
Dividing America to Destroy America

Immigration or Infiltration

Liberals for years have been trying to change the terminology of the Illegal Aliens coming into America by changing the true meaning. At first they were mad because we called them what they are, Illegal Aliens, and they wanted it changed to Undocumented Immigrant. Do you understand why? Let’s first get some definitions out of the way so we are all talking apples to apples.

   Illegal Aliens Definition

  1. Illegal-forbidden by law or statute, contrary to or forbidden by official rules, regulations, etc.: The referee ruled that it was an illegal forward pass.
  2. Alien-a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquired citizenship by naturalization. A residing under a government or in a country other than that of one's birth without having or obtaining the status of citizenship.

   Undocumented Immigrant

  1. Undocumented-lacking documentation or authentication. Lacking proper immigration or working papers.
  2. Immigrant-A person who migrates to another country for processing into that country usually for permanent residence.
Immigration Definition

  1. The movement of non-native people into a country in order to settle there
  2. The part of a port, airport, etc where government employees examine the passports, visas, etc of foreign nationals entering the country

Infiltration Definition

  1. A method of attack in which small bodies of soldiers or individual soldiers penetrate the enemy's line at weak or unguarded points in order to assemble behind the enemy position and attack it from the rear, harass enemy rear-area installations, etc.
  2. An illegal act of entering, seizing, or taking possession of another's property.
  3. A wrongful entry after the determination of a particular estate, made before the remainderman or reversioner has entered.

 Now that we see the true definition, are the Liberal Politicians deceiving the American people? Yes! Have they been flat out lying to the American people? Yes Again! Are they allowing foreign aliens to infiltrate America? Yes once again!

Equality or Discrimination?

Equality Definition

  1. The state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability.
  2. Promoting equality of opportunity in the workplace.
  3. Uniform character, as of motion or surface.

Discrimination Definition

  1. An act or instance of discriminating, or of making a distinction.
  2. Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit.
  3. Racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.
  4. The power of making fine distinctions; discriminating judgment.

Many don't know but a man applied for an FCC to start a White Educational TV (WET) license in 1980 after seeing Black Educational TV (BET) receive theirs. Now with full disclosure, I don't care either way but BET received theirs and WET was denied, isn't that discrimination due to race? My family has Native American history along with several others, like most in this country, we are mutts. I believe in equality for all races and genders but I do not believe in special rights for any group. When you allow collages to discriminate on the bases of race, giving one race an advantage or disadvantage over other races, this is wrong. When you have sororities on campus allowed to discriminate based on race, this is wrong as well. Sororities like Kappa Delta (KD) all white male sororities, Kirkland Back (KB) all white female sororities, Alpha Psi Lambda (APL) all Hispanic sororities, and •Omega Psi Phi (OPP) all black sororities need to become diversified in our collages like Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) once all black but now diversified, or shut down. Like it or not, our Liberal collages are condoning discrimination with allowing these segregated sororities as well as discrimination to your grade depending on if you are Conservative or Liberal.

Lawful Due Process or Circumventing the Constitution?

   Lawful Due Process Definition
  1. A fundamental, constitutional guarantee that all legal proceedings will be fair and that one will be given notice of the proceedings and an opportunity to be heard before the government acts to take away one's life, liberty, or property.
  2. Also, a constitutional guarantee that a law shall not be unreasonable, Arbitrary, or capricious.
Circumventing Definition

  1. To go around or bypass.
  2. To avoid (defeat, failure, unpleasantness, etc.) by artfulness or deception; avoid by anticipating or outwitting.
  3. To surround or encompass, as by stratagem; entrap:

The Local Governments, Law Enforcement agencies, and the IRS are seizing people's property without due process and for their own gain. California cities seizing properties of anyone they THINK you have drugs without due process. After searching houses and finding no evidence they still keep the property without pressing charges siting “Civil Forfeiture”. A 24 year old year-old college student was heading back to collage to pay his tuition with the $11,000 he saved just to have the police claim they smelled marijuana. After a search they found no drugs but did find the money and decided to seize it under “Civil Forfeiture” with no charges being filed. The IRS seized Lyndon McLellan's life savings without ever charging him with a crime. Mr. McLellan was a small business owner who made deposits of less than $10,000 a week so he had to be guilty according to the IRS and DEA. As a DEA agent succinctly described it to the Albuquerque Journal: "We don’t have to prove that the person is guilty. It’s that the money is presumed to be guilty". The “Civil Forfeiture” actions across the US needs to follow Nebraska and be abolished. Not only does it violate the US Constitution, but its mere presents has the American people living in tyranny.

Collage Education or Indoctrination?

  1. The action or process of teaching someone especially in a school, college, or university.
  2. The knowledge, skill, and understanding that you get from attending a school, college, or university.
  3. A field of study that deals with the methods and problems of teaching

  1. To teach (someone) to fully accept the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of a particular group and to not consider other ideas, opinions, and beliefs.
  2. To imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion, point of view, or principle
  3. Too often repeat an idea or belief to someone in order to persuade them to accept it:

Kenneth Dominguez, 16, was suspended from Grossmont Union High School District for bringing his Bible to school. The Grossmont Union High School District has violated Dominguez’s 1st, 4th, 5 th ,  and 14th Amendment rights so where is the press? Brandon Jenkins was denied admission to Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) because when asked by an admissions interviewer, he stated “My God” was the most important thing in my life.  In rejecting his application, Radiation Therapy Program Director Dr. Dougherty informed Brandon, “I understand that religion is a major part of your life, however, this field is not the place for religion." Discrimination against anyone outside the Liberal norm is at epidemic levels in our 1-12 Schools and colleges in America. Many professor and teachers in our collages and 1-12 school systems prefer to indoctrinate instead of educate. This is why America who was once always within the top 5 countries in the world is now 35th; because indoctrination is the core in education these days. To create thought and advancement, in a High School, if there is two theories on a subject, neither of which can be proven like Creation and Evolution, both need to be taught to the same degree and length, otherwise you are indoctrinating. Any teacher, professor, or school personnel discriminating against student because of their religious or political views needs to be fired on the spot. We need to get back to teaching.

Bias or Un-Bias Truth in the Media

   Bias Definition-
  1. To change in appearance or form, especially strangely or grotesquely; transform.
  2. A particular tendency, trend, inclination, feeling, or opinion, especially one that is preconceived or unreasoned.

   Un-Bias Definition- 
  1. To free from bias," 1708, from un- (1) "not" + bias.
  2. The truest service a private man may hope to do his country is, by unbiassing his mind as much as possible.

ABC-   Slate accuses ABC News of deceptively editing interview with Juror B29
CBS-   Busted! CBS News Caught Editing Out Unfavorable Comments about Pres Obama
CNN-  CNN selectively edits Donald Trump Muslim database interview
Fox-    Fox Affiliate Caught Deceptively Editing Footage of Police Protesters
NBC-   NBC News forced to apologize for yet-another dishonest edit meant to push the left’s agenda.
House- White House censors French president for saying ‘Islamist terrorism’

Freedom of the press was set up so you would know every angle of a story instead of the censored version the government wanted you to spread. It worked great for a while until the reporters became political operatives, now the truth and evidence doesn't matter, only the agenda. This is the reason the American people don't trust the news anymore. The media in America have went from reporting the news to creating the news even with false narratives. This is what is known as dishonest journalism.

The crux of the matter is, the liberal agenda and indoctrinating is in place to divide us, not unite us. Instead of being an African, Spanish, or Native American which is the liberal way of dividing us, we need to be one group only, American.

Liberals Enabling Radical Muslims to Murder the LGBT Community

I have a question. If you are driving down the road and a car going the wrong way hits and kills you, was it the car’s fault, the car manufacture’s fault, or the driver of the car fault? Of course it is the driver of the car going the wrong way fault. If that driver was drunk, was it the alcohol’s fault, the alcohol manufacture’s fault, or the person doing the drinking and driving fault? Once again, it is the driver of the car going the wrong way, who is drunk fault. If I eat so much I become obese and die of a stroke from being overweight, was it the fork’s fault, the fork manufacture’s fault, or my fault for eating too much? The answers are obvious again, but when you throw Liberalism, Political Correctness (PC), and political agenda into the mix, the truth doesn’t matter anymore. The drunk driver is responsible for his acts, not the car (an inanimate object), not the manufacture (no fault in the manufacturing), not the alcohol, the alcohol manufacture, but the individual drinking and driving. If I am obese, it isn’t the fork’s fault (an inanimate object), the manufacture’s fault (no fault in the manufacturing), but mine for eating too much. This being said, how does the Liberals come up with it being the gun’s fault (an inanimate object) for the Orlando shooting or any other shooting for that matter? The shooting was in a “Gun Free Zone”, the owner forbid his security from having guns, so where did it come from? Did the gun load itself and walk into the club under its own power and start shooting?

Criminals and Radical Islamic Terrorist do not follow the law, guns are banned in France yet Radical Islamic Terrorist hid them in their mosques and then used them to wage jihad. France's politicians failed their citizens just like America's politicians have failed "We The People." France, after realizing the danger it has put its people in is now doing what should have been done in the first place, they are logically look at the threat being produced from the Islamic community; they have figured out "Political Correctness" does nothing but get you killed. France raided and closed 160 Radical Mosques out of 2300 Mosques after finding this "Peaceful Religion" was using these mosques to hide war grade weapons. This is 7% of their mosques they caught with weapons, what the true percentage helping to wage jihad is not known. Is every mosque helping the jihadist? No, but if 7% of the mosques are helping. Criminals get away 50% of the time with their crimes which if this is correct, France would still need to catch the second 160 Radical Mosques to protect their people. Intelligent Agencies from across the world estimate 15-25 % of a Muslim population are jihadist, this would be 950,832 to 1,584,720 jihadist in France alone. The bright side is France has finally wised up, thrown "Political Correctness" out the door to protect their citizens.

If we apply the same numbers in France and apply it to America, with a US Muslim population of 32,334,100, we would have from 4,850,115 to 8,083,525 Muslims jihadist. We already know from the FBI that there are at the minimum 35 Jihadist training camps in America. The FBI had been investigating Omar Mir Siddique Mateen, the Orlando jihadist, and the Mosque he attended but the investigation was shut down by Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State out of fear of offending Muslims, according to recently retired DHS agent Philip Haney. The reason 103 people were shot was due to "Political Correctness", Liberal agendas, and lack of leadership. How many people in America, especially the LGBT community are offended about Americans dying due to "Political Correctness", when it could have been prevented? The sad part is our government has tried to blame an inanimate object, a gun, once again for bad liberal policies and leadership. This is not a Democrat -vs- Republican, fight, I showed you in Islamic Terrorism Spelled Out, how Congressman Steve Lynch, a Democrat, pointed out 72 individuals working at Home Land Security who were on the “Terrorist Watch List”. If Liberal President Obama and his Liberal administration are not even checking the people they are hiring within Home Land Security to protect us, do you really think he and his liberal administration are vetting the Islamic refugees we are receiving? Did you know these same Liberals are gutting our constitution to try and bring Sharia Law into the US? In dealing with Islamic Radicals, from the get go Liberals ideology is helping Islamic Terrorist kill innocent Americans.

If you are in the LGBT community or a women, supporting these Liberals, it is going to get you literally killed, just ask Orlando's LGBT community. I have spelled this out before in "Why Do Most Muslims Hate Everyone Else?" why Islamic theology hates everyone else. Every time we see it come up in the news or a TV show they always say, "Islam is a peaceful religion" and many Muslims are but it isn't the majority. When in Idaho, you have these newly arrived Islamic refugees raping a little girls at knife point, it should show you they don't care about our laws. Then you have 103 people shot in Orlando by an Islamic Extremist and Liberal Attorney General Loretta Lynch orders all references to "Islamic Terrorism" to be removed, it should send shivers down your spine. The final straw should be when you have a video made by ISIS showing an ISIS terrorist, in the US at Time Square, practicing a dry suicide bomber run, you need to think hard. When this video zooms in to show the suicide bomber pulling the ring on his detonator, it should make you realize how unprotected these Liberal policies have made America. All these Liberal policies, especially "Political Correctness", could have once again, like in Orlando, enabled the murder of hundreds of Americans by Islamic Radicals.

There are two movies, "By the Numbers" and "Honor Diaries Part 1 - Honor Diaries Part 2", put out by Muslim women who now have Islamic Fatwas against them. A Fatwa is "a ruling or judgement on a point of Islamic law given by a recognized authority." In the Fatwas against these women, the Imams have directed them to be murdered for telling the truth about Islam and the violence; I wrote about this in "Muslim’s Peaceful Religion, Atrocities, and Honor Killings." Currently in America, Liberals judges are allowing Sharia Law to be illegally practiced in America. Reports of "Honor Killings, Female Genital Mutilation, Wife Beatings, and the literal Defacing (with acid) of Women who do not comply with their theology poor in, all the Liberal Politicians do is cover it up. Within this cover up, Attorney General, Loretta Lynch has even went as far as to suggest penalizing people who offend Muslims; don't we have "Free Speech" in America?" If Sharia Law gets a foot hold in America, it will demand the murder of every LGBT citizen, this is not my words, but the Islamic community's words and their actions. You need to think about this hard because if you don't stop it, it will be your children and grandchildren who will be subjected to it.

One last thought, if Hillary Clinton cares about the LGBT community and women’s rights, why does she accept political donations from the most misogynistic countries? The answer is she doesn’t care about the LGBT community, women, or even America, she only cares about money, power, and whatever she can take from America and its citizens. Do you really think Hillary will keep you, your children, or America safe? If you said yes you are lying to yourself.