
The Poll Numbers Make No Since

I like to take people at their word, until they give me a reason not to. There are several items that make no since in our elections and I want to point them out.

Is there really any “Christians” in America? The last Census showed that 48.9% of the population is Protestant and 22.3% are Catholic; if you add it up, that would be 71.2% of Americans are “Christians”. If you look at the US Congress, 53.7% of the population is Protestant and 32.5% are Catholic, which is 86.2% say they are “Christian.” If this were true, we would not be headed for Socialism or have support for all that goes against God. Politicians, both Democrat and Republican, as usual, are lying and deceiving their constituents. Just by the numbers, 15% of our Congress is flat out lying. I would actually be comfortable in saying that over 50% of the politicians in Congress who say they are Christians, both Catholic and Protestant, are lying; so in reality, probably only 43.1% may be Christians.

Many are saying, “How Can You Say That”, because their actions tell you the truth where their words will deceive you. Don’t misunderstand, I am talking about both Democrats and Republicans; but many more Christians are on the Republican side; but how can I say that?  When members of Congress were asked, 78.4% of Democrats claim to be Christian, where 99.2% of Republicans claim to be Christian. We would have a great nation if the complete 86.2% of Congress were Christians, but we have to live with the liars. How do you tell if they are Fake Christians; look how the vote.

If you want, just look at how many of them “Bare False Witness” about an opponent or a Supreme Court selection. Look at how many have voted for an anti-Constitutional Supreme Court pick, selecting a Supreme Court Activist instead. When you watch these Supreme Court Activist justices, who refuse to recuse themselves when it is mandated, the politicians, both Democrat and Republican who confirmed them are responsible. These justice have a duty to uphold the US Constitution, they should be removed if they don’t, but once again, the 86.2% of Congress who claim to be Christians, show they are not Christians.

The 71.2% of Americans who claim to be “Christians”, need to get rid of these fakes, just like the Catholic Church as a whole, needs to follow what Fr. Robert Morey, pastor of St. Anthony Catholic Church did, by denying Joe Biden Communion because of his anti-Christian stances. Why don’t we see Nancy Pelosi’s Father do this, she even lied about the Pope and was corrected by the Pope. If you are a Christian, look at what your politicians vote for and remove them if it is not for Christian Values.

I would rather people hate me on earth then face the wrath of God’s judgment. We, who claim to be Christian, need to start acting like a Christian. I fall flat on my face every day, but I get back up, ask God for forgiveness, and try again. If you claim to be a Christian as 71.2% of Americans do, you need to vote for the people who best support Christian Values. The Choice is yours.

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