
So You Want to Tear Down Statues

Why would anyone want to tear down statues? They are there to remind us of the good and the Bad in history, to help prevent us from repeating the bad.

Why would you want to erase the past of the greatest nation that ever existed? Have we made mistakes, Yes, but we are only human, this is one reason we have statues, to remind us of both the good and bad in our past. We do not want to forget our past; we also do not want to live in the past, which is one problem we have today when it comes to “Race Relations”. When it comes to slavery, NO one alive today was ever a Slave or Slave Owner, unless they came from another country. Most people, if they did a blood DNA history, that nobody in the US, except maybe some American Indians or resent immigrants, are of any pure blood line, so why do Liberals keep playing that card?  Craig Cobb, who is a “White Supremacist”, found out he was 14% African on “The Trisha Show” with a DNA test; you would get the same result “Black Supremacist” in the US, and yes they do exist.

Zero people today remember the Civil War; less than 11% of our population is old enough to remember the Civil Rights movement, yet much of the hate seen back in the 1960s is still being stoked today; why? Even back then, there are few if any pure race people; America is called the “The Great Melting Pot” for a reason. We have laws to be applied equally to all, a Federal Law to prevent anyone from being discriminated against based on race, gender, or religion. With an equal playing field, why does the anger remain, and too many who displays it, ends up ruining their lives.

When you have the same opportunities as everyone else, why do you want “Payback”? How can people who have never owned Slaves, owe people who were never Slaves themselves? What do you do if you have someone whose ancestors were both Slaves and Slave owners? This has nothing to do with perceived “Racism” and “White Privilege” and everything to do with holding people down by Liberals. The only way they can do that is to get Black people to buy into the perceived “Racism” and “White Privilege”. Let me tell you about my “White Privilege”; I was working the fields as far as I can remember; lost our house due to my mother’s medical bills; was told by the school councilor I would never amount to anything, I was from the wrong side of the tracks; was beaten by a teacher in school relentlessly to get me to confess to a crime I didn’t do; I watched my mom die at the age of 12 years old; saw girls getting pregnant as young as 12; was beaten and threatened by bad cops; saw many of my friends and family killed by Drug Dealers or other degenerates; had my girlfriend die in my arms (killed by her drunk dad) found my nephew OD; doesn’t sound like “White Privilege” is all that good. The truth is no matter where you grow up or in what income bracket, your success or failure in completely in your hands. The only person who can hold you back is yourself. The laws are there to give you a level playing field; do you think these laws should be broken? No, laws are to be followed. An unjust act committed by your ancestors is not your act, just like I was not the one unjustly treated, it was my ancestors. If you don’t stop living in the past, you will never have success in the future.

There is a Federal Law criminalizing the damaging of statues, so should the vandals tearing them down be prosecuted? Yes, every one of them should, but what do they want to replaces them with, a statue of a “Cop Killer” or just have a blank society? The tearing down of these statues is said to be for “Social Justice” which is just a term to say we want to break the law; there is no justice in anarchy. If it was for “Social Justice”, then why would you want to tear down the statue of Abraham Lincoln, the president who set the Slaves free and paid with his life? Why would you want to remove General Ulysses S. Grant, the man who led the Union Army to end slavery? Grant was given a slave once, he accepted him, then turned around and immediately set him free. Why would you want to remove Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, the first person to invite a Black Man to the White House for dinner? Democrat President Grover Cleveland who came before Teddy refused to let any black person, other than servants, into the white house, as did Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, who was elected after Teddy left office, but Cleveland and Wilson statues remain untouched?

The most racist act done by a president after the Civil War was done by Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), who forced American citizens into internment camps; his statues are also untouched. Why hasn’t the statues of Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) been tore down? He used the N-word in public till the day he left office and fought the Civil Rights Act of 1964, until he saw the national momentum was going to pass it with or without him. He changed tactic facing defeat and stated, “I'll have them n*****s voting Democratic for the next two hundred years”; so far he has been right. I haven’t seen any Lester Maddox statues torn down or the Lester and Virginia Maddox Bridge renamed. Lester Maddox was one of the most racist governors in the 1960s. I haven’t seen any Jesse Helms statues or the Jesse Helms Center renamed, he was a racist senator. Have they removed the George Wallace statue at the University of Alabama? You have the Strom Thurmond Monument still at the South Carolina State House, he was a staunch racist. Robert Byrd has statues, bridges, buildings, and roads named after him, he was a racist, and a card carrying member of the KKK, serving as Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops leadership positions.

Why are obvious racist statues not being attacked, when the statues spuriously reported as racist are attacked? Why are the obvious racist statues being avoided, all Democrats? Next they are going after Christian statues, like it or not, our country was founded on Christianity. How long before they remove everything Martin Luther King? He was a Reverend and a Republican; remember the separation of Church and State. That separation is nowhere in the US Constitution, what it says is you can’t have a “State Sanctioned Church”, but the Liberal Democrats will use it to get rid of MLK. Why would everyone in the world want to come to America, if we were so racist; they wouldn’t? I have been to around 50 countries, from Central America, to Europe, Asia, Australia, to the Arab countries; no one has a better country, so why are our teachers teaching our kids this is the worse country in the world? I believe in protest, I spent 27 years in the military to give Americans the right to protest, but Rioting and Looting is not protesting. You and your cause lose all legitimacy when you Loot, Riot, and commit acts of violence. You have been brainwashed in our Liberal schools to become violent, because if you do, especially over race, then the Liberal Democrats will have your vote for the next 200 years, and keep you beneath their heel. The top ten cities that oppress minorities, have the highest minority death rates, and the highest minority incarcerations rates, have all been ran by Liberal Democrats, on average, for the last 40 plus years; so why do you blame Republicans?

Don’t blame Black Deaths on a statue and before you say anything, a wise lady once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt. No statue or person can hold you down so let’s take a look at the Statistics to find out why the “Black Community” is being held down. I hear all the time that certain groups are persecuted, and this is true. The twist is, the fact many of these groups bring it on themselves.

Let’s just look at the FBI statistics on Law Officers killed in 2019. Of the US population, 76.3% are White, 13.4% are Black, and the 10.3% are everyone else. There were 48 Law Officers killed in 2019, the FBI statistics show the Murders was White in 58.3% of the time, Black 31.2% of the time, and another rare or not disclosed 10.5% of the time. Why are Blacks murdering Law Enforcement at 2.3 times more than their population? Whites are 18% below their population for murdering cops. Could this be the reason Law Enforcement is more cautious around Blacks? Is it profiling or trying to stay alive?

If you talk about public citizens getting murdered, the FBI reports a total of 6,676 murders, 3,449 were White, 2,870 were Black, and 307 was other. Of the victims, 56.7% were White (19.6% below the White population), and 42.9% were Black, 3.2 times the Black population? Why is this?

If you look at the White victims, they are murdered at 52.4%, which is 20.9% less than the White population. If you look at the Black victims, they are murdered at 42.9%, which is 3.2 times the Black population. Why such a disparity? Whites are murdered 81.6% of the time by Whites and 15.2% of the time by Blacks, a population of 13.4%. This tells up Blacks murder Whites at 13.4% higher than their population.

Blacks are murdered 90.5% of the time by Blacks and 8.5% of the time by Whites. This tells up Blacks murder Blacks at 6.75 times more than their population or at 675.4% of their population and whites murder whites at 11% of their population.

Do you want to save Black Lives? Removing statues will not change this statistic, there is only one reason to try and destroy statues which depict our past, which is to erase our past and replace it with a revisionary version. It is the only way to erase the US Constitution, when you have standards that make all equal, the fascist and elitist do not like it; they, in their opinion, are better than the rest. In the Black community, this revision will bring more, not less deaths in the areas where so many Blacks are dying.

Schooling is a big one, but as long as they are ran by Liberals, the death rates of our children will just go up. To give a kid the best chance means to give them the best education you can, so why do Liberals stop you from giving your kids the best education? If you look at schools, Private and Faith Based schools lead the way, far above public schools, yet Liberals block you from this at every turn. If you have a good public school, and there are good ones out there, no problem, but if your kids are in a bad one, what can you do? If you could get that $12,000 dollars, give or take to where you are living, and use it to put you kid in a good Private or Faith Based School, they would have a better chance at success; “School Vouchers” can make this possible. “School Vouchers” will help these inner city schools, if your kid is in a bad school, switch them to a new, better school, but Liberals are against “School Vouchers”. The Liberal Democrats hate “School Vouchers”, because it puts you in charge of your kid’s education, not the government, they cannot brain wash your kids, to hate all you hold sacred, if they go to Private and Faith Based schools.

When you defund public schools with teachers, who do not care about teaching your kids, but to make a dollar, it will put a shock wave through the Public School system and make teachers start doing their jobs. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of good school teachers out there, but there are a lot of bad ones as well. Instead of teaching your kids Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, they teach political agendas and anarchy. This is why they want to tear down statues; they have been taught America is the problem.

Teacher Unions are another big problem, when it comes to getting your kids a proper education. When you have bad teachers; the school district can’t get rid of them, so they either put these Drug Dealers, Child Molesters, and Perverts back in the classroom or in a rubber room, wasting your tax dollars. In New York City with 75,000 teachers, at last count I could find, they have 900 teachers in “Rubber Rooms”, which accounts for almost $118 million is school teacher budget, which should be good teachers teaching your kids. I wonder if this could be the reason class sizes became larger, due to bad Liberal policies backed by the Unions. Dollars wasted out of New Liberal Democrats care more about money from Unions then your children’s learning or safety. For example, Mayor de Blasio, to help the Teacher Union receive more money, which is in return donated to Liberal Democrats political campaigns, has cut teacher firing for all fireable offense, by 54%. This is another bad Liberal idea, but Liberal Democrat care more about money, endangers millions of NYC students doesn’t matter.

Another big problem is “The Gangster Attitude” gets thousands of Black killed every year. If you look, as of 2019, over the past 25 years, 14 Music Artist have been murdered in the US, 9 of the 14, or 64.3% were Rappers. If you Look like a gangster, Act like a gangster, and Disrespect people like a gangster, sooner or later you will get Killed like a gangster. Blacks are murdering Blacks at an unbelievable rate, and I do not hear a word from the Black Community. There were 2,870 Blacks murdered in 2019, 2,570 by other Black People; not by cops. Cops killed 263 Blacks by lethal force; they killed 424 Whites the same way, so Blacks are not killed more than Whites by cops. Black criminals murdered 31.2% of cops, 32.4% of Blacks died from Lethal Force Use by cops; not much difference; stop acting like a “Gangster” fighting the cops and I’m sure both numbers will go down. “The Gangster Attitude” has created a criminal culture among Blacks because it has been portrayed as “Cool”. This is why of every 100,000 Blacks,  2,272 will end up in jail for committing a crime in their life, while of every 100,000 White men, only have 392 ends up in jail? It isn’t racism; it is “The Gangster Attitude”. The “The Gangster Attitude” is also why you want to tear down statues, to seek revenge on what you have done to your own culture.

Why do you want to tear down statues when the real anger should be pointed at the Liberals taking advantage of your culture, the Liberals in your school systems not educating your culture, and the Liberal who are putting Drug Dealers, Child Molesters, and Perverts back your children’s classroom, putting your cultures children in danger? I have one last item, you are the only one who can determine your and your cultures future; no one else can. If you want to be an educated, respected, not living in poverty, and not living in a crime cesspool culture, quit voting Liberal, it has gotten you nowhere for the last 60 years. If you want to keep stay uneducated, if you want to die at 3.2 times your population, and you want to keep going to jail at a rate of almost 6 times the average; don’t do anything. The choice is yours, but tearing down that statue isn’t going to help with the real problem, it is only going to cause more problems.

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