
The Homelessness Problem in America

When you talk about the “Homeless Problem”, you need to look at it from several angles. First. How do you define Homelessness? There are three types of homelessness; Chronic, Transitional, and Episodic. Chronic Homelessness is people suffering from disabilities, substance abuse problems, and are what people look at as “skid-row” homeless. Transitional Homelessness is usually people who become homeless due to a catastrophic event and is usually short term. Episodic Homelessness is people who frequently shuttle in and out of shelters to hide and usually are chronically unemployed, experience medical problems, mental health problems, and substance abuse problems.

Second. Where are the Homeless mostly located and what has led to these places? If you look at the “Top Five States” with the highest homeless rate per capita, they are as follows: New York, 91,897; Hawaii, 6,530; California, 120,972; Oregon, 14,476; Washington, 22,304, accounting for 43.3% of all the US Homeless. This is ridiculous. California and New York by themselves account for 38.5% of all the Homeless population. Think about that. Five states out to the 50 plus DC account for almost half and two state account for over a third of Homeless people. If you look at the “Top Five Cities” with the highest homeless rate, they are as follows: New York City- 78,676; Los Angeles- 49,955; Seattle- 12,112; San Diego- 8,576; and DC- 6,904. These 5 cities add up 28.3%, over a quarter of the entire Homeless population. There are 19,495 cities in the US. There are 310 cities with a population over 100,000 just for comparison. What do these “Top Five States” and “Top Five Cities” have in common? Did you know they are all run by Liberals.

Third. What makes up the Homeless population?

According to the U.S. Census, of the 9% of of the Homeless are made up by immigrants; with 61 percent being Illegal Aliens or “ Not Naturalized Citizens” as they say. The Illegal Alien population in the US not only makes up 3.2% of the US population, but also makes up 14% of the Homeless Immigrant population in the US; 4.4 times their Capita.

According to the numbers from the FBI, compared with the number of criminals who are Illegal Aliens, the majority of Illegal Immigrants, 60%, are not in the US to work as Liberal Politicians tell you. You have 40% here to Run Drugs, Run Child Slavery, Run Child Prostitution Ring, and other criminal activities. So why doesn't the Media cover this? Because the Media is Liberal. I have no problem with Legal Immigrants. My problem is with Illegal Aliens is you need to do it legally, become a legal citizens, or get a work Visa. According to the GOV stats, 40% of Illegal Aliens are here to work and the last 20% are here to milk the system for any entitlements they can get. If you are here to work, I am all behind you; unfortunately, according to studies, that is only about 40%. One of the biggest causes of Homelessness is our Liberal Politicians. They would rather bring in and take care of Illegals Aliens instead of our own people. The reason is Liberals need votes and Illegal ones are as good as any.

A survey of the Homeless data indicated that 40 percent of homeless males are Veterans (VETs), compared to 5.6 percent of the all US population being VETs. I can tell you from experience, that Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) affects people in many different ways. You have the Police, Fire Department, EMT, Emergency Room people, and people who have experienced traumatic events who have PTSD, and I'm not trying to down play their PTSD; but the Military PTSD is completely different. In the Military, when you go to Iraq, Afghanistan, or another hot spot, unlike stateside, everyone wants to kill you. If it is not a Brother or Sister in arms, only on rare occasions do you trust someone else. You see the horrors of war. You see your friends die in your arms. You see what the enemy does to children, let alone adults. Your mind was not meant to see such things. Foreigners, who are supposed to be your Allies, put beside you for political reasons. They turn their weapons on you, your Brothers and Sisters, killing them without remorse. They tell you it is an “Isolated Incident”, when you know it is not. There is nothing like that experience, thank God, in the US, but the Military VET relives it daily. You see all these horrors and it is hard to come back; a piece of you never will. It changes you, because it is hard to unsee what you have seen and you never will. Many Military suffering from PTSD, become Homeless because they do not want to accidentally hurt someone out of reflex. They have trouble holding a job because they have to trust someone who isn't Military; and they don't sleep because the nightmares keep coming back. This is also why we have a staggering amount of Veteran Suicides. But Liberals do not care about that either.

If you read the The Council of Economic Advisers report, you will find that 20% of homeless people have a severe mental illness, with 39% experienced mental health problems; since they are separated, I would take it to mean 59% of the homeless have mental problems. This leads me to ask if shutting down most the mental hospitals was a good idea. In 1965, President Johnson signed a Social Security Amendments of 1965, which stripped the payments to the Government run mental hospitals; another great Liberal move. Although many presidents since then have tried to fix the problem, the amount of funding has never been adequate. The report points out that 16% have a chronic substance abuse with 26% having drug problems. It doesn't point out what the difference between the two; however, together that is 42% have drug problems. It points out alcohol abuse problems in 38%, which to me, rates with the drug problem; are they the same ones or different people, the report does not say. To add on top of this, 44% have physical disabilities for which they are getting no treatment.

If you look back in our history, when we once took care of all these people, you have to ask; What changed? Where did the money go? The truth is since most homeless never vote, the politicians do not really care about them. Liberal politicians kill two birds with one stone in this area. They redirect (steal) the money that once helped these people; giving it to other people who do vote for more entitlements. Now ask yourself; What is the second bird. Liberals uses entitlements to hold down minorities and the poor, essentially putting them into economic slavery. The Liberal politicians say they want to help them, but set up the system to punish them if they try to leave the system. Homelessness is a symptom of Liberal over abuse of the system to try and corner votes. These people need help, but since they do not vote, the Liberal thought is “Forget Them”. On the other hand, Liberals will help Illegal Aliens because they will vote Illegally. Nothing against foreigners, but we need to take care of our people first. If you believe this, stop voting for Liberals. They will never help the homeless because they do not vote.

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