
Why Do We Send Our Money There?

The United Nations (UN)

The UN is an intergovernmental organization that tasked to maintain international peace and security, succeeding the ineffective League of Nations on 25 April 1945. The UN was to maintaining international peace, security, protecting human rights, delivering humanitarian aid, promoting sustainable development, and upholding international law, but it has fell far short. It was, at first, a good organization, but along the way it started letting the violators of peace, security, and protecting of human rights, into the fold.

Lead in Paying but not allowed to Lead

When it comes to funding of the UN, of the 193 nation members, 15 pay for over 93% of its funding. US-27.89%, China-15.21%, Japan-8.56%, Germany-6.09%, UK-5.79%, Ireland-5.77%, France-5.61%, Italy-3.30%, Russia-3.04%, Canada-2.73%, S. Korea-2.26%, Australia-2.21%, Spain-2.15%, Netherlands-1.36%, and Switzerland-1.15%, yet in its 75 year history, only two of the 93% funders, have held the office of Secretary-General of the United Nations, none of whom was from the US. Gladwyn Jebb-Britain, Trygve Lie-Norway, Dag Hammarskjöld-Sweden, U Thant-Myanmar, Kurt Waldheim-Austria, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar-Peru, Boutros Boutros-Ghali-Egypt, Kofi Annan-Ghana, Ban Ki-moon-South Korea, and António Guterres-Portugal; with at least one of them having the been caught covering up the illegal sales of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

Human Rights Council full of Violators

Of the 47 members of the UN Human Rights Council, Afghanistan, Angola, Australia, Chile, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Qatar, Senegal, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine, Argentina, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Burkina, Faso, Cameroon, Czechia, Denmark, Eritrea, Fiji, India, Italy, Philippines, Somalia, Togo, Uruguay, Armenia, Brazil, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Libya, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Namibia, Netherlands, Poland, Republic of Korea, Sudan, and Venezuela, with over half of them known Human Rights Violators.

Funds always Missing

The UN has consistently mismanaging their funds to the point of almost gowning bankrupt in 2019. They have been found to be overflowing with fraud.

Supporting Terrorism

You have Hamas terrorist escaping in UN vehicles driven by UN employees after initiating an attack on Israel. A UN employee drives terrorist around in a UN vehicle, in Israel pointing out Israeli weak points. The UN is supposed to be against terrorist but another UN aid worker was indicted for aiding Hamas terrorist. The UN General Assembly, voting on a bill to condemn Hamas, along with all terrorism, fails to receive enough votes. In short, the UN General Assembly supports terrorism.

Supporting Rape of Women and Children

UN peacekeepers have been caught raping people, even children, all over the world with no punishment. On 3 August 2016, Brett Schaefer, a report on the UN where Mr. Schaefer states, “The unprecedented pace, scope, and ambition of U.N. peacekeeping operations over the past decade have revealed serious flaws, limitations, and weaknesses that need to be addressed. The most disturbing problem has been the frequency of sexual exploitation and abuse by U.N. personnel and peacekeepers and the apparent inability or unwillingness of the U.N. to prevent such misconduct and hold those responsible to account.” Why should we support this?

World Health Organization (WHO)

On the WHO webpage, it states under “Our values, our DNA”, WHO adheres to the UN values of integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity. The UN does not have any so I can tell that WHO will not be any better, but let’s take a look. Under WHO’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, it states, “Avoid any action that could be perceived as an abuse of privileges and immunities” and “Demonstrate the highest standards of scientific integrity as public health practitioners and/or researchers.”

Would flying 1st Class or paying for Private Jets be considered an “Ethical” or “Professional” way to spend money, not to mention the $1,000 dollar a night hotels they stay in. This are breaks off into three areas, Integrity, Accountability, and Independence and Impartiality.


WHO personnel, are to behave in accordance with ethical principles and act in good faith, intellectual honesty and fairness. WHO covered up the Origin of COVID-19, and the virus itself for moths for political reasons. The first traceable case of COVID-19 was at 17 November 2019, but reports shows China Whistleblower Doctor Li, had written about a mysterious virus in late October, was he talking about COVID-19? The Chinese government silenced him and WHO covered for them; Doctor Li was said to die for the virus. I am sure he is dead; the circumstances may have been different, knowing the Chinese are infamous for killing anyone who goes against the state. Was WHO “Ethically Principled” in their response? No! Did they act in “Good Faith”? No! Were they “Intellectual Honest and Fair”? No!


Ensure that the human, financial and material resources entrusted to them are used optimally for the benefit of WHO. Record all transactions and prepare accurate and complete records, in accordance with established procedures. If I was in charge of trying to make the world health better, I would stretch every dime I had so I could help even more people; this is the normal thought pattern for people who want to help people, for a good example, look at Doctors Without Borders. One researcher noted, “World Health Organization spent more on plane tickets and hotels than AIDS and malaria”. The World Health Organization spent nearly $192 million on travel expenses last year, with staffers sometimes breaking the agency’s own rules by not traveling in coach, booking expensive last-minute tickets, and traveling without the required approvals, according to internal documents obtained by The Associated Press. Is this being accountable?

Independence and Impartiality

WHO employees are to conduct oneself with the interests of WHO under the sole authority of the Director-General. You are to ensure that personal views and convictions do not compromise ethical principles, official duties or the interests of WHO. You are to attain the highest possible level of health, and their mission is to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable. Where they “Independent” when they followed China’s direction, causing the death of thousands of people across the world who trusted them? No! Where they “Impartial” when they suppressed details so China could save face? No!

WHO have been warned time and time again about their inappropriate spending, but it was tolerated because we assumed they would protect not only Americans, but the whole world; we were WRONG. They put politics in front of saving thousands of people. We cannot fine them, remove their leadership, or even make them travel ethically; but we can remove our money.

World Trade Organization (WTO)

If you read the WTO vision, it states, “The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.” This would all be good if it were true. If you go look who was behind its founding, you will find Liberals who wanted to funnel US money to anyone but the US; “Income Redistribution”, world style. The WTO has 164 members, with 10 members paying over 51%, with ZERO of the top five donors countries serving as Director-General. This would be fine as well except the WTO tries to tell the top 10 countries with the highest gross income, they must be on the losing end of every trade. On top of that, they try to mandate their beliefs onto sovereign countries with blackmail type tactics. I ask one last time, why should we give them money.

The UN, WHO, and the WTO are all tide together. The corruption you see in one, you see in all three. The miss use of funds you see in one, you see in all three. All three of their financial records should be open 100% to the public, but they are not. All of them, like many of our Liberal politicians, think they are untouchable and above the law. If you are alright with that, you need a new country. That is not the principles America was founded on, even though, many of our politicians have acted that way for years. It is time to clean house.

Please let me know what you think.

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