
What Would You Do As President If You Could?

Have you ever asked yourself what you would change if you had the power, I do all the time. Unlike almost every politician out there, my changes would be for our country and its citizens. People like to look at polls, but polls can be skewed and usually are for political reasons. I researched a poll, by a major news station, that the results didn’t sound right to me. What I found was they used 65% of people from one party, 10% independents, and 25% from the other political party. False facts from the news media are a major problem that needs to be changed, but how do you do it? If you have any suggestions, please send them to me. Just for an example, when I looked at what worried Americans the most, every Liberal poll showed “Climate Change” within the top 5 of 20. When I looked at non-partisan polling places, the highest “Climate Change” polled was 9th in 1 of 8 independent, non-partisan polling, not even mentioned on the other polls. This is why you should take polling with a grain of salt. If you take a long look at the top five items that mostly concerns the common American, they are Voting, Healthcare, The National Debt and the Economy, Entitlements, and Immigration\VISA Program\Border Security. Now let’s get to what we would change, if we could change it.


Voting would be my first target. There would be a National Voter Database from all states, if someone moves and registers to vote, they will automatically be removed from the other state. If you do not have an ID, and cannot afford an ID, one will be given to you free of charge after proving you are an American Citizen. If you go to vote without an ID, you will not be allowed to vote. If you are an Illegal Alien and are caught voting, you will be automatically, and immediately deported, banned from the US for five years. If caught again, you will be automatically deported and permanently banned after a mandatory 5 years prison term, with no parole. This is only for Illegals who try to illegally vote. Campaign funding can only come from the people and non-profit organizations. If a non-profit organization accepts any traceable money from any foreign entity, they cannot donate to any campaign. Any American caught illegally voting in more than one place, will be fined and banned from voting for 5 years. If they are caught again, they will spend one year in jail, be fined, and banned from voting for 10 years. Each time they are caught, their sentence will double. Any “Pole Worker” caught changing, discarding, hiding, or destroying properly cast ballots, will spend a mandatory 5 years in jail, with no parole,  have all voting rights removed, and will not allowed to run for public office. If possible, I would set every state up do have one vote from every county, like the Federal Electoral College, for all state positions, including the Governorship, so no one county with a huge population, can control the whole state. I think we would majorly limit voting fraud. Without fixing this first, nothing else will matter.

Health Care

Health Care would be next. I would open all state borders for Health Care exchanges. With more competition, health care prices will drop, helping Americans be able to afford health care. This was changed back in the 1960s; the only reason was to make money. Many of our elected officials, and people working at the FDA, have stock in the Pharmaceutical Companies which is a clear “Conflict of Interest”, this would be banned. I would pass a law that if you have oversight, you cannot have stock or receive donations for those groups. Next I would mandate the use of outside Pharmaceutical companies. Many other countries have cures for our diseases, which are not allowed into the US, because the FDA is hand in hand with the Pharmaceutical companies, who make more off treating people then curing them. If a Pharmaceutical company is caught withholding a cure or preventing another foreign or domestic company from releasing a cure, all patent will be seized, and open for bid by the Federal Government. All conspirators will spend a mandatory 5 years, with no parole. Anyone from the FDA, who is found guilty of blocking any treatment or cures due to malice or money, will also spend a mandatory 5 years, with no parole. Any Pharmaceutical caught price gauging Americans, over other countries, will face a hefty fine, and possible patent seizure.

Any doctor practicing illegal, barbaric, cultural disfiguring, (example, Genital Mutilation) of anyone, they will be fined and incarcerated for no less than 5 years with no parole. If they are an Immigrant, they will be immediately deported after serving their sentence and banned from the US. If an immigrant sends their child overseas to have the procedure done, they will be jailed for no less than 5 years with no parole; lose their Green card, they will be immediately deported, but their children can chose to remain in the US.

According to CMHS, in 1950, there were 322 mental hospitals with 512,501 patients, with a US population 152,300,000. Today, with a population of 331,002,651, with only 35,000 patients; has mental health gone away? No, we are not dealing with it and many, that should be in hospitals, I think is probably in our congress. All joking aside, there should be 1,113,849 people confined today, but it is 69% below, with these people on the streets. This is one area I believe we need to help more.

The National Debt and the Economy

The National Debt and the Economy is next. I would have a detailed list made up of all expenditures; this will highlight where we are wasting money. First, remove all unnecessary “Red Tape” hindering our economy. Next I would removing all support to countries who commit Human Rights Violations, or like China and India, who refuse to cut their pollution on manufacturing. I would remove any support from any country that has ties to terrorism or cartels, if they ask for help taking down the terrorist or cartels, we will do it on a case by case basis, but removed from the United Nations (UN). I would remove the US from the UN and World Health Organization due to their corruption and refusal to do the right thing.

If the National Debt does not go down by 10% every four years, whatever Congressional Candidate is in office will not be allowed to run for reelection and no congressional pay raise. We will set up a percentage budget for running the country and all expenditures must be spelled out. For example, you have three main areas in the $4,147,000,000,000 National Budget; Discretionary Spending (30%-$1,244,100,000,000), Mandatory Spending (63%-$2,612,610,000,000), and Net Interest (7%-$290,290,000,000). Within the whole budget 63% of expenditures is for some type of entitlement, 19% is paying interest, 6% is Defense, and you have 12%, that all you can find is other; 497,640,000,000. I would make the whole budget open, no “OTHER.”

I would make Social Security individual accounts again, set up like a Roth 401k. No one who did not pay into Social Security will get a dime from it. No Illegal Aliens will get a dime from it, and the Elderly will get a pay raise. The Military will stop being penalized. Congress will only have a 401k, no longer receiving retirement or special perks. I would set up another “Unemployment Account” which people can put money into, set up like a Roth 401k, which the people can access if they become unemployed; the catch is, when they retire, it is all tax free to take.

The military falls under Discretionary Spending, the Republicans usually set Defense spending at 23% while the Democrats set it at 17%; we will permanently set it at 20% Discretionary Spending, or 6% of the total budget, with the Defense Department allowed to save money if they do not use it. The VA will allow outside doctors without penalty and will allow outside agencies to determine disability status. No more having to be 50% or higher before receiving a disability check separate from your military retirement check.  

I would also do away with the tax system and charge a 3% federal sales tax, or make a flat tax at 7 percent on citizens as well as business; if a business leaves or moves its corporate office because of the tax, it will have a user tax added that will be more than the sales or flat tax. The only people who would not pay taxes would be anyone below the poverty level, charities who receive only contributions from within the US, and charities who receive contributions from within and outside the US, but do not donate to any political party. The only deductions will be primary residence under $500,000, Medical Bills, Charitable giving, Medication, and interest on Student Loans. The IRS would become completely up to date and digitized; no more faxes or inability to find information quickly.

All bills done by congress will be clean bills, no more pork spending.

Since we did away with the UN and WHO, I would start a new organization called the MACE “Morals Against Corrupt Entities” (unless you can find a better one). MACE would have a Human Rights Violations (trafficking, slavery, mutilation, forced prostitution, discrimination with violence, ect), Illegal Drugs (worldwide), Terrorism, International Cyber Crimes, and the UN/WHO mission areas without political bias. The money will come from the UN and WHO funding, other countries can join but must be vetted.


Entitlements need to be revamped. If you are on Welfare, you will be implanted with a birth control device until you can stand on your own two feet. Studies show unwed pregnancy and pregnancies while on Welfare are the highest cause of poverty. If on Welfare, you will be drug tested even if it is legal in your state; if you can afford drugs, you do not need assistance. First offense - 3 months no probation with drug testing, second offense - 3 months no Welfare, third offense - 6 months no Welfare, and forth offense - permanently removed from program. You will not be able to by soda or junk food while on Food Stamps. If caught selling your Food Stamps, first offense - 3 months no Food Stamps, second offense - 12 months no Food Stamps, and third offense - permanently removed from program.

I would start vocational and other job training programs, free for Welfare and poverty designated people. After completion, there will be a placement service to find jobs for graduates. Have local classes set up to train people to use computers, many still shy away from them and it is hurting them in the search to find a job.

Currently, if you are on any Entitlement and make a dollar, you lose a dollar off your Entitlement; this encourages people not to try and work. I would make it that you only lose 25 cents on the dollar, after you have made $5,200, and 25 cents on the dollar less after every $5,200. This will give people the incentive to work instead of punishing them for working.

National Concealed Carry Permit

Licensing is said to be a state function, but after Gay Marriage passed due to states not granting “Constitutional Rights” to all its citizens, the Federal government made a Federal Gay Marriage Law. The same needs to done with a National Concealed Carry Law. I would make a standard for and set up a National Concealed Carry Permit, which could not be superseded or infringed upon by the state. If it can be done for Gay Marriage, it can be done for Concealed Carry Permits.

Immigration, VISA Program, and Border Security

First, you are not a nation if you do not have a border. We need to secure and have constant surveillance, to protect our country and its people. Illegal Aliens in the US will have six months to turn themselves in, which at this point, if they have no felony criminal record, multiple DUIs, gang ties, terrorist ties, and have not attempted to vote illegally, they will be placed on probation list and vetted for citizenship. All who fail will be deported. After the six month point, all Illegal Aliens found will automatically be deported. If caught in the US illegally three times, you will be permanently banned. Any business hiring Illegal Aliens will be fined, if caught three times, they will lose their business license. Any state supporting Illegal Aliens will lose Federal Funding at a rate of 5% a month until at zero or they stop. They money will be reinstated, but if they again start it back up, if they were down to 40% when they stopped, it will restarts at 40%.

The VISA programs will tract all people on VISAs. Anyone on a School or Work VISA must self-report if they have lost school enrollment or have lost their job. Other schools and work will be queried to place them back in their area, if it cannot be accomplished, they will be deported. Schools and Employers must send a weekly report on all VISA holders’ status.  Immigrants here on a VISA will not receive any Entitlements. Any states giving Entitlements to Legal or Illegal Aliens will lose a portion of Federal Funding, actions show they must have too much. All VISA holders will return to their countries once their school and work are completed. They may file for a petition to stay but honestly, we are doing the world no good, we are actually damaging it, by letting the best of the best immigrate, and stay in the US. Allow them to come here and learn, but then send them back to their country to make a difference.

If any Legal Immigrant, VISA holder, or Green Card holder is found to have ties to terrorist groups, drug cartels, are spies for another country, or are trying to make a sub-community identified by race, religion, nationality, after an investigation has proven the above to be so, they will immediately be deported except for the spies which will be handed over to the proper authorities. Green card holders will lose their green cards.

Anyone filing for asylum must, by international law, file in the first country they come to, so unless you are a defector, that only leaves Mexico, Cuba, Canada, Cayman Island, Jamaica, and Haiti that are within a 1,000 kilometers (621 miles). No more automatic citizen if you put your foot on the shore, you will be vetted like everyone else.

I have one last item. I would remove Diplomatic Immunity in cases dealing with death or high crimes. I had a friend killed by a man who had “Diplomatic Immunity”, he was just told to leave the country. No one, Diplomatic, Politician, or other, should be allowed to murder someone without facing the consequences. I would pass a law preventing congress from purposely lying about subjects being debated.

Please let me know what you think.

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