
Removing Your Rights

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke

A truer statement is hard to find, yet this is what we are allowing to happen in America due to people’s greed for power and money; if it is not checked soon, our freedoms and rights will be gone. Many Americans do not understand why we have the rights we have, but most of them were to protect us from a Tyrannical Government; we have had one developing for a while. When your government gets to the point that it is no longer worried about getting punished for breaking the law, when it believes the rule of law is not a standard, but an obstacle to navigate, and the constitution is a hindrance to the desires that violate it; we have a problem. For an example: I work for the Federal Government, if I had done what Hillary did, transmitting “Top Secret Classified Documents” on an unclassified, unsecured system, I would be in jail for at least 10-15 years; why is she getting a free pass? This is the swamp you hear about, but it is on both the Democrat and Republican side; don’t forget. Very few countries out there are truly “Free”, and many, including America, are losing their Freedoms, bit by bit every day.

If you throw a frog into boiling water, it will immediately jump out; if you put it in cool water and slowly turn up the heat, it will stay there and be cooked; that is what is happening to us in America. We sit back and give the politicians an inch here and an inch there which is like turning the temperature up one degree here and one degree there; soon we will be cooked. As with the frog, if let the politicians take an inch here and there, your Freedoms will be gone without you even recognizing the danger, until it is too late. As we speak, Liberals, for the last 80 years have been trying, and successfully removing, many of our US Constitutional Rights, slowly; their “End Game” is to remove the US Constitution Completely. Because of the US Constitution, we are citizens; they need to remove it to make us subjects, to subject us to their will which can’t be done if we have “Freedom.” Everyone, including the Democrats, knows the Presidential Election was rigged; you can’t stop counting ballots with Trump 700,000 ahead, and then overnight have 800,000 ballots show up with only Biden’s name on them. You can’t complete counting and call the other ballot items, but say “We are not done counting the president ballots”, aren’t they on the same ballot. I hope the Liberal Democrats do not get away with this; it will be a severe blow to freedom. Liberals are now trying to re-rig the Georgia Runoff election for Senator; it would be a travesty. So why does it matter which Political Party is in charge; they are both alike. No they aren’t, I am an Independent and dislike both the Democratic and Republican Parties for different reasons.

I dislike the Democratic Party because most of their politicians want to remove our right, make us subjects instead of citizens, bring us into “One World Order”, and they show us daily they are pure evil through their deceitful, treacherous, and murderous ways. Judges are to interpret the law, yet Liberal Democratic Appointed Judges are activist justices; they try and make the law and enable other Liberal Democrats to violate the law. Just like I know they rigged the election, I know Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered in an attempt to swing the court to the left. Under Democrat rule, the last two Supreme Court Justice they elected are both “Racist” and “Sexist” by their own words, not mine. By the rules of conduct of the Supreme Court, both, being directly involved in the writing of the “Gay Marriage” documents, were required to recuse themselves; both refused. This is the reason no “True American” should ever vote for a Liberal Democrat; even their Supreme Court Justices do not care about the US Constitution or the Law.

I dislike the Republican Party because most have no spine or are Republican in Name Only (RINO). With Justice Sonia Sotomayor, 9 Republican Senators voted for a Known Racist and Sexist; they should never be backed again; I hate racists. The bright side is, 31 Republicans voted against her, yet all Democrats and Independents, minus Ted Kennedy who was in the hospital, 59 each, voted for a Known Racist and Sexist. Lamar Alexander, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Judd Gregg, Richard Lugar, Mel Martinez, Olympia Snowe, and George Voinovich are a disgrace, just as every Democrat and independent. Justice Elena Kagan is as Un-American as it comes; while at Harvard, she banned the Military from recruiting. Bill Clinton refused to sign her in as the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit; so how did she go directly to the US Supreme court? President Obama was looking for an “Activist Justice”, not a Constitutionalist Justice, and there she was. This time only 5 Republicans failed at their job, but one Democrat, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, actually did his job and voted against Kagan. Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, Judd Gregg, Richard Lugar, and Olympia Snowe are a disgrace, just as every Democrat and independent who voted for her.

I am going to make a prediction. I wonder how many Supreme Court Justices, like Justice Antonin Scalia, are going to die mysteriously if Biden gets into office. Does anyone want to take that bet? Of course not, Liberal Democrats have murdered more people then you can count, including JFK and RFK. So what do I think the Liberal Democrats are going to take away?

1st Amendment - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

By the US Constitution, the government has no controls involving your religion, but all the Liberal Governors ignored this when COVID 19 came around, with several claiming that religion was a threat to National Security. The last time I read of anyone saying that, it was Hitler in the 1930s; look how that ended up. The government cannot make you follow any religion but they are trying with “Global Warming.” You have to have more faith to believe in “Global Warming” and “Evolution” then you ever need in Christianity. If you don’t believe and follow their GWE religion, people will physically attack you, just like the “Brown Shirts” did for Hitler; get the point, history is repeating itself.

Freedom of Speech is protected, right; but at every turn the Liberal Democrats are trying to criminalize it if you say something they do not like. Liberal Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren wants speech criminalized against everyone with whom she disagrees. Liberal Democratic Congressman Ted Lieu says he would love to regulate “Free Speech.” Every Liberal Democrat in the Senate supported a Constitutional Amendment criminalizing “Freedom of Speech”; think about that. According to the US Constitution you can pretty much say anything you want, no matter how offensive or crass; you have “Free Speech”, not the freedom from being offended. Look at all the Liberals pushing all these “Micro-Aggressions” saying they are equal to “Physical Assault”; no they are not. This is all a ploy to remove your “Freedom of Speech.” By the way, “Rioting” and “Looting” is not “Peaceful Protesting”, it is breaking the law and destroying and stealing what is not yours.

Liberals have destroyed the “Freedom of the Press”, which was to be an unbiased group to tell the American People the truth about the American Politicians. Now they have chosen sides are nothing more than political operatives spreading propaganda. If the “Freedom of the Press” was followed as our “Founding Fathers” meant it, we would not have the debt, corruption, or the taxes we have today.

2nd Amendment - A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The government cannot take away your right to own and keep guns, but they sure are trying. After President Reagan was shot, Liberal Democrats immediately tried to remove 2nd Amendment; it went nowhere. Then they tried to shove a bill down American’s throat; Reagan would not sign it. A 10-year ban was later passed by the US Congress on September 13, 1994, following a close 52–48 vote in the US Senate, and was signed into law by US President Bill Clinton. Many parts of it were already the law; no felon, fugitive, Illegal Alien, or mentally unstable person was allowed to be in possession of a gun. They added anyone with a restraining order with the verbiage “Anyone harassing, stalking, or threatening a person”, which sounds good until you realize anyone can file for a restraining order against you no matter if you have or have not done the above. Playing off President Reagan’s assassination attempt then then pasted the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994; Reagan was shot with a .22 cal pistol, why go after long guns? It is because “No Guns” is the Liberal Democrats long game. They cannot take away the US Constitution, and all your rights, to make you “Subjects” instead of citizens, as long as the 2nd Amendment exists.

3rd Amendment - No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

How are you going to stop them if you have no rights or 2nd Amendment?

4th Amendment- The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Liberal Democrats, once they remove the US Constitution, can do whatever they want; you will then be subjects, not citizens. You will be searched at the government’s discretion, any time they want. They want to do it now, to keep tabs on people, especially the ones belonging to groups they deem as a “Threat” to their plans. This is exactly what every tyrant and tyrannical government has done throughout history. This is what Iran, China, Russia, Venezuela and many others do even today, so they can send you to camps to get programed into their way of thinking, if that doesn’t work, you will be exterminated.

5th Amendment - No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

This goes on today, how many times has public property been seized, then no evidence of a crime can be found but the government does not want to give your property or money back; all the time. West Virginia State Troopers seized $10,000 of a couple’s cash and wouldn’t give it back until the couple went to the press. Nevada police seize $50,000, no crime is committed, but they refuse to give it back until lawyers get involved. Police in New Jersey towns have seized $5.5 million without proof of a crime and refuse to give it back. Many police will tell you lie to get you to incriminate yourself or get a Plea Bargain; this violates the 5th Amendment as well. Plea Bargaining should be outlawed, you are either guilty or innocent and you shouldn’t have your innocents “Plea Bargained” away to get a lesser sentence for something you didn’t do.

6th Amendment - In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense.

How many people have you seen held for years before getting a trial date; that isn’t a speedy trial? If you watched the “Russia Collusion” trial, you would have noticed the Liberal Democrats refused to let President Trump or any of the Republicans question, or even know the name of the person accusing Trump of “Russia Collusion”; this is a direct violation of the 6th Amendment; but the Liberal Democrats don’t care. I can run forever on this one but you get the point.

7th Amendment- In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

President Obama and the Democrats blocked anyone from suing Monsanto. Monsanto was allowing its crop’s pollen to cross fence lines, and then suing the farmer next door for stealing their crops, putting the farmer out of business, or taking their farms. Everyone knows pollen goes where pollen goes and you can’t stop it. These GMO, or “Genetically Modified Organism” were also found to cause cancer, but a gaggle of Liberal Activist Democratic Judges kept siding with Monsanto instead of the US Constitution. Obama signs “Monsanto Protection Act”, H.R. 933, preventing anyone from suing Monsanto.

So when people tell me I am wrong about what the government is doing, I just point to the facts. I am an Independent but I can show you something. How do you know when a politician is lying? Their mouth is moving. How do you know when a politician has stopped lying? You read their obituary. How do you know 100% for sure a Liberal Democrat is lying? All the News Medias will cover it using the exact same word for word dialog and social media will censor you if you say anything to the contrary. This is how Liberals also violate your “Freedom of Speech”, because you will be speaking about the propaganda they have fed you instead of the informed truth of the matter; but Liberals do not want you informed. But how else are Liberal Democrats being in charge a problem. What is their plan if they get in charge?

Systemic Racism - The premise the United States suffers from “systemic racism in our economy and our society.” If we were racist, we wouldn’t have minority billionaires; we do. If we were racist, we wouldn’t have minority politicians; we do. If we were racist, we wouldn’t have minority Supreme Court Justices; we do. Finally, if we were racist, we wouldn’t have had a minority president; we did. “Systemic Racism” is a false flag put into place by Liberals to try and control a group of people they can’t.

Climate Change – Liberals want to rejoin the Paris Climate Accords, but refuse to look at the facts. The current data was changed and altered to meet a desire outcome. So since it is all tainted, let’s start with a clean completely open study that will prove or disprove “Climate change”. Liberals will not do this because it will prove “Climate Change” is a farce. This is the only logical reason Liberals wouldn’t want to prove once and for all “Climate Change” is real. By the way, Liberals were the ones who were caught falsifying the data that makes it now tainted.

Repealing Right-to-Work – “Right-to-Work” laws was put into place to stop discrimination by companies who had unions within them. Unions would not allow people to work within those companies unless you joined the union and paid dues. The dues, most of the time, went to political organizations that did not reflect the views of the union. For example, the UAW (United Auto Workers) sends their collected dues to the Democrat Party who was instrumental in sending millions of Auto Worker jobs outside the US boarders. At the beginning of the 1960s, the UAW had 1.5 million members, in 1979 with an inept president and the Democrats in congress making deals and sending auto jobs out of the county. With everything pasted for the farce of “Climate Change” during the 1993-2000, all against industry, the UAW had lost a substantial amount of domestic jobs because of Liberal Democrats. With all the restrictions, taxes, and mandated put on industry by Obama 2010 “Climate Change” deal was added, the UAW workforce crashed to an all-time low of 390,000 members. The UAW was still supporting Liberal Democrats who hurt the workers gravely; why? After President Trump removed the policies that sent UAW jobs overseas and Michigan becoming a “Right to Work” state, the UAW membership was headed north surpassing 400,000 and growing. So who is better for the Auto Workers; it’s not the Democrats. The Democrats also want to implement what is known as a “Card Check”, which lets the unions see who you voted for and would use this to deny promotions and even fire you; in other words, they would use it to implement tyranny. No one or union should be able to collect your money if they are going against your wishes and no one has the right to see for who you voted.

Raising Taxes - Joe Biden says he will only raise taxes on the people making $400,000 and more, but this is a lie. He will do away with Trumps tax cuts which will raise your taxes. Now, for all you who live in a Liberal Democrat controlled state who never really saw the Trump tax cut because your state raised its taxes to make sure you wouldn’t see it; do you think the Liberal Democrats are not going to lower them back? No, you are going to get a double whammy once again by the Democrats.

Medicare for All – If you want to go from the best care in the world to the worse, pass Medicare for All; it will be the big brother to the VA which lets people die waiting for a doctor appointments. If you have read the horror stories about what Veterans have to deal with at the VA, they are true. Socialized medicine like anything socialized has no standard; when you have no standard, the worse is what you will get. I know because I am a Veteran and can’t even get the VA to do their job; I have been fighting them for years; you will too if this happens.

Cutting the Police – We have a lot of criminals committing crimes so cut the police; that is about as ignorant as it comes. When we have ways to help fight crime and the Liberals vote them down at every turn, you have to ask yourself why. “Stop and Frisk” lowered the crime rate dramatically, but Liberals say it is discriminatory; it’s not. If we used facial recognition we could catch more criminals, but once again Liberals say it is discriminatory; it’s not. I wonder why the Mayor of Chicago wouldn’t let the police protect the city until the rioters and looters made it to her house; she is a Liberal Democrat. What do the top 10 most violent cities in the US have in common? They are Sanctuary Cities and have all been ran By Liberal Democrats for an average of 45 years. This also leads into the next section.

Gun Control - Did you know that top 10 most violent cities also have the strictest Gun Laws; now instead of “Law Abiding Citizens” being able to defend themselves, only the criminals have guns. In Chicago, 89.4% of all homicides, according to the FBI, happen within “Gun Free Zones”, this should tell you they don’t work. Gun control only helps the criminals and never the Law Abiding citizen.   But Democrats are hypocrites. Long time anti-gun Senator R.C. Soles shoots one of two home intruders. So he believes, as do all Democratic Politicians, they should have guns but not you. You have read what the US Constitution says above, but the Liberal Democrats will ignore it.

DC Statehood – This goes directly against the US Constitution, so why do it? The reason is 100% political, it will always be two Democratic Senators making it easier for the Liberal Democrats to try and take the Senate.

Eliminate Charter Schools and School Vouchers - Charter schools have been proven to turn out a higher educated student then the normal public school. Likewise, student who use vouchers to go to a better school system have proven its worth, so why would Liberal Democrats want to get rid of them. They want people to be dumb and they want your children to be indoctrinated with their values; you cannot do that if they are going to a school that actually educates your child. My daughter went to a Charter School for the gifted so she could get the advanced math she was longing. She received scholarships for engineering and is about to graduate. We did not have the money to send her to a private school like all these “Elite Politicians” can do, so the charter school was a blessing. Private School student score, on average, 18 points higher on the ACT compared to public schools; so why would you want to eliminate this; it is all about control.

Net Neutrality – Net Neutrality is nothing but Net censorship and failed policies. If you can’t find the truth, you can’t go against the lies being told to you because you have no proof they are lies. It is as simple as that. This is another way they are trying to take away your free speech.

Paying Iran and Palestine – Why would you want to pay the number one sponsor of terrorism in the world and their lap dog? We have tracked thousands of US military deaths back to Iran sponsored programs, so why would any Americans that love America supports them? Liberal Democrats hate America; you can see it in everything they do; they don’t even try to hide it. If they had tried this in the 1950s, they would have been tried for Treason; so why is it OK today?

I am still trying to figure out how our government can be turning into the exact thing our Founding Fathers was trying to prevent. I think one reason may be because the US population of lawyers in America is 0.2 percent, while in the US Congress it is 77%. We need to start doing what is best for our country; I do not think “Lawyers” for the most part; really care for anything but themselves. We can all start by voting for the people who will protect our rights instead of if they are a Democrat or Republican. We need a new political party; call it the Constitutional Party; maybe than our country will have a chance.

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