
Gun Control, Virginia People, You Voted to Lose Your Rights

Do you want to lose all your rights, keep voting for Liberal Democrats and you will. You are finding out what a lot of California residence all ready know, you give a liberal an inch, they take a mile. Why was the 2nd Amendment put into our Constitution? Have any of you read the Founding Father's words on the 2nd Amendment? Despite what the Liberal Politicians try to get you to believe, the right to own and bare arms has nothing to do with protecting yourself or hunting, it was to stop Tyrant Politicians from destroying America.

To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them…” - Richard Henry Lee

What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.” - Thomas Jefferson

A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies.” - George Washington

The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” - Thomas Jefferson

All you hear when you talk to a Liberal about guns is Assault Rifles, Mass Shootings, and confiscation. Virginia, you are finding out that what most on the Liberal side said they would never do, confiscate your gun, is coming true. The fears are true. Liberal Politicians throw all these lies out to the public and the Liberal Bias Media backs up their lies. Lets take a little look at some facts.

Several types of guns have been used in mass shootings in the United States. A 2014 study conducted by Dr. James Fox found 62% were committed with handguns, 25% with rifles, and 13% with shotguns. This is misleading because mass shootings by any rifle alone is 18%, 7% were using hand guns with rifles. If you break it down, Assault Style rifles used by themselves in mas shootings was just under 15% of the shooting deaths. If you account for all Mass Shootings, there have been 510 deaths from 1949. In 2017 by itself there were 64,795 by accidental poisoning, 40,231 by motor vehicles, 47,173 by suicide, and on the lower end 3,166 people where killed texting and talking on their phones while driving; so do we want to ban cars and phones; No. If I open up the year 2017, which has the most Mass Shooting victims, 84; this number is minuscule; Accidental Deaths alone was 169,936. Mass Shootings, compared with Accidental Deaths, equaled 0.075% deaths. If you take all deaths in America in 2017, 2.8 million people died, gun deaths, including suicide, gang activities, terrorist acts, and even hunting accidents, add up to less then 0.01 of 1%. If you look at the research, there were 2.5 million times during 1993 (about 6,850 times per day), that guns were used in self-defense; the deaths are so minuscule, it proves guns save thousands more people; it would be foolish to want guns gone. Ask yourself; Why is there such a push by Liberal Democrats to take away your rights?

If you want the truth, it is all about control; The only way Liberal Democrats can control the American people is to turn them from Citizens into Subjects.

Citizen - A native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection (distinguished from alien). An inhabitant of a city or town, especially one entitled to its privileges or franchises.

Subject - Being under domination, control, influence, dominion, rule, or authority, as of a sovereign, state, or some governing power.

Subjects have no rights, the “Sovereign, State or Governing Power” has all the power and you have none; you are subject to their will. This is what the Liberal Democrats want; they want to turn you into a Slave Nation; so they can tax you as much as they want, control you in any way they want, and punish you any time they want for disobeying, and your only protection, the 2nd Amendment, will no longer be there for you.

Every country in history that became a Communist/Socialist country, first move was to remove any ability of resistance, which means your guns, afterwards they slaughtered any that did not fall into line with their ideology.

With strong Obama administration support, in January 2010, 153 countries, including the US, endorsing U.N. Arms Treaty Resolution #783, which gave the UN permission to take American's guns if passed by Congress. The Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, draft a blueprint for enactment and pledged to push for Senate ratification; luckily there was enough Republicans to filibuster and get it kicked out. After that failure, Obama and his administration tried to force a million dollar per gun mandated insurance policy, this once again was shot down by the Republicans in Congress, but also by the Supreme Court as Unconstitutional.

The Obama Administration, after these two major defeats, decided to the only legal option they had, they bought virtually every round of ammo in the US, 1.6 billion rounds. The Federal Government only uses 9mm, 357 SIG, 40 cal, 45 ACP, 4.6x30 mm, 5.56 mm (223), 7.62/51 (308), 7.62/67 (300), 338 Lapua Magnum, 50 BMG, and a 12 Gage. I may have missed one or two but the question is, why did they buy ammo they do not even use by the Federal Government like the 45-70, 7mm Mag, 300 Short Mag, 41Mag, 45 Long Colt, 450, 444, and many others? The answer once again is control, if you cannot get ammo, you cannot resist.

On a side note, even though this has already been shot down by the Supreme Court, New York State Liberal Democrats are trying to do the same thing today. In the Supreme Court battle with Obama's Administration, the only descents in the Supreme Court were Liberal Supreme Court judges, who violated their oath to protect and uphold the US Constitution; think about that. These are the same justices who refused to recuse themselves, as required by law, in a case where they had a clear conflict of interest. One of the same justices publicly made racist and sexist comments before being nominated to the Supreme Court , but she was a minority so this behavior, which should have disqualified her, did not matter to Liberals in charge.

So now we have Liberals in Virginia trying to take away Law Abiding Citizens guns. I have harped on this for a while and was called everything from an “Alarmist” to other name I cannot mention here, but I was right. Virginians, you need to revolt against your elected officials, recall them today, and stop this in its tracks, if you don't, we may see our second Civil War. One last question, why, in the Liberal Utopia, can you have “Sanctuary Cities” for Illegal Aliens who are criminal by action, but not for Law Abiding Citizens who have committed no crimes?

Below are the links to our governing documents. Do not believe what any politician or media outlet tells you is constitutional, read the documents and figure it out on your own.

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