
Have You Heard of “The Breath Act?”

You know you need to take a closer look at something when it is stated to be “Better for Society” because one person’s better turns another person’s society in to a living hell. The bill was presented by the Electoral Justice Project of the Movement for Black Lives, which is part of Black Lives Matter (BLM). It is championed by Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and several other Radical Liberal Democrats. The bill proposes to remove taxpayer dollars from the police to an alternate “Community-Based Approach”, you know, like we saw in Seattle with the CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) and CHAP (Capitol Hill Organized Protest). The crime rate skyrocketed where CHAZ and CHAP were but this doesn’t matter to Liberal Democrats, the police were gone.

The Republicans actually had an alternate “Community-Based Approach” that would complement the police, but the Liberal Democrats refuse to acknowledge its effectiveness; it was a Federal Conceal Carry License. The Democrats didn’t want their voters to get shot while committing another crime; the fact is almost all violent criminals vote for Liberal Democrats. Liberal Democrats protect criminals who are American Citizens, Criminals who are not American Citizens, and other countries that violate human rights on a daily basis; so what is in this bill. The draft refers to the series of Black Deaths at the hands of “White Police Officers”, so I guess it is OK if a Black Police Officer kills a Black person.

They point to George Floyd as death by “White Cop” even though the coroner report says it was a “Drug Overdose”, that wasn’t the cops fault. The cops should have reacted better but Mr. Floyd’s drug use was the cause.

They point to Breonna Taylor as death by “White Cop” even though her boyfriend pushed her in front of himself and then started shooting at the cops, hitting two of them; the cops returned fire. If anyone was at fault here, it is the boyfriend; if you push your girlfriend in front of you, you are not a man. That wasn’t the cops fault.

They point to Tony McDade as death by “White Cop” even though he was physically attacking the police officer, trying to grab his gun, while yelling, ”I’m Going to Kill You.” If he would have been taught to respect the cops, he would still be alive. That wasn’t the cops fault.

Then they point to Natasha McKenna, a mental patient, as death by “White Cop” who had a record of attacking cops. She was being transferred to another prison when she again attacked five cops, winning the battle for a short time. The police used non-lethal measures, a Taser to get her restrained, but during transportation to the van, she went into cardiac arrest and couldn’t be revived. The cops didn’t start the altercation, she did. That wasn’t the cops fault.

They point to death by “White Cop” in the Pearlie Golden case, a 93 year old who was brandishing a firearm, endangering the public, and pointed it at the police.; the police fired. Like it or not, the police have the right to go home and they didn’t point their guns at her first. That wasn’t the cops fault.

Another death by “White Cop” to them was Kayla Moore who was in police custody. The coroner’s office concluded that drug intoxication, morbid obesity and an enlarged heart were the factors of her death. How can this be the cops fault; it can’t?

Than they bring up Freddie Gray as death by “White Cop”. He was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon, while in police custody; he started violently slamming his head against the Police Vans side according to the other detainees. According to the coroner’s, report, he died as a result of him slamming his head against the van side. How can this be the cops fault?

And for the last one, they point to Oscar Grant as death by “White Cop”. While police were trying to arrest him, he kept trying to pull something out of his pocket; was it a knife, a gun, or a phone; the police didn’t know. He was told repeatedly to stop reaching into his pockets or they would fire, but he refused to follow the police commands. He was close enough to kill the cops with a knife or gun so they fired; it could have ended peacefully but Mr. Grant refuse to let this happen. This again was his fault, not the cops.

Out of the 11 people they cite as “Death by White Cop”, 73% of them of the cited were the persons fault, not the police. The “Movement for Black Lives” is spreading a false narrative to try and reignite the race war which should have ended on 9 May 1865. In almost every case there were multiracial cops involved, so why “Movement does for Black Lives” say “White Cop” did it; because by their own actions, they are Racist. As long as there are groups like them, they will keep racism alive. As long as Liberal Democrats keep dividing us by race as done by the Congressional Black and Hispanic Caucus, racism will stay alive. Did you know of all the caucuses based on race, 100% of the membership is Liberal Democrat? This shows “Movement for Black Lives” biggest problem, when you lie to the public (Cry Wolf) 73% of the time, the public will not believe you. When you look at every shooting where a Black Person is killed through the prism of race, instead of facts, you yourself are now the “Racist” you claim to be against.

We must recognize that 3 of the 11 were valid; Aiyana Stanley-Jones, Elijah McClain, and Atatiana Jefferson, but it was by cop error, not by “White Cop” error. Me, an Independent Southern Country Boy will stand side by side with you and protest a wrong, any wrong, even these three deaths, but when you follow your protest up with “Rioting” and “Looting”; you have lost all legitimacy.

Most of the people supporting this “Breath Act” are Liberal Democrat Politicians. These same politicians who have destroyed the big cities, their education, their jobs, and their economy, not to mention, are the major reason that “Bad Cops” are allowed to get away with these criminal acts. How can I say that? What group gets all the bad cops out of punishment and forces the police stations to rehire them, even if they were in the wrong; Police Unions. Which political party does big city “Police Unions” always support? The Liberal Democrats; even if the police officers themselves don’t? Who turns a blind eye toward the bad cops as long as they do their bidding; The Police Unions, Liberal Democrat mayors and Attorney Generals! The cop who murdered Eric Garner had multiple excessive force complaints, to add insult to injury, the Liberal Democrat city (NYC) refused to prosecute the officer, even though he used an illegal choke hold which the coroner said caused Mr. Gardener’s death. This is very common within many Liberal Democrat ran cities. The Unions support Liberal Democrats; the Liberal Democrats support the unions; the good cops and civilians do not matter.

It is the Police Unions, actually all Large Unions (The Teamsters, UAW, AFL-CIO, Teachers Unions, ect), that are not good for America, the worker, or our country. Just as the Largest Teachers Union President stated, “I don’t care about the kids, I care about money and power”, it is the same for all Large Unions; they do not care about the workers, only more money and power, and in many cases they are ran by the Mafia. I have watched as Police Chiefs and Sheriffs have an officer seeking employment not allowed to access that officer’s professional record. The police union agreement of the previous department prevents the loosing Chief or Sheriff from tell the inquiring department if the officer has problems such as multiple excessive force complaints, shootings, or other negative items. This needs to be outlawed, if they are bad cops, they shouldn’t be allowed to stay an officer even in another area. Think about that, all these Rioters, Looters, and family members of these victims, vote Liberal Democrat, the same people who are the reason for their heartache.

If you think you have a lot of heart ache currently, you need to remember that Liberal Democrat want to defund the police, border patrol, and the military. If you think there is a lot of killings in Chicago, those numbers will be higher across the whole US.

Chicago has 2,695,598 residences with 2020 murders going to be around 941, which is one death per every 2,865 people. With the US population at 330,052,960, it you would have 115,202 murders per year, 303% higher, well above the current 38,000 murders currently a year. If the Liberal Democrats remove the Border Patrol, the Mexican Drug cartels will have free reign with and have you seen what they have done in Mexico; it will be here. If you take our population and add Mexico’s murder rate, we would have 9.9 million murders a year. At the same time, the Liberal Democrats do not want you to have a gun; why do you think they want you unarmed. They will have their body guards for protection, the average American will not. What do you think about this “Breath Act” now? As I have said many times, by looking at the facts, not the rhetoric, Liberal Democrats Politicians do not care about the US Citizen or America, only power and money. They cannot enslave you if you have guns and rights; this is why they want the “Breath Act” and removal of the 2nd Amendment. Without the 2nd Amendment, all your US Constitutional Rights will be removed.

Pleas Comment.

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