouts, from the Liberals, which hold you there. If you want to get out of the gutter, go with the people who takes your unemployment from 25% to 4.1%.

Freedom of Religion; or to have No Religion: Freedom of Religion gives you the right to practice any religions unless that religion targets other religions or persons with violent acts. Atheists have the right to not believe in any religion, but they do not have the right to force others to not believe. If you are a Religious and an Atheist verbally lashes out at you, this is “Freedom of Speech”. If they physically lash out at you, or they are your professor and marks your grades down because you are religious; this is illegal, discriminatory, and must be stopped. On the other side, as much as I dislike the hate coming from the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC), they do not violently target anyone but are still as nasty as can be and in my opinion, nowhere close to following God. That said; they have that right under not only “Freedom of Religion” but also “Freedom of Speech”. The Branch Davidians under David Koresh held people against their will and he violated children for his own pleaser. Once again, in my opinion, he was nowhere close to following God, but now he knows this as fact and this is not covered under “Freedom of Religion”. Next; people do not like to talk about it but there are factions of Islam in the US, in the Mosques, that make David Koresh look like an amateur. You have towns in the US who are run by Muslims and violate all non-Muslims rights, yet our government does nothing. In America, in Islamberg NY, some protesters wanted to ride through public roads, but had to get State Police protection from the Muslims is Islamberg; think about that. As they drive, you can hear warning sirens going off, and State Troopers block the protesters from other public roads. Isn’t this America? Any American should be allowed on any public road; did I miss something. I wrote an article about “Muslims and Jihadist Training Camps in America”, Hancock New York, which is Islamberg NY, was one of the sites identified by the FBI. This is not assimilating into the US culture, but bad Muslims trying to make “No-Go Zones”, like they did in Europe. This is not covered under “Freedom of Religion”. Welcome the good Muslims, get rid of these type Muslims.

No Taxation without Representation: Our Founding Fathers did not like income taxes and relied on tariffs and sales taxes for the running of the government.  February 3rd is the anniversary of this ending with the 16th Amendment in 1913. Its champion was President William Howard Taft; in an effort to make the top 1% pay no more than 2% tax of their income according to GDP. That 1% today would be anyone making over $421,926 dollars a year, so what happened? The Income Tax became based off the GDP and started going up in 1913 to almost 150% increase in 1921 under President Woodrow Wilson. Now it is close to 5% instead of the original 2%. It started going down after President Wilson left office, dropping back to around 2% until 1934. From 1934, under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, it rose to over 15%; a 750% increase. Now all it was also passed at this time that all citizens, not just the 1%, will pay taxes. It dropped back to about 8%, but hit a new high in 1952 under President Harry S. Truman of over 15%. It dropped and stayed pretty level, around 10% until it spiked again in 1998 under President Bill Clinton to 14%. In 2008 it dropped to about 8%, but once again spiked to 12% in 2015 under President Barack Obama. Ask yourself a question, who morphed the income tax, being paid by the top1%, only paying 2%, to all paying. What do all these spikes have in common with the first question? The answer is simple, all happened under Liberal Democratic presidents; shocking. If you don’t want your money taken away, quit voting for the ones who tax you without your representation.

The Right to Bear Arms: Our Founding Fathers did not give us the “The Right to Bear Arms” to go hunting, it was given to protect the people from a tyrannical government and politicians.

“To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them…” Richard Henry Lee

“The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States.” Noah Webster

"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who would pervert the Constitution." - Abraham Lincoln

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.” Thomas Jefferson

The 2nd Amendment is here to prevent a foreign nation from invading. During World War II, the Emperor of Japan wanted to invade the US. His top Military Leader informed him this would be impossible.

“You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Andrew Jackson was right and it saved us during World War II.

“A million armed freemen, possessed of the means of war, can never be conquered by a foreign foe." - Andrew Jackson

Think about it, if we disarmed, the UN could come in anytime it wanted and take what it wanted. This is the end game plan for Liberals; they want a One World Order with the UN running it. The same UN who had people raping tsunami victims, helping terrorist escape in UN vehicles after attacks, who has over half of Human Rights Violators on their “Human Rights Panel”; do I need to say anymore?  

The 2nd Amendment was also for self-protection, the Founding Fathers understood to disarm law abiding citizens was the dumbest idea any politician could come up with.

“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” – Thomas Jefferson

"A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined..." - George Washington,

As I stated in the beginning, America stands for Freedom, why else would so many people want to come here. We are blessed in America yet so many people have become complacent to this, forgetting you can lose your freedom in a heartbeat, just ask the Chinese, Russians, Cubans, and even the Iranians. The Iranians were once free, until President Jimmy Carter did not hold up the US treaty with the Shaw of Iran. Today Iran murder Girls who were raped for being promiscuous, Boys for posting on Facebook, and the LGBT community because they go against Islam. They have lost their Freedom. Many supported what the Mullahs in Iran said but once they overthrew the Shaw, they found out it was all lies. Kind of like it is ironic the LGBT community supports the Democratic Party who supports Islam who wants to kill them. LGBT community, you need to think about that before it is too late. The Liberal Democratic Party does not care about you at all, they only care about your vote.Can you tell now who hates America?

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