
Protests are Great-Riots are Bad

Double standards, hypocrisy, and the refusal to see the obvious facts, is what breads racism from all sides. I would personally like to go back to a couple or standards, which no longer exists.

The first would be, “If you do not work, you do not eat.”

The second would be, “If you make a provable false claim, you can be sued.”

The third, “No Plea Bargaining”, you are either guilty or innocent.

The fourth, “Politicians can have no protection that the common citizens do not have.” No more freedom to lie in congress, to the people, by politicians.

The fifth, “If you lie under oath to Congress or a federal investigation, to include the 33 Federal Law Enforcement groups (may have missed a couple), you are prosecuted.

Do you believe, “What is fair for the Gander is fair for the Goose?” Let’s play a game called “A Group” and “B Group”. You will not know if the Groups are white or a minority, male or female, LGBTQ or strait, rich or poor, educated or illiterate, conservative or liberal, you must make your decision on the facts.

I person (Group A) uses a racially charged word; in response the other person (Group B) uses a racially charged word. Are both groups wrong and racist?

If (Group A) says you can’t trust (Group B) because of their skin color. Is (Group A) a racist?

What if a politician from (Group A) makes a homophobic statement and a politician from (Group B) says the same statement. Should they be treated equally?

We are not waiting to see the evidence in a lot of cases; we wait to see the race, political party, gender, or sexual preference in the race before reacting. After a Black Cop Was Convicted of Killing a White Woman, Minnesota Activists Say Focus Should Be Police Reform, but when a White cop kills a black man; burn down the city. All burning down the city does is make your cause lose all legitimacy. I can show you where a black cop shot a white person and went to jail. I can show you where a white cop shot a black person and went to jail. The difference in the reaction by both groups is amazing. When the white cop went to jail, it was “Justice served” by the NAACP. When the black cop went to jail, it was a “scapegoat” against a man of color to fool residents into thinking the police force is intact” by the NAACP. The evidence showed both cops were guilty, so why the different reaction based on race by the NAACP? Does this show they are racist themselves? The white community didn’t riot and destroy other people’s private property, so why are black communities rioting?

This type of mentality has happened many times in history, where one group either doesn’t like the outcome of a trial or doesn’t want to wait for the outcome of a trial; it was the favorite tool of the KKK, and now it looks like the favorite tool of the Black community; how ironic. The KKK was destroyed (thankfully) because of the violence the placed on the innocent; the same will happen to the current violent community, if this doesn’t stop. Someone will die, it doesn’t matter if he was innocent or not, a riot will break out, and someone, white and/or minority, will kill people defending their property, and it will be justified. Now, instead of losing one member of your community, guilty or innocent, you have lost more. What did you gain? The KKK acted like animals, and still does, so why are you mimicking the hate group that suppressed you, for now, you are no better than the KKK.

Why are you in the position you are in?

Why do you blame white people for what you have created?

Growing up, I saw the violence of the KKK and Knight Riders first hand. I was not a full blood of any race; both races treated me nasty. I was put down because I was from the wrong side of the tracks and was doing nasty things because that was what was expected of me. Then a teacher showed me a quote that changed my life.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt

She went on to explain that even though I was poor, from a broken home, and of mixed blood when that was really frown upon , the only person who could hold me back or hold me down was myself; she was right. She also explained to me that no one owed me anything, and if I wanted to become something better, I would have to work for it. I worked to graduate, and joined the military to get a better chance. I went to collage while I was in the military and now make more than 90% of the people where I grew up; a feat I never dreamed, after all, I was a field worker.

One thing I learned from traveling all over the world and the US was that rioting and violence only ends bad. When you turn from a legitimate cause to violence, you have lost all your support outside a small group; the support you need to make a meaningful change. Another thing I learned was to be honest, if you “Cry Wolf” when a wolf is not at the door, no one will believe you when the wolf shows up. Just because a black cop shoots a white person, or a white cop shoots a black person, it does not mean it is racism. In North Carolina, a black cop shot a black man who went for a gun, and it was said to be racist; think about that. You have bad cops out there, most protected by the police unions just so they can get more money; they are after all, Liberal. Eric Garner killer used an “Illegal Choke Hold”, yet he was allowed to go free, but you also have a black guy shot by cops while pulling a gun out; people riot and loot. Why? It was a legit shooting; this also takes away from your credibility. Towns have been ran into the ground to where the police, to protect the people, must be more on edge, because the people running these cities are letting the criminals get away literally with murder. If you take a look at the top five most dangerous cities in the US, they have been ran for a combined total of 306 years by Liberal Democrats, compared to 4 years of Republicans.  

    1. St. Louis, MO, Liberal Democrat mayors since 1949.
    2. Detroit, MI, Liberal Democrat mayors since 1962.
    3. Baltimore, MD, Liberal Democrat mayors since 1967.
    4. Memphis, TN, Liberal Democrat mayors since 1982.
    5. Kansas City, MO, Liberal Democrat, with one Republican mayor since 1930.

Can you see the coincidence here? I do not believe in coincidences, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and if you want to have a better life for yourself, your family, you need to quit following the old insanity that has been beat into you by all the Liberals. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results; it is never going to happen, so maybe you need to change who you are voting for, they are not helping you. Do you really want to get your cause across and be taken seriously, instead of blown off? If the answer is yes, you must do a couple of things to be taken seriously and not dismissed. First, stop the rioting and looting, it does nothing but hurt your cause. People around the world look at it as if you just want to steal stuff and burn any evidence of your theft. It removes all legitimacy from your cause; see what Martin Luther King said if you do not believe me; he succeeded. Second, stop with all the fake “Crying Wolf”, it does nothing but make you lose credibility. When I see a guy pull a gun on a cop and gets shot; it is a no starter. When you protest him, it takes away from the real victims for whom you are fighting. Third, quit teaching people to fight and resist the cops; resistance is only going to make things worse. If you are not guilty, the evidence will prove it. Forth, whenever you see something, or you think something is going to be done to you, record it; everyone has a smart phone. Video evidence gives you credit and bring the incident into focus. Last, leave your reactive feelings at home; I am not talking about your passion. I have watched when people do not get the answer they want, they automatically turn to violence; violence removes all credibility. Here are some quotes from Martin Luther King Jr.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

“We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence.”

“In spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace.”

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.”

Please let me know what you think and comment.

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