
COVID-19, How Did This Happen


On 2 October 2014, I wrote a paper titled, “We Need a Congress and President Who Will Keep US Safe.” Back then I talked about how did Ebola get to the US and how in America we think the CDC (Center for Disease Control) will keep us safe, no they are playing political games. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the CDC Director, Dr. Thomas Frieden, refuses to give a straight answer on how Ebola was transmitted. Once again, as all have seen in the news, the CDC and WHO are still playing their political games.


In my paper, I wrote about how kids in the US who now suffer from a breathing disorder which doctors can’t explain but didn’t occur until the Obama Administration put thousands of illegal kids, who crossed the border, in our schools without doing a proper medical vetting. I then stated, “Our children have been put at risk and are now suffering because politicians want future votes from them. The pandemic I warned you about may be at hand with these two cases or one we haven’t seen yet.” Welcome to COVID-19!

Why would anyone, including our elected officials, allow anyone into the US who have not been properly vetted, when they are coming from an area with a possible pandemic breakout? I do not know, but you will have to ask the Liberal Democrats that question. Liberal Democrats for years has blocked all attempts to secure our boarders and protect the US. Liberal Democrats have bent over backwards to make the US Border Patrol release Illegal Aliens, into the US, without proper medical vetting. Even after the outbreak of COVID-19, they tried to slip a provision into the first coronavirus bill, to open back up the borders, even after Americans had died from COVID-19. Liberal Democrats have literally gotten in-between Doctors and their Patients, to prevent an already FDA approved drugs, from being used in their states because President Trump recommended it. Liberal Democrats have called President Trump a racist for using the origin in the coronavirus name, which is how it has been done throughout history. Here are examples of diseases named after places:

West Nile Virus-Named after the West Nile District of Uganda discovered in 1937.

Guinea Worm-Named by European explorers for the Guinea coast of West Africa in the 1600s.

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever-Named after the mountain range spreading across western North America first recognized first in 1896 in Idaho.

Lyme Disease-Named after a large outbreak of the disease occurred in Lyme and Old Lyme, Connecticut in the 1970s.

Ross River Fever-Named after a mosquito found to cause the disease in the Ross River of Queensland, Australia by the 1960s. The first major outbreak occurred in 1928.

Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever-Named after its 1940s discovery in Omsk, Russia.

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever-Named in 1976 for the Ebola River in Zaire located in central Africa.

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)-Also known as “camel flu,” MERS was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and all cases are linked to those who traveled to the Middle Eastern peninsula.

Valley Fever-Valley Fever earned its nickname from a 1930s outbreak San Joaquin Valley of California, though its first case came from Argentina.

Marburg Virus Disease-Named after Marburg, Germany in 1967.

Norovirus-Named after Norwalk, Ohio after an outbreak in 1968.

Zika Fever-First discovered in 1947 and named after the Zika Forest in Uganda.

Japanese Encephalitis-Named after its first case in Japan in 1871.

German Measles-Named after the German doctors who first described it in the 18th century. The disease is also sometimes referred to as “Rubella.”

Spanish Flu-While the true origins of the Spanish Flu remain unknown, the disease earned its name after Spain began to report deaths from the flu in its newspapers.

Lassa Fever-Named after the being found in Lassa, Nigeria in 1969.

Legionnaire’s Disease-Named in 1976 following an outbreak of people contracting the lung infection after attending an American Legion convention in Philadelphia.

Is this enough examples to get the Liberal Democrats to concentrate on the problem instead of lying to gain political points? No, they are Liberals after all. Several Liberal Democrats have even stated that it was the US, not China, where the COVID-19 pandemic started, just to try and damage President Trump. They are using a tragedy, once again, to try and gain political points. 

For one of many good examples, Liberal Democrat Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, has been attacking President Donald Trump over the state’s request for ventilators. As Governor Cuomo says New Yorkers are dying because of the Federal Government not sending enough ventilators, it was discovered that Governor Cuomo and New York had 30,000 stockpiled ventilators. This shows you that once again, Liberals do not care about the people, just politics. When caught, he admits the stockpiling stating, “We’re planning for an apex, a high point in about 21 days, that’s when we need the 30,000 ventilators, not today.” New Yorkers are dying because they put a Liberal Democrat in charge, not because of President Trump. Of course we need them today and you, a Liberal Democrat, are the reason for deaths, all across this America, because of your hoarding and preventing the use of 30,000 ventilators. In fact, this was done for a political reason; defeating President Trump in the next election.

The sad part is you think you have done nothing wrong. Where you saving some of them for your rich friends? That is what Ray Nagin did during Hurricane Katrine. Mr. Nagin commandeered buses sent for the poor to get his Rich Friends out of New Orleans. I think the Liberal Democrats are trying to prolong the COVID-19 pandemic, for political clout in the political race to beat President Trump. They do not have a chance, so quoting them in their own words, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity.” Rahm Emanuel. Think about that. This statement was first said in a different way by Socialist/Communist Saul Alinsky. He wrote in his Rules for Radicals, “In the arena of action a threat or a crisis becomes almost a precondition to communication, strike and beat down fortune through skilled action”. Saul Alinsky viewed any tragedy as a political opportunity, the exact thing you see Democrats doing today. Liberal Democrats must be Socialist or Communist, which is what is said today by their own actions. If you want to become a Third World Nation and lose all your rights, keep voting for Liberal Democrats; I personally want to keep my rights.

Please tell me what you think.

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