
Honesty or Fraud, Freedom or Tyranny, the Choice is Yours!


Do you want the law to be equally applied to all, no matter their Education Level, Income, Political Position, Race, Religion, or Sexual Preference? Do you want your Vote to count evenly as everyone else?

If someone rapes you, one of your parents, one of your children, or another loved one, do you want them to be able to get off because of their Education Level, Income, Political Position, Race, Religion, or Sexual Preference?

If someone murders you, one of your parents, one of your children, or another loved one, do you want them to be able to get off because of their Education Level, Income, Political Position, Race, Religion, or Sexual Preference?

Do you want your freedoms?

Do you want freedom of speech so you can tell your boss or political representative to shove it, call them a liar, a crook, or anything else you want without being thrown into jail, sent to reeducation camps, or executed like is done in every socialist country.

Do you want your freedom of travel to go where ever you want or to have to show your papers at every crossing, state or county, which ever the government deems as controlled.

Imprisonment and slavery have several differing levels and are always used to control the people. Many Liberal Politicians use The Laws and Mandates to subtlety imprison and enslave. In many cases, when done over time, many people do not and did not see it coming until they realized they were no longer free. The easiest way to start to enslave people is by taking more and more of their money. The way our Liberal politicians have decided to do that is through taxes

When this country started, there were no Federal Income Tax, which started in 1861 to pay for the Civil War; it was rescinded in 1872 after the Federal Debt was paid. Congress also enacted the Revenue Act of 1862, taxing people at 3% making above $600 which rose to 5%; it was repealed in 1872.

Liberal Democrat, President Woodrow Wilson, brought back the Federal Income Tax with the ratification of the 16th Amendment in 1913; but Liberal Democrats can never have enough money so they set out almost immediately to raise them. The Federal Income Tax started at 1% for people making above $3,000, with 6% surtax on incomes above $500,000; when passed, one tenant to get this tax act passed was to “NEVER BE RAISED.” Their reasoning was once again to finance WWI which they knew we would get involved in, by the end of the war; Liberal Democrats had raised taxes to 77% on income over $1,000,000 ($16,717,815 today.) Unlike the Civil War, once the debt was paid, the Liberal Democrats refused to rescind to tax; they couldn’t steal all that money if they did.

This is what tyranny looks like. The rate dropped to 25% in 1922 and then to 24% in 1925; yes, both under a Republican President. Republicans believed the people should not be raped of their money, an ideology 180 degrees different than Democrats. In 1932, the Democrats held the house with 72% of members, and pushed through a tax raise from 24% to 63% on top tax rates, when FDR, a prominent Democrat took over the presidency, he raised it to 94% on incomes over $200,000, but also raised the taxes on all Americans; Democrats always do, with one exception.

JFK lowered the rate to 70% and called for it to be lowered to 65% in 1964, but was assassinated before he could. The tax rate was later lowered to 50% in 1982 under President Reagan and again to 28% under President G. H. Bush in 1988. In 1993, immediately after taking office, President Clinton, another Democrat, raised the rate to 39.6%. In 2001 President G. W. Bush lowered the rates to 35%. In 2010, President Obama raised the tax rate by changing the tax brackets instead of the percentage, making all making above $24,000 pay more, while giving those below $24,000 a free ride and even money back even though they had not paid in; it was the Socialist idea of wealth redistribution. President Trump gave all Americans a massive tax cut, but the Liberal Democrat ran States and cities increased their taxes the same amount so the people would get nothing; this is tyranny. Joe Biden says he will not raise taxes on anyone making below $400,000, but this is a lie because he wants to remove the Trump tax cuts which will raise taxes on everyone. Every one of these people who live in a Liberal state or city will get a double whammy because I guarantee the Liberal Democrats running them will not remove the taxes they put in place to negate Trumps tax cuts.

President Reagan said, ““Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”, but I say, “Slavery and Tyranny is just one generation away from reality.” A big step in that direction is when we see a group of people’s rights removed and we do nothing because we like the outcome. What you may not see is the next rights taken away may be yours.

Everyone out there knows when dead people are registering and voting that “Voter Fraud” exists.

Everyone out there knows when 130% of citizens in an area votes, “Voter Fraud” exists.

Everyone out there knows when the same person has voted more than once “Voter Fraud” exists.

Everyone out there knows when all tallies are done except the president, with all votes on the same ballot, that “Voter Fraud” exists.

Mail in ballots made this possible and the Liberal Democrats initiated the fraud, so where are all the people who are supposed to have integrity? Where are all the honest Democrat politicians who saw the fraud happening? Why is the main stream media not covering the voter fraud already found? It is because they have no integrity; this will lead us to tyranny and slavery.

The curve doesn’t do what it did unless it is manipulated by a group, so I ask, “Do you want Honesty or Fraud?” Democrat Harry Reid and the whole Democratic party did the “Nuclear Option” to try and pass items, then when the Republicans used the “Nuclear Option”, they cry like babies. Do not do something that is immoral, like the “Nuclear Option”, than complain when it is used against you, but there is something worse they have done.

Another saying of mine is, “When the Law no Longer Matters, Chaos will soon follow.” This is what we are seeing today. Liberal Justices who care nothing about the law, just political agendas, are rabid within our judicial system; they need removed. If by their actions you can see they are not Constitutionalist Judges, they should never be a judge again. These justices violate their sworn oath to follow the law and US Constitution. The

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, who are Liberal Justice, have been overturned more than the other 12 Appeals courts combined. They do not follow the US Constitution when deciding cases. All justices in the Ninth Circuit Court who have been overturned more than 20% of the time needs to be disbarred; the Ninth Circuit Court needs to be disbanded. We have the same problem on the Supreme Court, we have justices Stephen G. Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan who refuse to follow the US Constitution. They refuse to “Recuse” themselves from litigation when they were directly involved which also violates the US Constitution.

President Obama selected an Anti-Constitutionalist justice, Merrick Garland, after the mysterious death of Antonin Scalia; was this another “Hillary hit job”? His body was cremated before an autopsy could be performed adding to the belief that he was murdered in an attempt to swing the Supreme Court to the Liberal side; if that ever happens, you can kiss your freedoms goodbye.

The first thing I asked was “Do you want the law to be equally applied” and “Do you want your freedoms?” By standing on the sidelines and allowing this fraud to happen, you will lose your equality and freedom. No matter your political party, you need to stand up for the truth, and against fraud, if you want to maintain your freedom.

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