Liberalism, sense the day of its conception, has been a
blight on society and caused more deaths in our country than anything else. This
is due to Liberals arrogance, ignorance, plane stupidity, and refusal to admit
when they are wrong. Liberals refuse to follow the law, when caught, they get
their Liberal friends to cover up and deny everything; can you say “Fast and
Furious?” They would rather have our nation invaded by Illegal Aliens to get
Illegal Votes then protect our country and its citizens. Liberals do this to both
rob the American citizens and buy votes through entitlements for these
entitlements. When you have these Illegal Aliens murdering our citizens, like Kate
Steinle, Liberals take the side of the Illegal over the US citizen as we seen
in the Liberal acquittal of Illegal Alien Garcia Zarate. This is the way of
liberalism but let us take a closer look to see why they are the ones
responsible for not only the mass shootings of children but also the murder of
more children than any other group.
We had Liberal US Attorney General, Eric Holder illegally giving
guns to the drug cartel, and said it was to track guns. The truth is it was a
ploy to set up mass confiscation of guns from Law Abiding Citizens in the US. This
failed when “Fast and Furious” was exposed; his actions resulted in quite a few
Americans dead by these guns not counting the Mexican citizens murdered by the
Drug Cartels. Eric Holder’s arrogance, ignorance, and plane stupidity not to
mention his incompetence was responsible for reportedly thousands of deaths in
both America and Mexico, the true number we will never know. This again was a
gigantic mistake, and he still refusal to admit he was wrong. On a side note, Eric
Holder refused to prosecute members of the New Black Panthers (NBP) who were
intimidating white voters at the polling station. His and the Obama
Administration’s actions, along with many other similar actions, seen as pure
racism, are the main reason we are having Race Problems today. Eric Holder protected
a racist group against honest hard working citizens. The Liberal Media refused
to talk about this, I ask you, is the law not to be equal and fair for all
despite your race. What would happen today if President Trump did the same
thing with the KKK intimidating minority voters? I am sure the Liberal Media
would be all over it! To top it off, listen closely LGBT community, Eric Holder
direct the Liberal FBI leadership to tell field agents to leave Omar Mateen alone.
The FBI was investigating him for his terrorist links and ISIS connections but
politics and purposeful political bias neutered the FBI. This made all America
less safe, especially the LGBT community. Omar Mateen later killed 49 people
and wounded 58 in the Pulse, a LGBT nightclub. Oh yah, remember by Liberal
Theology it was the guns fault, not Omar Mateen, he was a victim of the guns
power. Sorry but I digressed. I have a question. Whom do you go to when the
number one Law Enforcement Officer in the US breaks the law and selectively refuses
to enforce the law?
Now let us look at Liberal Secretary of State, Hillary
Clinton. Hillary refuse to protect US Embassies, even removing security (Benghazi)
with a known threat present. Hillary’s incompetence caused the death of four US
citizens, including a US ambassador, the first one in 32 years. She then lied
about it saying the attack was a riot because of a video, destroying the life
of an innocent man, when she knew it was from a well-trained terrorist group. Furthermore,
she used an unsecured civilian server purposely to transmit Top Secret
documents, which is a felony, yet received no punishment. We now know Hillary’s
server was hacked by Seth Rich, the data he sent to WikiLeaks where Julian
Assange released it. The world saw Hillary’s crookedness and two weeks later, there
was an assassination attempt, by a Black Ops type person on Julian Assange; it
failed. However, Seth Rich was assassinated after Hillary found out he had hacking
and leaking her server content. The Liberals tried to say it was a robbery went
wrong, but upon the discovery of his body, he still had an expensive watch on
his arm and hundreds in his wallet. Do you think a robber would miss that? I do
not believe Seth Rich’s death was a coincidence but a hit for showing everyone
how criminal actions of Hillary. For her finally, she allowed Russia to buy our
nuclear material, even knowing we ourselves did not have enough. She did this
but only after her foundation received a $200 million dollar donation from the
Russians. Do you want to talk collusion? That sounds more as if she sold our
country out which is, for their own profit, what Liberals do every day. Do you
really think she had the countries best interest at heart or her own?
Now let us look at the most dangerous damage done by
Liberals, which is to our military. Under President Obama, we had 307% more casualties
in our military then under President Bush, the reason was President Obama’s
Rules of Engagement (ROE). Once again, because of his Liberal arrogance,
ignorance, plane stupidity, and refusal to admit when he was wrong, he allowed
for his whole eight years, 307% more casualties, which is 1,164 more dead
military than there should have been. With his Liberal Theology, he slashed the
military to pre-WWII spending rendering one third of our military equipment
inoperable; you cannot fix it if you do not have any money. President Obama’s
and Eric Holder’s telling the FBI leadership to tell field agents to leave
Major Nidal Hasan alone, because he was Muslim did not end well either.
The FBI was investigating Major Hasan ties to Anwar
al-Awlaki, the number one most wanted Al-Qaida terrorist. Major Hasan had no
less then than 20 reports against by Military people for his un-American
rhetoric and signing all his documents SOA (Soldier of Allah). The Liberal
Obama administration told the FBI they were “Profiling” Major Hasan and that
they must stop. Major Hasan turned around and fatally shot 13 people and
injured more than 30 others; thank you Liberals again. We had a Liberal
president, President Obama (who has never served a day in the military and
loathes it), who knew more than all the military leaders in the US military. He
went against every military leader, who said there would be a caliphate if we
pulled out of Iraq, it happened just as they predicted. This is what breathed
life into ISIS who by a conservative guess has murdered over 50,000 people.
President Obama’s arrogance, ignorance, and plane stupidity caused this,
everyone know it was a gigantic mistake, and he still refusal to admit he was wrong.
It is Liberalism 101.
Now that I have pointed out the direct reason for Liberals
being the cause of death to so many Americans, here is the indirect. Liberals do
not under any circumstances want to follow any rules or moral standards, they offend
them. I had a Liberal tell me once that he knew right from wrong and could
figure out his own morale standard and laws without anyone shoving the Bible or
any other moral standard down his throat. I asked him if he believed that for
everyone, that anyone should be allowed to make up his or her own moral
standard and law; he said yes. I then stated that if I came and shot him dead,
according to his theology, it was ok; he said; NO that is murder. I told him
not if my own made up moral standard and laws says it is OK and legal. There
was no rebuttal or counter point, his theology was majorly flawed and he was
wrong and knew it. His reaction was like most Liberals, flawed and wrong as
well, he started making personal attacks to me, refused to admit he was wrong
and there was major flaws in his Liberal theology and stomped off like a child.
The problem is when you remove the rule of law, the morale standards without
replacing it, discipline, respect for others, and self-respect, people start
acting like animals. It took 17 years after Liberals took the Bible,
discipline, rules, and respect out of schools because they were offended for
these mass shootings to start.
Most teachers when I went to school did not teach school to
make money but because they loved to teach. They were more of a parent then the
people who gave them birth to many, disciplining them, teaching them respect
for others, teaching them self-respect, and showing them love when they needed
it or received kudos for a good job. Teacher unions have destroyed this, you
can see it from the biggest Teacher union president stating, “Why the
NEA (National Education
Association) are such effective advocates…it is not because we care about
children, and it is not because we have a vision of a great public school…it is
because we have power…” The Teachers Unions massively raised teacher’s pay and
now many, who care nothing about teaching, just making money, are teachers. Teacher
unions made it virtually impossible to fire bad teachers. Ask
York City who pays between $15 million to $20 million a year for barred
from the classroom teachers, who cannot be fired, and who are kept in rubber
rooms. Should this money not be going to the kids? Liberals have taken respect
for others, respect for our country, respect for our first responders, respect
for our military, self-respect, discipline, and love out of our class rooms
where for many, it is the only place they are taught it. Could this be a major
reason for school shootings today? You bet ya!
Liberal want open boarders but you are not a nation if you
do not have a boarder. Many of the Liberal leaders flat out lie about the property
damage, environmental damage, and deaths cause by Illegal. Liberals protect
Illegals to one day hopefully receive their votes, illegally of course. Statistics
show the estimated 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. account for 13.6
percent of US crime. I think there is more like 20 million illegals but we will
go with their numbers. There is 323.1 million people in the US with 3.6% of
which in the illegal population. The catch is with a 3.6% population accounting
for 13.6% of crime, this means their crime level is 377% higher than there
population. I read an FBI report that stated if you removed the crime of illegally
coming to our country, of the 3.6% of illegal aliens here, only 40% commit
crimes. The problem with Liberals is they will not even remove the 40%
committing the crimes and will tip them off, as did Mayor Libby Schaaf of
Oakland California, putting Law Enforcement officers in danger.
I wonder if illegal voting
is one of the crimes.
So to conclude, if you take in everything the Liberal side
has supported you can see they are the cause of much of the crimes and murders
in America by the theology and items they support. If they had not taken the moral
standard out of school and our society, we would not be having these killings
on the scale we see today, but on top of this, they are hypocrites when they
say they care for the children in America. If Liberals did care for the
children in America, they would support a morale standard in school, teaching
respect in schools, and stopping Illegals from committing crimes. If they
really cared about kids, they would not have supported saving every animal on
earth while murdering 4.5 million abortions. Only 1,264,000 American military
have died in all the nation's wars, abortion has killed 280% more kids then
even war. Guns in the US have not even come close to this number.
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