
What Is Best for You and America


Ask yourself a question. What is best for my life?

 True Americans

 As a “True American”, you would want the laws of our country enforced. As a “True American”, you would want the education system to teach, not indoctrinate your kids. As a “True American”, you would want a strong military to protect your country. As a “True American”, you would want all, no matter their race, gender, or religion, to be treated the same. As a “True American”, you would want politicians and the rich to be subject to the same laws as you are subject. As a “True American”, you would want “All Lives to Matter”. As a “True American”, you would want Vandals, Rioters, and Looters prosecuted for their crimes. As a “True American”, you would want our borders secured and an active accounting of all foreigners in our country. As a “True American”, you would want the nation out of debt and politicians to have term limits. As a “True American”, you would want news outlet to truthfully report the news instead of being propagandist for a political party. As a “True American”, you would want people to work for what they get, instead of having all these entitlements. As a “True American”, you would want as little government involvement in your life as possible, including much lower taxes. Do you agree with me? There are more but these should do good for now, but ask yourself, which side of the isle is trying to destroy America.


 If you are a regular street criminal, removing all the guns from society is the best thing for you because you never obey the law anyway and now, you are safer to randomly choose new victims. Gun free zones are the best for you because, once again, you do not follow the law and now you know where to find your unarmed victims. Judges who go off of “Feeling” instead of the US Constitution and the law is better for you because their “Feeling is not based in any morality and will enable you to get out of jail quicker to find more victims. Judges who take your Race, Gender, Religious Claims, poverty level, and education level into consideration when sentencing you, instead of the law, the crime, and the damage done to your victims is better for you because it once again, lowers the sentence you deserve, allowing you to have more victims. If you are a regular street criminal, Politicians pushing to defund the police is best for you because no one will be there to defend the innocent, or get them justice. If you are a regular street criminal, the Liberal Democrat Party is best for you.

 If you are a spy from another country, what is best for your life?

 Diane Feinstein had a Chinese spy as her “Right Hand Woman” for nearly 20 years. Loretta Lynch was found to have a Chinese spy in her camp as well. The FBI arrests Chinese Millionaire Ng Lap Seng, who was a huge donor to the Liberal Democrat party, and had direct ties to the Clintons. So if you are a spy from China, the Liberal Democrats are the best for you. The Liberal Democrats had so many cases of Chinese spies being found in their party, it was dubbed, “The Chinese Connection.” One question, why are the Democrats taking money from foreign government and individuals? If you are a Russian spy, Hillary is infamous for hiring you, just like the one she hired for the fake Steele Dossier, but she is not the only one. Evidence shows that 12 Russian spies were working with the Democratic Party to target President Trump in the 2016 election. They had access through one of the Democratic Party computers, and when discovered by unknowing Democrat helper, and identified to the FBI, they refused to let the FBI check their computers, then Acid Wiped them. The Russians also donated $200 million to the Democratic Party, after Hillary gave them 20% of the US uranium, through the Clinton Foundation. So if you are a spy from Russia, the Liberal Democrats are the best for you. Again I ask why the Democrats are taking money from foreign government and individuals.

 If you are a Political Criminal, what is best for your life?

 Having the ability to have an Illegal Server, hiding your nefarious action of selling out government secrets and assets for your own nest egg; this has happened in one political party with no punishment. How about having a hidden Sexual Assault Slush Fund paid for by the unknowing American Citizens, to pay off the victims of your illegal sexual carnage of others including underage children. This is compounded by the Speaker of the House refusing to release the names of the people who used the Sexual Assault Slush Fund. What about illegally using the intelligence community to spy on a presidential candidate for you, to circumvent the voters; this would be a good group for political criminals. If you are a Political Criminal, you could use your influence to try and steal land from a true America, so your son can set up a Chinese Solar Farm to make millions. Or you could get a prosecutor from a foreign country fired when you are Vice President because of them investigation your son’s corruption, who made millions with the Russian Mafia; that would be the actions of a Political Criminal. Or how about someone who Impeaches a President without one stitch of evidence that a crime has been committed which is required by the US Constitution.  

 If you want to destroy the US Constitution, what is best for your life?

 You would try and stack the US Supreme Court which Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, and many other Liberal Democrats have threatened to do. You would violate the 66% vote standard of the US Constitution for the Senate and implement the “Nuclear Option” which was done by Liberal Democrat Harry Reid. You would want people, including the police, convicted without “Due Process” which is required by the US Constitution. These politicians want the 2nd Amendment abolished, but once the 2nd Amendment is abolished, then the 1st Amendment with be with the end result being the removal of all your rights, making you a subject instead of a citizen. These same politicians who hate you having rights, will try and get the UN to take your rights like President Obama tried to do.

 Judges who hate the Constitution will violate the laws calling them unconstitutional, like U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman in Michigan ruled, saying that Congress had no authority to enact a law that criminalizes female genital mutilation (FGM), which was committed on over 100 plus little girls. Politicians who hate the US Constitution would pass laws letting non-citizens vote because they, in most cases, do not have our moral standard and will help bring down all who support the US Constitution. They, the Liberal Democrat Party, will even give these Illegal Aliens more benefits then US citizens on Social Security? They will pass laws allowing 23 year olds to legally rape a 14 year old because they are that immoral, as California has just done.


 I am an independent but over the past 20 years I have watched one party work at destroying my country and removing all people’s rights. An old story talks about a frog and hot water. If you through a frog in boiling water, it will immediately jump out because it see, feels and recognizes the danger, but if you put it in a pot with water at room temperature, then slowly turn up the heat; the from will die not recognizing, feeling, or seeing the danger. This is what our politicians are doing, they know they cannot throw us into a pot of boiling water so they slowly turn up the heat by taking a little more money, taking away a little more rights, and in the end we will die not knowing the danger we, or our country is in. The original Income Tax, not to ever be raised, was 2%; now the average is 28%, fourteen times higher, raised by the same group who touts raising taxes 24/7. Social Security was set up to be individual retirement accounts, but these same politicians made it a conglomerate so they could still from it.

 The US Constitution says all elected officials must be above reproach and in good standing, yet of the 535 members of congress, 133 members, almost 25%, are convicted felons. They should not be allowed in office. The 10 most violent, improvised, deteriorating cities, with broken education systems, and infrastructure are all ran by Liberal Democrats; this should be a sign. If you vote for a Democrat today, you are voting to remove your rights, your money, and your children’s safety. I want freedom and safety for me, my kids, and my grandkids; you should want the same. Quit believing the lies the media tells you and do your own research, you will find that they are propagandist, just political operatives in most cases.

 If you want Socialism, go to a Socialist country for a year, I have been to about 30 give or take, and their living conditions and standard of living isn’t even on the level of one of our poorest citizens. Many of the people are nothing but slaves to the government; that is the foundation of Socialism and Communism. If you still want it, stay there and revoke your US citizenship; I want freedom.

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