
Who Truly Supports and Protects Women, It Is Not Liberals!

Sexual Assault has been going on sense time began; we would like to think that this type of Neanderthal behavior has for the most part been crushed. Unfortunately, its revitalization came when the Liberals took all morality out of our nation. Liberals believing they are Ethical Superiority to all conservatives, libertarians, and others, are the ones who have remained silent, accepting, and enabling people like Harvey Weinstein. Liberals have covered up these actions by powerful Liberal men like Liberal Harvey Weinstein for years to enhance their money, influence, and power. Mr. Weinstein accused of 5 rapes and as many as 30 sexual assaults on two continents that we know. The Liberal Establishment covered this all up, so I ask again, do you really think they are for protecting women? Actions speak louder than words.

The very Liberal Weinstein Company (TWC), in Weinstein’s contract written and negotiated by Lance Maerov, allows Weinstein’s sexual harassment of anyone as long as he shelled out the defense money. NBC had a front-page story about this Serial Sexual Predator, Harvey Weinstein, who had been praying on defenseless women for decades and covered up the story. He was a shining Liberal light, he gave NBC millions of dollars, and he gave the Democratic Party Millions including $1.5 million to the Clintons and $700,000 to the Obamas. The Liberal media is bias, why did NBC bury the story. Was it because they received millions from Weinstein, was it because they were Liberal, or was it because Weinstein was a very powerful politically connected Liberal donor?

You can ask former President Obama why it took so long to respond on the evidence given on Weinstein but only minutes to defend his Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates Jr. that he had to walk back because he was wrong. Why did Hillary Clinton take 5 days to respond, then she did it through a spokesperson, why? Was it because she was trying to figure out a way to cover it up as Bill did with good friend, Serial Sexual Predator Jeffery Epstein who raped several children? Was she trying to figure out how to improve her cover up procedures which helped cover for aid Huma Mahmood Abedin husband, Anthony Weiner for years?

Covering up for Sexual Predators is a way of life for liberals, just look at Senator Ted Kennedy who in 1969 left the scene of an accident, allowing Mary Jo Kopechnes to suffocate. John Farrar, head of the volunteer search and rescue team, reached the scene in 20 minutes the next morning and found Kopechne’s corpse. It indicate she lived for two hours after the crash but he stated, “I was told outright by the D.A.’s office that I would not be allowed to testify on how long Kopechne was alive in the car”. Liberal Democrat Ted Kennedy’s political position was more important to the Liberals than Mary Jo Kopechnes life. Look up Roman Polanski, a Hollywood film director who after having many offenses covered up hit the spotlight when he raped a 13-year-old girl.

When caught, Liberals lash out at others as shown by Ultra Liberal Hillary Clinton, she was in a foreign country and stated, “We have someone admitting to being a sexual assaulter in the Oval Office, there has to be a recognition that we must to stand against to this kind of action that is so sexist and misogynistic.” Let us set the record straight first and get rid of the lies. Mrs. Clinton was talking about President Trump statement when secretly recorded by Billy Bush. Any alpha male in a locker-room has made similar statements with 95% of them never committed. As nasty as it is, it is common male banter to raise their bravado among other males, or at least until the arrival of their mom, the wife, or girlfriend. There is no evidence President Trump, or any other Republican President has ever sexually assaulted a women.

On the Liberal side of presidents, it is a different story. Leslie Millwee, a former reporter accused former president Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting her three times in 1980. Bill Clinton was the golden child of the Liberal Establishment so the Liberal Establishment took Leslie Millwee out, hence now being a “former reporter.” Just to run through a short list, Bill raped Juanita Broaddrick and Eileen Wellstone. Bill sexually assaulted Carolyn Moffet, Sandra Allen James, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Connie Hamzy, Becky Brown, Helen Dowdy, Christy Zercher, and Paula Corbin. Bill had affairs with Dolly Kyle Browning, Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky, Sally Perdue, Lencola Sullivan, Markie Post, Dolly Kyle Browning, Maria Furtwängler, Belinda Stronach, Naomi Robson, Patricia Duff, Susie Whitacre, Bobbie Ann William, Regina Blakely Hopper, and Deborah Mathis; remember this is the short list.

This doesn’t include Elizabeth Ward Gracen who maintained for years she was raped by Bill but all of a sudden says it was consensual; was this due to threats or malice, we don’t know. This also does not include Judy Gibbs, a Penthouse model who was having an affair with Bill. They burned her to death after she agreed to help in an investigation into Arkansas drug dealing involving Mr. Clinton. Hillary fought ever accusation, even after the blue stained dress of Ms. Lewinsky came out proving the truth. Liberal women exploiter and Hustler founder Larry Flynt offers $10 million for dirt on Trump. He is a big Liberal donor and exploiter of women but have you ever seen the DNC turn down his donations? No.

The fact that the Elite Liberal Establishment in Hollywood, both male and female, who have watched, known, and/or was the victim of this type of sexual predatory action by more than just Harvey Weinstein, shows you how much they really care about women in Hollywood. This is why Hollywood has such an immoral reputation. Either you give in to the Elite Liberal Establishment and their sexually predatory ways of abuse or you do not have a job. No, wonder so many actors die of drug overdoses and suicides. I wonder what the true number is of Hollywood’s predators and victims, both women and men; ten thousand, one hundred thousand, a million, I am sure the number if known would be staggering.

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1 comment:

  1. I guess a lot of these Hollywood manly men aren't too manly, they knew and did nothong. I'm from the south, you stand up for a woman when this happens. I guess this is what happens when you take the manliness out of men. They act good on screen, but they fail when reality comes at them. Pathetic.
