When sexual harassment or assault happens, the person
committing the act needs fully prosecuted. No matter if the assaulter is a
male, female, or LGBT, no matter race, religion, heritage, celebrity standing,
political standing, or financial standing; all should serve the same sentences.
People will commit sexual harassment and assault because they believe
themselves uncatchable or untouchable. First, we must take all accusers
seriously, set up a vetting process to find the truth, if the accused is
guilty; put away the sexual predator. All assaulters need to be equally
sentenced no matter if their race, gender, sexual preference, political
standing, social standing, or financial standing. Second, if you cannot
substantiate the claims, the accused is still innocent and must be portrayed
that way. The accuser must be portrayed as a possible victim with no
retaliation if there is no indication this was a hit piece of malice. Third, if
you find an accuser has purposely falsified charges for political, financial,
or any other reason, they must be charged and jailed. The people who will
falsify claim sexual harassment and assault for political, financial, or any
other reason, do so to the detriment of real victims.
Liberals falsely claim someone is a Racist, Sexist,
Homophobe, or Islamophobe to shut down any discussion they cannot win on the
merits or to win an election. If anything comes out negative about one in their
inner circle, they will go to all means to destroy them. Liberals have not said
one word about Bill Clinton or Joe Biden over behavior toward
women, even when the dress came out. The Liberals Democrats did go after every
one of Bill Clintons’ accusers in order to save their god with Hillary leading
the charge. How about Liberal Senator Bob
Menendez, who has close ties to Bill
Clinton. Menendez had sexual
relations with an aid while marries
(sounds familiar). Jeffery Epstein, a wealthy registered sex offender and pimp,
when busted for pimping high priced underage girls, had his client list
exposed. This list had Bob Menendez and Bill
Clinton (21 times) as
clients. If this was not good enough, the Media and Democrats do not say
a word about Al Franken groping Leeann Tweeden in December
2006, where there is even a picture. Liberals Democrats must defend Al Franken
even with the undeniable evidence or they just say nothing, getting help from
the Liberal media to kill the story.
Liberals are masters at being hypocrites; look at Roy Moore
and the difference of treatment by the Liberal Media and politicians. There are
no pictures or evidence against Roy Moore for a claim that happened 40 years
ago which comes out right before a US Senate seat election. Mr. Moore has ran
for office 7 times without a peep from anyone; but remember the Liberal
Democratic battle cry, “By any means necessary.” This is a non-provable or
disprovable allegation right before an election, this sounds like a Liberal
political assassination attempt to me. Liberal Democrat politicians are
infamous for using this tactic. There is zero evidence against Moore yet the
Media and Democrats go at him full force while ignoring Bill Clinton, Joe
Biden, Bob Menendez, Al Franken, and John Conyers where there is evidence.
Nancy Pelosi defending Liberal Democratic Representative John Conyers after Democrat
staffers accused him of decades of harassment tops off the hypocrisy. Mrs.
Pelosi states, “John Conyers is an icon in our country. He has done a great
deal to protect women”. Studies show child predators have done a great
deal to protect and help children, which is until they rape them. When asked
about the accusers Pelosi answers, “I don't know who they are”. Therefore, you do
know the accusers of Roy Moore; that is interesting.
The Democrats funded a ROBO call asking for dirt on
Roy Moore, listen to the curious Robocall, and then the
Liberal media try to cover it up. I wonder how many of Moore’s accusers are
paid by the DCN or associates. The sad part, if there are victims of Moore,
they look like political pawns and not a true victim, which hurts their cause
even more. Why is the Liberal Democratic establishment not yelling for the
resignation of Bob Menendez, Al Franken, and John Conyers, known Liberal
Democrat predators, as they have been for Mr. Moore, even defending them as
Nancy Pelosi defended Mr. Conyers? You have 49 Congressional Black Caucus
members yet the only one to speak out is about Conyers is Mia Love, the only Republican
member. Why can the rest of the Black Republicans join? You
have 31 Congressional Hispanic Caucus members with ZERO Republicans, and ZERO
speaking out against Bob Menendez. Therefore, out of 80 minority caucus
members, the only one speaking out is the single token Republican. In reality,
neither of these caucuses are for their race but only for the Democratic Party.
I thought the Liberal Democrats were for the respectful treatment of women, or
is that only if it does not affect their agenda.
The truth is, and Nancy Pelosi has shown us, the Liberal
Democratic Party never choose to protect women over their own, even over sexual
assault victim. This is because they want power, position, and protection of
those in these positions by any means necessary; just look at Bill Clinton for
a good example. Sexual predators stick together; currently there are over 30
high positioned people in Hollywood named, both strait and LGBT, accused of
sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape. When it comes to Hollywood, their
political support, 90% of both given and received, comes from the Democratic
Party. Most every well know actor, both male and female, knew of the sexual
harassments, sexual assaults, and rapes yet did nothing. Most every US
Congressman knew about the sexual assaults, and rapes carried out by their peers
yet few did anything. Congress in 1997 (who was president) did set up a Hush
Fund to use taxpayer’s money to silence victims. As far as we know it, there
has been 260 settlements costing the American taxpayer over $17
million dollars. I would like to see the name of every elected
official of the 260 settlements and their payouts published for all to see. All
politicians, no matter their party or gender, need to be exposed and forced to
pay back what they have stolen from the American people. Our Liberal
politicians and Hollywood are the first groups who try to push their morale
values on Americans yet they have none; they are nothing but hypocrites. Some
people say Pelosi has sabotaged the Democrats high ground on
sexual assault by her defense of Mr. Conyers. The truth is she has not
sabotaged it; she has displayed the truth that Democrats do not care about
sexual assault victims or any other victims for that matter, unless they can
gain political points from it.
Liberals consistently try to bully people by using triggers
like race, gender, and sexual misconduct to win political favor while being the
ones committing the infractions. Liberal’s ideas cannot win in a debate; they
must stifle and produce disinformation to end a debate on issues because they
will lose if debated. You can see the light Nancy Pelosi has shined on the
truth; Liberals do not care about sexual harassment or abuse until caught.
Liberals, both Democratic and Republican who follow this belief need to be
removed from office. Who do you really think is for the victims; it is not the
Please let me know what you think.