
Respect, Honor, Discipline, Patriotism, Equality, and The Rule of Law

If you look at any country in the world, Respect, Honor, Discipline, Patriotism, Equality, and the Rule of Law applied equally is what all 1st World Nations, like the US, say they strive to achieve. Can anyone seriously disagree with any of these tenants for the foundation of a utopian society? No, but this can never be completely reached because humans are involved, no one is completely the same in intelligence, strength, endurance, or looks; someone will always be subordinate to another and complain. You will always have people who didn’t put in the work complaining about the people who did, stating that they were discriminated against by Race, Gender, Religion, or some other tag, but the truth is they didn’t put forth the same effort. In the History of the World, the United States has come closest to achieving this status, than any other nation.

“Respect”, this is what many people say they want but what I was hearing from the gangster style community in Detroit was they wanted to be feared, not respected. I give everyone, no matter their race, religion, or political party, respect, until they give me a reason not to. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was a Republican, was a respectful man who never gave anyone a reason, or a way, to say he wasn’t respectful or his cause wasn’t creditable.

“Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often brings about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

MLK believed you had to be non-violent and act in a respectful manner to be respected, and he was right. All the Riots and Looting is disrespectful to the community, why are you destroying innocent people’s property? Why, if you are protesting the death of a man murdered by the police, do you kill 17 others? The lack of respect to the Law and other people is why many cops have become so overbearing. Escalating violence, just like Escalating disrespect, is just a combination for more violence and death. Show respect, and you will start receiving respect. Respect is missing today, just look at the Rioters and Looters; they are destroying their homes and then wonder why they have nothing.

“Honor” and peacefully demonstrating, give you legitimacy; when you incite violence, you remove all legitimacy from your cause. By MLK being respectful actions toward the Law and the Hateful Police, he was able to use the US Constitution, the same one the Liberal Left wants to get rid of, to protested and marched in complete righteousness. By standing righteously in a peaceful manner and letting the violent opposition show their true colors, MLK was able to gain credibility, and highlighted the violence against the innocent.

MLK was able to change the dynamic of the time, raising his credibility above the status quo set by people like, Robert Byrd, Lester Maddox, Jesse Helms, George Wallace, and Strom Thurmond; some of the most racist Politicians of all time, who openly belonged or was affiliated with, the KKK. MLK beat both the KKK and the Democratic Party who was pushing for Poll Taxes and segregation, and was able to make the change America’s people needed. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was brought to a vote, needing Two-Thirds of both the House and Senate to pass a constitutional amendment. Even though the Democrats fought it, with only 63% of Democrats voting for it in the House and 68% of Democrats voting for it in the Senate, the Republicans came through with 80% voting for it in the House and 82% voting for it in the Senate. What you need to understand from this is it takes Two-Thirds of both the House and Senate to pass a constitutional amendment. The Democrat vote was short, the Republican vote was overwhelming and was the only reason the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed. Democrats have been lying about it for years. The Republicans, not the Democrats, showed honor to the minorities, giving them an equal playing field.

“Discipline” is the key to winning. Burning down the minority owned businesses, looting (robbing) everything you can get your hands on, and assaulting or killing people takes ALL legitimacy away from your cause. Coercive Power which is used by these rioters will only end up with people dying, and you losing all credibility. Without discipline, sooner or later the other side will retaliate against the disrespectful and violent acts with a higher degree of violence. You come to burn down my house, you will not make it very far; one of the reasons for the 2nd Amendment. You try to hurt me or my family, you will not make it very far; another of the reasons for the 2nd Amendment. If it was your property, business, or family, what would you do?

The reason the poor people in the city Ghettos or Appalachia stay poor has nothing to do with their skin color or gender, it has everything to do with discipline. You must be discipline and work to get out of bad situation, go to college or a trade school, apply what you learn, and make a life for yourself. Blaming the White Guy, Black Guy, or Spanish Guy will get you nowhere,  I grew up dirt poor working in the fields with duct tape on my shoes to try and keep the water and dirt out; “White Privilege” is a myth. It is a made up phase to distract you from learning what you are capable of, by allowing you to blame someone else for the situation you find yourself in. You see, if you find out the truth, Liberals will no longer be able to hold you down. The only person that can hold you back is yourself; no matter your Race, Gender, Religion, or the Economic Status you were born into.

Through Discipline and Hard Work, you can achieve anything; blaming others will only bring you grief, anger, no true since of purpose, and disappointment. I came from the wrong side of the tracks, didn’t look right, had the wrong last name, and according to my High School Guidance Counselor, was a total waste of breath. I have a life now, better then she could have dreamed; success is the best revenge.

“Patriotism” is what everyone in the US should have, if you think there is a country better than America, than you need to change your citizenship to that country. I have been in about 50 different countries and even though I liked several of them, America beats them hands down. Is America perfect? No, but what America was founded on, you having rights, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness through your labor, makes it the best country ever for the working person. Defending your country is being patriotic, standing up for the truth is being patriotic, covering the news honestly is being patriotic, teaching the truth and not a political agenda to our children is being patriotic, and even protesting an injustice is being patriotic. Teaching your kids to respect all people, no matter their race, gender, religion, or job is being patriotic.

Unfortunately Liberal actions prove the meaning of unpatriotic. When you legally rob hard working people to give entitlements to the lazy, this is unpatriotic. When you label everything as racist, this is unpatriotic. When you falsify the news, this is unpatriotic. When you Race-Bait, this is unpatriotic. When you support Domestic Terrorist Groups like the Ku Klux Klan, New Black Panther Party, Aryan Nations, and ANTIFA, this is unpatriotic. This is supporting a syndicate of evil.

Another example of syndicate of evil would be our media outlets. They have went from trying to expose the truth for all to see, to make up lies and hide the truth so our political agenda can be pushed. The last syndicate of evil is Liberal Democrats, who I once supported. When you have a political party leader coming out telling you how to plant false information to derail honest citizens, and push a false narrative to impeach a president for the sole reason you do not like him; that is pure evil. When you have massive amounts of rapes (59 around Bill Clinton alone) and deaths (46 around the Clintons alone) linked to your party that is pure evil and not patriotism.

There is also personal evil, an example is former ESPN reporter Chris Palmer who on Twitter called for all to be burned down, but called the cops when the protest reached his gated community. Can you say hypocrite. Another examples are former FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and DNI Director James Clapper who used their positions to try and frame US citizens, including President Trump, for political reasons. No Intelligence or Law Enforcement agencies should ever be political; that is strait evil.

“Equality” is second to no other country in America. If we were so racist, how did we have a Black President with blacks only making up 13% of the population? When “The Civil Rights Act of 1964” was passed, some items were put into place to force the needed change, one of the items was Executive Order 11246, Affirmative Action, passed in 1965. It basically put a quota on who could be hired; this was needed because many minorities couldn’t get the experience to be hired into a better job due to lack of experience and nepotism. It is not needed today and is a form of discrimination, even against minorities. This needs to be removed from college admissions; no one should get an advantage due to their race, religion, or gender. In America, we have the most equality and acceptance of all races, religions, and genders than any other country. So why do the Liberal Democrats always call America the worse. The reason is simple, if you stand on your own two feet and realize we are all equal, they will not be able to use the Race Card or Gender Card; they will lose control of all they have turned into “Economic Slaves.” All they have is hate, they must have a direction to turn it to, or they have no platform. The only person who can take your “Equality” away is yourself.

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt

The Rule of Law must be equally applied, if I can be charged with a crime for lying to congress, congress should be charged for lying to congress. I work for the Federal Government, if I had Classified Documents on my private computer, I would go to jail; the same should be true for all politicians. Ted Kennedy left the scene of an accident, causing death of a trapped lady, three hours latter; he left her to die. He was never charged; why? The rule of law must be applied equally to all, even bad cops and politicians; to the poor and rich; to all Americans. We cannot condone law breakers like ANTIFA or Illegal Aliens, if you do not enforce all the laws on the books; you are breaking the laws on the books. Many Americans have been killed by criminals set free; this must stop. Liberals only believe in following the laws they want to, you cannot have a free society in harmony when only part of the people follow the law, or is accountable to the law; it must be all.

Final Thought. Americans have, for the most part, always wanted to give people a helping hand. America helps the world, more than all other countries combined, especially during natural disasters, yet Liberals call America evil. As with every country, there is evil in America, but it is not America. We have made mistakes such as slavery, and corrected it with the civil war. There were more Americans who lost their lives during the Civil War, then all the other wars we have fought combined. Of the 1,442,633 of Americans who have died serving our country, over 755,000 died during the Civil War. Of the 755,000 combatant deaths during the Civil War, 99.997% were white, with less than 4% of 1% being all remaining races. Many believe America is overwhelmingly racist, if this was true, why would so many white people, almost 7% of the US population, be fighting for your freedom, with 17% of them sacrificing their lives for you during the Civil War? They wouldn’t. The “White Race” in America is the reason we do not have slavery today, why do they get no credit?

People say the “White Man” kidnapped all the Africans from their homes, but it wasn’t the “White Man.” Over 90% of all slave ships were the property of the Ottoman Empire, a group of Muslim countries, for at least ten centuries before “White Men” came to America. It went from the Red Sea, to the Swahili ports, to the Indian Ocean, into the Atlantic and was known as the Trans-Saharan Caravan Route, carried out by the Barbary Pirates. Slavery can be tracked to the beginning of time. “White Men” did not create slavery. This is not taught is school, it is purposely removed from our history because it doesn’t fit into the Liberals agenda so it must be changed. The first person to request a slave in the new country was Anthony Johnson, a black Angolan, who became one of the new lands (America) first Slave Owners. Mr. Johnson went to the court in Virginia at exert his legal right, to own slaves. He worked as a slave in England, worked his way to freedom, and by the end of his life, attained great wealth. Most new History Books have this removed as well; it again, doesn’t fit into the Liberal agenda.

I do not tell you this to say slavery is good; no part of it is good. I tell you this to show you that even in the 1700s, in America you could make it with hard work. Most every Muslim or Islamic country still practice slavery out in the open and is defended by the Liberal Democrats; this sickens me. Liberals preach that “America is Racist”, but if that was so, we would never have had a Black President. All the minorities on their own together do not have enough votes to elect a president. Many people believe these falsehoods about our nation’s past, because Liberals Democrats have lied about it for years. They lie to try and maintain control of the American people, especially the Minority people. This is why they fought on the Confederate side to try to keep slavery, why they created the “KKK” after losing the slavery battle, and why they started the “Poll Tax” after forced compliance from the Federal Government. If Liberals wanted to help minorities, they wouldn’t have pushed for more and more entitlement to prevent minorities from ever leaving the ranks of poverty; it is their new slavery.

I have many minority friends who have made just as much as me, some even more, who came from the same, or worse conditions then myself. If they can make it by having Respect, Honor, Discipline, Patriotism, Equality, and following The Rule of Law, you can too. It is your choice.

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