Political Figures only Idiots would
vote into office.
- Sheila Jackson Lee thinks US Constitution is 400 years old.
- Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It"
- Barbara Boxer Called Out On The Carpet
- Sheila Jackson Lee on North and South Vietnam
- Hank Johnson, Congressman from Georgia thinks Guam will tip over?
- Kevin de Leon saying a semi auto gun can fire 30 rounds in 0.5 seconds (3600 min)
- Sheila Jackson Lee-I stand here as a freed slave.
- Harry Reid Racist - I Dont Know How Anyone Of Hispanic Heritage Could Be A Republican
- Aztlan Rising-Scary, This from our Elected Officials
- The Evidence is not a concern Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton-What's wrong in the US. Go to the 1 minute mark
Political Figures Lying
- Susan Rice Caught Lying About Benghazi Rep Trey Gowdy Whistle blower Questioning
- Sandy Sheedy- You can be shot by an unloaded gun
- This is what is wrong with our schools!
- The Debt Ceiling -In President Obama's own words-at this point he was right; not now!
- SEIU Democrats, the Real Hateful Racists?
- NC Professor Kamau Kambon Exterminate of white people
- Sonia Sotomayor Racist Comment
- President Obama in his own words admits he is Kenyan.
- Trey Gowdy Owns Law Professor on IRS Scandal
- Obamacare Explained in One Sentence
- The US Military, the Victim of the Greatest Swindle of all Time!
- Obama wants vets to pay for their war injuries.