
Freedom or Tyranny; Your Choice


To me, Voting is our most important right; it can help us or hurt us if we vote the criminal, or let the criminal get into office. There is a lot of disinformation coming out in the election, but if you research the people, instead of believing what the news or politicians tell you, you may find a staggering truth. You need to ask yourself some questions to find out if the candidate you like is good for the country, bad for the country, or controlled by outside sources.

Do you want Tyranny or do you want Freedom?

If you want tyranny instead of freedom, there is no hope for you. We in America are one of the few people of the world recognized as citizens, most are not citizens and not subjects. The difference is as a citizen, you have rights, but as a subject, you and your family are completely subjected to whatever the Socialist leadership wants to do to you. We have many politicians trying to make us subjects, trying to remove are right because when you become a subject, you become a slave to the state.

Do you want freedom or socialism?

Socialism is Tyranny and most of Americans who think they want Socialism have never been to a Socialist country to see how the people are treated; I have been to dozens of them. If you want to see what happens with socialism, just look Venezuela. In 1999, the once prominent, highly successful country of Venezuela was taken over by the Socialist Party of Venezuela. Venezuela at the time had the highest income and standard of living in all of Central and South America, but in just 20 years of Socialism, it became the most improvised. In the Socialist countries I have been in, the people are not living, they are only existing; Socialism has sucked the life right out of them.

Do you like your “Freedom of Speech”?

I do not like it when people abuse the American Flag, but it is “Freedom of Speech”. In every Socialist country I have been in, which is many, if you did to their flag what many here do to the American Flag, you would be caned at a minimum and in most you would be executed; that is Socialism. You have no “Freedom of Speech” or any other freedom. Most of them you can’t own a gun because you could use it against the government. Everyone there pretty much drive the same cars; no individuality. You own nothing, it is all given to you by the government; think about that.

Do you want some other person or entity telling your politician what to do?

I was watching one of the presidential candidates be questioned on a TV show. He would take a long pause and at first I thought he was trying to form a statement to the questions. By accident, the camera man caught the teleprompter that was in front of him, he was waiting for someone to give him his answer. Why didn’t he answer? Who was giving him the answers? This was looking a lot like the Manchurian Candidate. Was it even an American giving him the answers? Think about that.

Do you want people to threaten you physically if you do not swear allegiance to them or their cause?

As we speak, there are groups harassing and attacking peaceful citizens if they do not stand and swear allegiance to their cause. They assault them, still their food or drink, flip their tables, and threaten their lives; this is caused extortion. Extortion is illegal so why are they not being arrested; because one political party is protecting them.

Do you want politicians who follow the law, or think they are above the law and better than you?

One political party is against enforcing the law if it benefits them. Neither you nor I can do that; so why are they allowed to get away with it? Under Socialism, a politician can have just about anyone killed and their family has no recourse. Think about that, a politician rapes your sister or daughter; you can’t do anything. A politician kills your son or daughter; you have no recourse. Seth Rich, a political intern, leaked a politician’s emails and was immediately murdered; this happened in the US. A politician is investigated by two DOJ lawyers; both are murdered. If these politicians will do this to the DOJ, what would they do to you?

Do you want outside people interfering in your elections?

It has now been confirmed that a US Presidential candidate was spied upon by the opposing party, not to mention the dossier was funded by his opponent. Or how about the money from Russia, China, George Soros, and the Middle East to fund our politicians political campaigns; sometimes direct, sometimes through foundations or other third parties.

Do you want low crime rates or high crime rates?

I can’t believe any true American would want a high crime rate, so why do Americans keep electing the same people over and over that do nothing to lower crime rates, and even implement policies that raise the crime rate? If you look at the Top 10 highest crime cities, highest taxed cities, highest poverty cities, and highest fail infrastructure cities; they are all ran by the same political group of people, in some cases, for the last 89 years. Einstein said insanity was doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. The people in these cities need to come to reality and elect a different group. I would also say, all you people fleeing these failing cities and states, go back and fix what you screwed up. We don’t want you bringing your perception that caused those problems here to cause problems.

Do you want responsible spending or massive pork spending by our elected officials?

The biggest problem we have in our federal, and many state governments is our politicians want to spend all the money they can, even if they do not have it; this is called the deficit. Eisenhower was the last president to not have a deficit, and every president, including Reagan and Clinton added to it. Congress caused this by “Pork Spending” and being fiscally irresponsible. The COVID-19 bill presented by the house was $3 trillion dollars, I read the whole thing and when I tallied up the funds, only $970 billion went to anything that could even be considered COVID related; the house had put over $2 trillion dollars of pork spending in the bill. Congress should not get another raise until the deficit is gone; 5% of the pay should be cut every year the deficit doesn’t go down; then see how quickly they fix it. We need to get rid of pork spending. Socialism doesn’t have a deficit; if they need more money, they take it from their subjects; which if the political party supporting it gets their way, will be you.

Do you want our country strong or weak and fair or rigged elections?

Absent T ballots are secure; you must request them, fill them out in front of a certified person, then it is sealed and sent. Mail-In ballots are fraud waiting to happen, and it already has, even before the election. New Jersey had to throw out hundreds of thousand ballots because “Fraud was in the Air.”  The law says you must request a ballot and fill it out upon receipt. New Jersey mailed out ballot with all the personal information filled out. First, this puts everyone at risk for identity theft. Second, it make ballot harvesting a piece of cake. Part of the security is all the information on the ballot must match you, if it is wrong, it is thrown out. Third, over 30,000 ballots were mailed to dead people; Lucy, something sticks right here.

During the last election, thousands of Mail-In ballots were thrown out by the Post Office employees, apparently you can tell the party affiliation by the ballot envelope. The person who did this was caught and thrown in jail. On top of this, 30,000 Mail-In ballots were found in Maryland; this wouldn’t be a problem except they were for South Carolina. Miami-Dade county Florida has been busted time and time again for Voter Fraud; Mail-In ballots will just make this fraud easier to perpetrate. If you remember the 2000 election, President Bush won the election by the 200 votes in Florida. What you may not have heard was after the election, Miami-Dade County was found to have over 15,000 military Absent T ballots hidden away in an attempt to beat President Bush. If they can do that with absent T ballots, what can they do with Mail-In ballots where they can tell the party by the envelope?

Mail-In ballots have nothing to do with protecting people; if you can go get your hair done, go to the store, go to work, go riot, go protest, and go to other places to socialize, you can go vote. Many people out there think the Mail-In ballot push is so the election can be stole; and they have good reason to believe this as fact. When you have a political figure coming out saying, “Do not concede no matter what”, what would be the reason? Could it be because if the election isn’t settled by the first of January, the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, becomes the interim president; then stilling the election will be a breeze. Could they win with all the Ballot Harvesting and fraud; you bet. Everywhere I travel around this country, all I see is Trump stickers everywhere; no one wants Biden, not even Biden; it is 100 to 1. You look at a Trump Rally, there is 100,000; Biden, maybe 15,000 at the most.

They have tried everything to get rid of Trump because he doesn’t play by the establishment’s rules; they even impeached him without a crime being committed; a complete abuse of power. Everyone needs to go vote in person; take this possible scenario away from them; and come out as if your Freedom depends on it; because it does. If the Democrats manage to steal this election, I am afraid there will be a civil war; even if Trump wins, the Liberal Democrats may try to initiate a civil war. They do not care about this country; only power and money. Take your blinders off and look at the truth. If Trump was a racist, why did he give minorities the lowest unemployment rate in history? Why would he hire the first minority to run one of his Fortune 500 companies? Why would he hire a minority women to run another one if he was sexist? When Kamala Harris was the AG of California, she allowed two prisoners to be executed, while withholding evidence that exonerated them; do you really want her as president. Make no mistake, Joe will be there maybe 6 months then Mrs. Harris will be in charge, and she has promised to go after your right, you need to think about that before you pull the lever. Anyone who lets innocent people be executed does not need to be in any elected office, only jail.

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