
Liberal Hypocrisy on Full Display

If you support a cause, even if I do not agree with you cause, I can tell if it is legitimate by how you apply what you claim to support. If you call yourself a Christian, but do not follow the Bible, you are not a Christian. If you say you are a health nut but are always eating junk food and never working out, I’m going to say BS. If you are against women or men being sexually assaulted, yet it is only if they are from a certain party, race, gender, or religion, I am going to call you a hypocrite, yet that is exactly what our celebrities, activist, politicians and media do every day.  


Linda Sarsour, organizer of the Women’s March, who stated, “There is a longstanding problem that a majority of white women voted for Donald Trump and have supported Kavanaugh – they put their proximity to power over their own interests.” So is she really for protecting women? First, yes, by her own statement you can tell she is a racist, but what did she say about Joe Biden with him having women from all races saying he has been inappropriate or even sexually assaulting? There is not one word of her condemning Joe Biden, but it gets better. Linda Sarsour is accused of enabling sexual assault and threatening victim. Liberals are not for protecting women.

Barbara Ehrenreich, author and Feminist activist, stated, “A liberal I know bemoans the fact that Kavanaugh’s ascendency will discredit the Supreme Court.” I guess the three justices, one who is also a racist and misandry, and all three, who refuses to recuse themselves when the US Constitution requires it, haven’t already “discredit the supreme court.” What did she say about Joe Biden with him having women from all races saying he has been inappropriate or even sexually assaulting? So is she really for protecting women? What did she say about Joe Biden with him having women from all races saying he has been inappropriate or even sexually assaulting? There is not one word of her condemning Joe Biden, like she did Kavanaugh, anywhere. Another Liberals Feminist who is not protecting women.

Jamia Wilson, Executive Director of the Feminist Press at the City University of New York states, “It’s essential for our elected officials to understand that the people believe survivors.” So did she believe Tara Reade's sexual-assault allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden? Jamia Wilson has actually come out campaigning for Joe Biden. Another Liberals Feminist who is not protecting women, and who is helping the accused. She cares nothing about abuse victims, only her agenda.

Gloria Allred, Women’s Rights Lawyer stated, “Truth has been the greatest casualty. There has not been fair process for Dir. Ford, nor for Judge Kavanaugh, nor for the American public. It was political theater.” So did she believe “There has not been fair process for” Tara Read against former Vice President Joe Biden? Lisa Bloom actually did make a direct statement on the Tara Reade’s Biden Allegations: “I believe you, But Still Voting for Biden.” Once again, Liberals do not care about the abuse of women; they just use it as a platform to get their agenda through its steps.


Many people rest upon the word of celebrities as truth and virtue, these people need to realize that celebrities are people just like me or you, but as animals have to do, must adapt to their environment. Do I believe all these producers and directors in Hollywood took advantage of people? Yes. Do I believe many of these people did it to further their careers? Yes. Do I believe MANY famous actors and actresses knew and said nothing to keep their life style and the movies coming? Yes. Do I think any of this is right? No, but that is the layout of the environment they choose to live in. If you are a Christian or Conservative in Hollywood, no matter how good you are, you will be discriminated against. You must adhere to all Liberal philosophy as well or all the leaders in Hollywood will make sure you never work there again. This means many of them are mindless robots which do what their Puppet Masters tell them to do, right or wrong, even supporting sexual assault perpetrators; they have to or no jobs.

Julianne Moore, Reese Witherspoon, Brie Larson, Kerry Washington, Jessica Chastain, America Ferrera, Natalie Portman, Lady Gaga, Ellen DeGeneres, Jamie Lee Curtis, Bette Midler, and Debra Messing are just a few, of over a hundred celebrities who support the sexual assaulter over the victim because of politics. All were very vocal against Kavanaugh, which if they were for protecting abused women, I wouldn’t have a problem with, but it was all about politics, and they have kept quiet about Tara Reade’s allegations against Biden. Brie Larson tweeted, “#BelieveSurvivors”, that is unless they are accusing a Liberal Democrat; she supports Biden 100%. Bette Midler tweeted, “#believeallwomen”, that is unless they are accusing a Liberal Democrat; she supports Biden 100%. It gets better; Debra Messing tried to debunk Read’s accusation against Joe Biden, even defending his actions, that was until her followers started slamming her for the hypocrisy. But the best from Hollywood was Alyssa Milano. Alyssa Milano, the number one crusader for women during the Kavanaugh scandal, has just shown, as with all Liberals, it is about politics, not protecting women. Alyssa Milano’s statement on Joe Biden, “I still support Joe Biden because I believe that’s the best choice for that future, and again it is not up to women to absolve perpetrators.” I think that says it all. The only one I can find who was attacking Kavanaugh, who is also attacking Biden is Rose McGowan. I believe, as the evidence showed, that she was wrong about Kavanaugh, but at lease she was not a hypocrite; she went after Biden as well. McGowan even blasted Alyssa Milano and others Liberals stating, “You are a fraud. This is about holding the media accountable. You go after Trump & Kavanaugh saying Believe Victims, you are a lie.” My hat goes off to you Rose.


Some politicians are the biggest Hypocrites out there, and the Liberals in congress, lead the way. During the Kavanaugh ordeal, even after the evidence came out exonerating Kavanaugh, not one Liberal Democrat voted for him claiming you should always believe the victim. Now that Biden’s accuser, Tara Reade, has come out with witnesses, evidence, and a police report, unlike Dr. Ford, you have to believe her, right. No, every one of the Liberal Democrats in congress supports Biden over the victim which that all said, you should always believe the victim. So what is the difference? Ford had no witnesses, evidence, or a police report Reade has all the evidence of a sexual assault; ironic, is it not. They were trying to carry out Pelosi’s political assassination of Kavanaugh by using the deceitful Liberal tactic called the “Wrap-Up Swear”, which Pelosi actually admitted to. The capper is everyone who accused Kavanaugh was a Democrat, who worked for Democrat Politicians; everyone who accused Biden is a Democrat who worked for Democrat Politicians. I guess only Liberal Democrats are victims.

Is Biden guilty? Since his accuser has a police report, has witnesses to his assault, and has evidence to support her claims, I would have to say yes. Now ask yourself, why are the media and Liberal Democrat Politicians not standing with the victim as they stated all should do, just a little while ago? The media does not care about assaults by politicians unless they are in the party they do not like. Liberal Democrat politicians do not care any assault, by politician or other, unless they can use it to promote their agenda. As Liberal Democrats always say, never let a tragedy, natural or orchestrated; go to waste, if it will help your agenda.

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