
I Buried My Nephew Today

I have lost many friends and family members but this time it was my Nephew. We all grew up in a very corrupt area, all the politicians were on the take, the Chief of Police was the Drug King Pin, and everyone here was stuck. I was determined to get out and I did, but so many more were still suck.

My sister, while in high school, ran around with a Biker Gang (real gang), and was a messed up on drugs; her supplier was older and got her pregnant in high school. As with many teenage pregnancies, the dead beat dad bolted, didn’t help her with anything, and my dad and mom, my Nephews grandparents, pretty much was his anchor to making something out of his life. He had a high IQ and could have done anything, but drugs don’t care about your IQ; smart or dumb, rich or poor, sooner or later Drugs will take their toll. My sister got out of the Drug life style, and did what she could for her son, my Nephew, letting my dad act like the father he needed; his real father was a waste of humanity.

I got out of this town by joining the military and everywhere I went, I would bring him back a token, he looked at me more as a father then an uncle. I came back once on leave, I was not doing well, I watched several friends die and it was covered up, just like Benghazi, by the Government; it was too embarrassing for the administration. To add the icing, my fiancĂ©e decided she couldn’t deal with things anymore; she aborted our child without telling me she was pregnant; she couldn’t stay with me after telling me. I had watched my mom die at 12, watched my best friend die at 14, had my childhood sweetheart die in my arms at 16, I had watched several other friends die in that hole, and now I had just watched four of my military bothers get blown apart; I was done. I was going to join my friends, tired of the pain, tired of losing friends to the terrorist, the drugs, and the violence. Then this little boy walked in and told me, “It is OK Uncle ****, I am here so you have love.” It melted me. I knew I needed help but I couldn’t go to a military hospital, your career would be over. My dad told me to go see Mike, a Vietnam Vet; I did, and he helped me straighten out how I was thinking. I wouldn’t of had the chance if my Nephew had not walked in; he is now dead, but why.

For fourteen years everything was great for my Nephew, he had his head on right, and my mom and dad was helping him keep it there and then his father came back into his life. I tried to get my Nephew to come with me, I could take care of him, but he refused. I knew if he got involved with his dad, it wouldn’t end well, but the draw from his father was too high. His father had always been around, never to help, but around. His father’s parents had always, it seemed, been there to try and help my Nephew, but I was wrong, they were as criminal as their son, just more refined. After getting out of rehab, my Nephew told me the first time he did drugs, it was with his father; he was trying to get acceptance from his father. Now his life started going downhill, he wouldn’t listen to any of us, not even my dad, who had been his dad for 14 years; they had a big blow out. Then my dad died, my Nephew eaten by guilt, went off the deep end. He was throwing his life away, and for what, a man who took advantage of a teenage girl then left her pregnant; never paying a dime to help raise him. My Nephew was arrested again and again, he was selling drugs for his father, I figure he would learn his lesson, but no, his father’s father had connections and got him out of jail every time; he was one of the underlings of our drug world, and a Peace Officer to boot; what can you do? My Nephew, filling untouchable, crossed those lines and grandfather couldn’t get him out of it, this time he went to jail. Whose fault was it, ultimately it was his, he made his choices, but I blame his father. From the time his father came into his life, he has spent at least 50% of his life either detained or in jail; not a good influence. When he got out, I thought things were looking up, he was off the drugs even after for six months out, passing weekly drug test (probation requirement), and he looked much better.

Shortly after the mandatory drug test ended, his father came back in the picture, started my Nephew selling and using again, and what was looking good started going downhill again. Then his dad was found dead; suicide, overdose, or murdered; no one will say around here so either an overdose or murder. My Nephew took it hard, he OD but was brought back; he said he was going to get clean, another lie among many others told. A little while later he went out with his cousins (from his dad’s side) and half siblings (from his dad’s side); all are in the drug crowd minus one, and wanted to go party now that Nephew was back. When they started heading home, they notice my Nephew was having problems, they knew he was overdosing, one had some Narcan and used it, and it brought him back. After the scare, they didn’t take him to a hospital; Narcan only lasts a short while, they took him to my mother’s house instead. Later that morning, my Nephews cousins, the same one who didn’t take him to the hospital earlier, comes from his mother’s house to my mother’s house, to see my Nephew. When he gets to my Nephews room, my Nephew isn’t breathing, but instead of calling 911, he runs to his mother’s house and tells her, he doesn’t think he is breathing. His mother runs to my mother’s house, checks my Nephew, and calls 911, to report an Overdose. The first responders work on him for over 40 minutes to no avail. If he would have called 911 first, would my Nephew still be alive; no one will ever know. After the paramedics work on him for 40 minutes, my Nephew’s mother knew she had just watched her son die; all life had drained out of him. He died from letting someone who had made a lifetime of bad decisions, back into his life, then followed him making the same bad decisions, knowing they were the wrong ones. I am so mad I want to kill his dad, but he is already dead, and my Nephews death is just another part of his dad’s sad legacy in this place.

I set down and started thinking very bad things. Who could I hurt? I want to hurt his drug dealer, the gang members, and even my Nephews relatives that let him die instead of taking him to the hospital or calling 911. I have the training and could do it without getting caught. This is when I realize, that blind hate and revenge should never be your motivation for anything. I would be just as bad as the people Protesting, Rioting, Looting, and Murdering people because of their blind hate and revenge, thinking cops are their problem when they are their own worse problem. I used the FBI and US Census Bureau to look up the deaths by Cop, US Murders, and US Drug Overdose from 2019; I want to see what is killing our kids. When I quote these numbers, remember, the US population is 76.3% white and 13.4% Black. The Police used Lethal Force 758 times in 2019, 263 times against Blacks and 424 times against Whites, and 71 times against other races. Blacks were killed 37.4% of the time, while Blacks killed Cops 31.2% of the time. Not only are Whites killed more often than Blacks, but Blacks kill cops over twice their population percentage. Could this be part of the problem and why is it happening?

Of all the murders in 2019, 47.1% were committed by Whites and 47.3% were committed by Blacks; over three times the Black population percentage and 90.5% of Blacks are murdered by Blacks. When it comes to drugs, this is where you need to really take a look. My Nephew overdosed and throughout the US, there were over 60,000 overdose deaths a year, with 36,360 or 60.6% being Whites overdosing and 16,680 or 27.8% being Blacks overdosing. The reason I put these three together is because the Drugs are the primary reason for the Lethal Force, Murders, and Drug Overdoses. Why do we attack the police when in the Black community, when 19,633 are killed by murdered and OD compared to 263 killed, mostly legitimately, by cops; Drugs are what is killing us the most. Cops are 1.3% of our deaths when Drugs and murder accounts for 98.7% of these three deaths. We need to stop the Drug Related Deaths, which will save our communities.

I have seen enough death and destruction in the military, some of the things I have seen the Islamic Terrorist do, would make you unable to sleep at night; I know. My Nephew is dead and these people are Protesting, Rioting, Looting, and Murdering people, because a cop killed a man, when Blacks kill Blacks 11.23 times moor and overdoses kill 98.7% more. Instead of protesting the Cops, you need to start protesting all these Gangs, Gangster “Want-To-Bes”, Race Bait Leaders, and Liberal Democrats who have let the drugs run wild, this is happening in the big cities, all ran by Liberal Democrats for 40 years on average. My Nephew is dead, because he, as well as most young people out there, especially in big cities, wants a Get-Rich-Quick scheme, instead of learning to work for what you get. Their parents, grandparents, and other members of the community teaches “Cops Are Bad”, even when the cops are the same race, came from that community, and are trying to help their community. What is worse is that these communities even look at the race of the cops. What is worse is these communities keep electing the same Liberal Democrats who have done nothing to help these communities. Do you know the definition of “Insanity”, it is to keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome. My Nephew is dead because no one, including myself, has routed out the evil that keeps killing our kids; we just hope it stays away from us. I wish we had the same law as Saudi Arabia when it comes to drug dealers; if found guilty, they are executed on the spot. Before you say a word, I have and have had drug dealers in my family, but I can’t place their life above another’s, especially when what they do destroys many others lives. Liberal Politicians would hate this, but many of them, just like Maxine Waters, don’t even live in their district, they do not see what we see on the street every day. They just care at election time.

We need to start electing “Hard on Crime” mayors and governors; it won’t be Liberal Democrats. You can take video of these gang activities (carefully), the thugs and send them to the police so they can remove them from the street. I lived on 8 Mile in Detroit and filming these degenerates made a difference. Once, when some thugs were following me, I let them know without saying a word, that I would kill them in a heartbeat; no thug in the neighborhood approached me again. You have to stand up as a community the same way, to stop this evil, you need to stop teaching racism and playing the victim, and you need to teach your children that hard work will get you anything you want. My Nephew is dead, but maybe you can save your Nephew, Son, Daughter, Spouse, Mother, Uncle …

Please let me know what you think.

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