

 When Right is Wrong and Wrong is Right

I was brought up that “Wrong” was “Wrong” and “Right” was “Right”, so when did we start letting “Right” be “Wrong” and “Wrong” be “Right”? If you believe in America, you must believe “Wrong” was “Wrong” and “Right” was “Right”, even when we know it does not work out that way 100% of the time. Let’s start out with some easy questions.

There is no such thing as a free handout, someone paid for it; Right? If you receive anything you didn’t pay for from the government, someone else did; nothing is free except STDs and death. Freedom isn’t Free; our military paid for it; politicians exploit it; Right? There has been military people become politicians and run for office, but few if any politician, especially at the Federal level, has ever, in the last 50 years, left to go to war. In the 1950s, 1960’s, and even in the 1970’s most people respected the military and veterans because they had a family member in the military or one who had died in the military. They understood what sacrifice was and that” Freedom” wasn’t free, just like nothing you receive from the government is free; someone paid for it and there is always strings attached. Growing up where I grew up in the 1970s, there wasn’t as much racism as I see today, but that is because certain groups of politicians never want to let that dog die; they have no platform without it. If you identify and divide yourself by your race, you are a “Racist” by definition; Right? So when did this become the right thing to do? Our congress has caucuses divided by race, which by definition makes them racist, but they think this is “Right” when it is in fact “Wrong.” Then we have the police. Good police officers, the ones who follow the rules, who try to “Protect and Serve”, should not be put in harm’s way for “Political Reasons” or to protect “Bad Cops.” I would say 95% of the police are good, but “Police Unions” and “City Leadership”, including the “Legal Structure” protect bad cops for more dues, less bad publicity, and for personal vendettas. Bad cops should not be protected; Right? So why do people in the big cities keep voting for the same people and party that believes “Right” be “Wrong” and “Wrong” be “Right”? 

Criminals should be put in jail, innocent people should be allowed to protect themselves, and innocent people should not be persecuted for protecting themselves; Right? In many Liberal areas this does not happen, if you defend yourself, you are the criminal. A St. Louis couple who protected their home from a mob who was burning everything in sight and had guns, was charged by Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner for felony unlawful use of a weapon. How is protecting your life and home unlawful use? It’s not unless you are a politician following a political agenda instead of the law. When you commit “Strong Arm Robbery” of a store, you are not a saint, but a criminal; Right? When you take what is not yours, it is a crime, you are a criminal, and you should be prosecuted; Right? If you kill someone in cold blood, not self-defense, you are not a saint; Right? Then why are all these Liberals in charge prosecuting the innocent and letting the criminals go? All US Politicians, Circuit Attorney, Prosecutors, and Judges swear an oath to abide by and uphold the US Constitution. Kim Gardner and any other US Politicians, Circuit Attorney, Prosecutors, and Judges should be removed if they do not follow the US Constitution or become activist where they are sworn to be impartial; Right? When did “Right” be “Wrong” and “Wrong” be “Right”?

Our Federal government is the most corrupt, with the exception of Illinois, California, and DC; the law and what is “Wrong” and “Right” means nothing to them, and look; it is all Liberals once again in charge. The most gun deaths in these three places, we will look at the Federal Government in a second, happens in “Gun Free Zones”; how can that happen? Don’t the criminals know they can’t have guns there and why is it mostly previously “Convicted Felons” and “Illegal Alien Gang Members” committing these murders? “Convicted Felons” can’t be in possession of a fire arm. “Illegal Alien Gang Members” are not allowed in the country. This shows how literally idiotic the Liberal play book is for Liberals. In California, if a police officer arrests an Illegal Alien Violent Gang Member and they are deported, if that same office sees the gang member on the street the next week, he cannot do anything. He knows he is a Violent Illegal Alien Criminal here illegally, but California Law says he can’t touch him. California has let Illegal Alien Child Molesters, Rapist, and even Murders out of jail to protect Illegal Aliens at the cost of America Lives; think about that.

Our Federal Government needs an over haul as well, but not because what our Founding Fathers were wrong, but because our Federal Politicians have perverted what our Founding Fathers did. Our Founding Fathers stated that politician, law enforcement, and the citizens must be treated identically when it come to the law; our politicians and activist justices have perverted that to beyond belief. The Federal Government was to be a reflection of what the people were; today 0.03% of the US population is lawyers yet the US Congress is 77% lawyers; I think I see the problem Lucy. If a citizen commits a felony for false testimony on the floor of the US Congress, members the US Congress should face the same charges for false testimony; Right? This pile of lawyers have passed rules where they can lie all they want, as shown in the Trump Impeachment trial, without consequence; this needs to change! If you support the people or countries that support terrorist; you support terrorist; Right? Yet we have “Elected Officials” who support the Iranian Government, Hamas, and Hezbollah, the three biggest supporters and committers of terrorist acts in the world. The worse attack on US Soil, the 911 attacks, U.S. Representative for Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar said the 911 attack were, “some people did some bad things.” She refuses to call them terrorist or any terrorist group terrorist except for calling American’s terrorist; this is the problem in our congress.

Our Founding Fathers knew if you had a big Government, you have less Freedoms; Right? This is fact, the bigger the government the more that bigger government can be used to attack the citizens. We have watched as politicians use government agencies like the IRS, BLM, EPA, FBI, and the CIA to target political rivals or US citizens, they should never be allowed to be a politician again; Right. The politicians and their accomplices within these agencies should all kicked out of their position, be charged with felonies, and sent straight to jail. The sad thing is this shouldn’t ever be able to happing if the protectors would do their jobs, so who are the protectors.

The media or press was to be the protectors of the country by exposing any and all corrupt politicians, but they have joined them instead. When the “Press” spreads false information they are no longer the “Press” but propagandist; Right. They like to do what is called “Circular Validation” of their false stories.  “Circular Validation” is when say CNN says it is a valid story from MSNBC who says it is validated from CBS who says it is validated by NPR who says it is validated by ABC who says it is validated by CNN. The story is false but they use each other as validators with no source to pass off their propaganda and lies. When the “Press” refused to expose corruption, they are no longer the “Press”, but accomplices; Right. When the press refuses to ask valid hard hitting questions to a politicians because they are in the same party, but mercilessly attacks their opponent with falsities and invalidated information, they are now the “Enemy of the State.” The press is to be impartial but today is anything but impartial. I am an Independent, and what irritated me most of all back in 2016 was Nancy Pelosi and most all the Democrats stating they were going to “Impeach” Trump before he even took office, and the “Press”, the protectors of the Founding Fathers protectors of the country, refuse to exposing these corrupt politicians; they were accomplices.

The media have refused to show any facts about Liberal Leadership because it shows Liberal in a bad but truthful light. They refuse to show “Wrong” was “Wrong” and “Right” was “Right”, instead showing “Right” be “Wrong” and “Wrong” be “Right.” Below are a few examples.

The “Top 10 cities For Violence” are all ran by Liberals.

The “Top 10 cities For Failing Infrastructure” are all ran by Liberals.

The “Top 10 cities Which are Fiscally Strapped” are all ran by Liberals.

The “Top 10 cities for Lowest Education Scores” are all ran by Liberals.

The “Top 10 cities For Civil Rights Violations” are all ran by Liberals.

The “Top 10 cities For Bad Police Killing Innocent People” are all ran by Liberals.

They refuse to show that 77% of all murders happen in “Gun Free Zones.”

They refused to tell you that the Flint Michigan Water Crisis was caused by the Liberal Flint Mayor refusal to listen to the experts, going to a cheaper solution instead; the media tried to blame it on the governor.

They refuse to tell you where “Stand Your Ground Laws” and where there is less gun control, there is also less crime.

They refuse to show that the “US Mumps, Small Pox, and Measles” all came from Illegal Aliens who were bused from the border throughout the US without having a health assessment that would have caught these diseases.

They refused to tell you Benghazi was 100% preventable but that instead of beefing up security, Hillary Clinton took it away.

They refused to tell you that President Clinton started the cages at the border, which was expanded under Obama, but they blamed Trump instead even though they knew the truth.

Under President Bush they posted daily tallies of military members killed in Afghanistan, but ended it when President Obama took over because military deaths went up 307% due to Obama’s Rules of Engagement.

The media will only call out a wrong if it suites them and doesn’t go against their party. The once free conversation and information look up, social media, has no started censoring any political speech, true or not, that shows their candidates in a bad light but refuse to do the same on false information of their candidate’s opponents. This is what liberals do. They refuse to follow the law, follow the rules, tell the truth, take care of the people, take care of the military, and worse of all take care of the country. They will take your freedoms, your money, your property, sell out the country, and anything else they want to push their agenda for money, power, and control; just look at the last election for these facts. To Liberals, “Right” is “Wrong” and “Wrong” is “Right.”

Please let me know what you think.

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