Gun Control, Virginia People, You Voted to Lose Your Rights

Do you want to lose all your rights, keep voting for Liberal Democrats and you will. You are finding out what a lot of California residence all ready know, you give a liberal an inch, they take a mile. Why was the 2nd Amendment put into our Constitution? Have any of you read the Founding Father's words on the 2nd Amendment? Despite what the Liberal Politicians try to get you to believe, the right to own and bare arms has nothing to do with protecting yourself or hunting, it was to stop Tyrant Politicians from destroying America.

To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them…” - Richard Henry Lee

What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.” - Thomas Jefferson

A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies.” - George Washington

The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” - Thomas Jefferson

All you hear when you talk to a Liberal about guns is Assault Rifles, Mass Shootings, and confiscation. Virginia, you are finding out that what most on the Liberal side said they would never do, confiscate your gun, is coming true. The fears are true. Liberal Politicians throw all these lies out to the public and the Liberal Bias Media backs up their lies. Lets take a little look at some facts.

Several types of guns have been used in mass shootings in the United States. A 2014 study conducted by Dr. James Fox found 62% were committed with handguns, 25% with rifles, and 13% with shotguns. This is misleading because mass shootings by any rifle alone is 18%, 7% were using hand guns with rifles. If you break it down, Assault Style rifles used by themselves in mas shootings was just under 15% of the shooting deaths. If you account for all Mass Shootings, there have been 510 deaths from 1949. In 2017 by itself there were 64,795 by accidental poisoning, 40,231 by motor vehicles, 47,173 by suicide, and on the lower end 3,166 people where killed texting and talking on their phones while driving; so do we want to ban cars and phones; No. If I open up the year 2017, which has the most Mass Shooting victims, 84; this number is minuscule; Accidental Deaths alone was 169,936. Mass Shootings, compared with Accidental Deaths, equaled 0.075% deaths. If you take all deaths in America in 2017, 2.8 million people died, gun deaths, including suicide, gang activities, terrorist acts, and even hunting accidents, add up to less then 0.01 of 1%. If you look at the research, there were 2.5 million times during 1993 (about 6,850 times per day), that guns were used in self-defense; the deaths are so minuscule, it proves guns save thousands more people; it would be foolish to want guns gone. Ask yourself; Why is there such a push by Liberal Democrats to take away your rights?

If you want the truth, it is all about control; The only way Liberal Democrats can control the American people is to turn them from Citizens into Subjects.

Citizen - A native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection (distinguished from alien). An inhabitant of a city or town, especially one entitled to its privileges or franchises.

Subject - Being under domination, control, influence, dominion, rule, or authority, as of a sovereign, state, or some governing power.

Subjects have no rights, the “Sovereign, State or Governing Power” has all the power and you have none; you are subject to their will. This is what the Liberal Democrats want; they want to turn you into a Slave Nation; so they can tax you as much as they want, control you in any way they want, and punish you any time they want for disobeying, and your only protection, the 2nd Amendment, will no longer be there for you.

Every country in history that became a Communist/Socialist country, first move was to remove any ability of resistance, which means your guns, afterwards they slaughtered any that did not fall into line with their ideology.

With strong Obama administration support, in January 2010, 153 countries, including the US, endorsing U.N. Arms Treaty Resolution #783, which gave the UN permission to take American's guns if passed by Congress. The Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, draft a blueprint for enactment and pledged to push for Senate ratification; luckily there was enough Republicans to filibuster and get it kicked out. After that failure, Obama and his administration tried to force a million dollar per gun mandated insurance policy, this once again was shot down by the Republicans in Congress, but also by the Supreme Court as Unconstitutional.

The Obama Administration, after these two major defeats, decided to the only legal option they had, they bought virtually every round of ammo in the US, 1.6 billion rounds. The Federal Government only uses 9mm, 357 SIG, 40 cal, 45 ACP, 4.6x30 mm, 5.56 mm (223), 7.62/51 (308), 7.62/67 (300), 338 Lapua Magnum, 50 BMG, and a 12 Gage. I may have missed one or two but the question is, why did they buy ammo they do not even use by the Federal Government like the 45-70, 7mm Mag, 300 Short Mag, 41Mag, 45 Long Colt, 450, 444, and many others? The answer once again is control, if you cannot get ammo, you cannot resist.

On a side note, even though this has already been shot down by the Supreme Court, New York State Liberal Democrats are trying to do the same thing today. In the Supreme Court battle with Obama's Administration, the only descents in the Supreme Court were Liberal Supreme Court judges, who violated their oath to protect and uphold the US Constitution; think about that. These are the same justices who refused to recuse themselves, as required by law, in a case where they had a clear conflict of interest. One of the same justices publicly made racist and sexist comments before being nominated to the Supreme Court , but she was a minority so this behavior, which should have disqualified her, did not matter to Liberals in charge.

So now we have Liberals in Virginia trying to take away Law Abiding Citizens guns. I have harped on this for a while and was called everything from an “Alarmist” to other name I cannot mention here, but I was right. Virginians, you need to revolt against your elected officials, recall them today, and stop this in its tracks, if you don't, we may see our second Civil War. One last question, why, in the Liberal Utopia, can you have “Sanctuary Cities” for Illegal Aliens who are criminal by action, but not for Law Abiding Citizens who have committed no crimes?

Below are the links to our governing documents. Do not believe what any politician or media outlet tells you is constitutional, read the documents and figure it out on your own.

Please Comment.

Liberal Hatred for Our Country

Do you believe in America and the US Constitution? Do you believe you have rights that none are allowed to take away such as Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Over-Taxation, and the Freedom to Protect Your Family and What is Yours? Do you believe in fairness and the rule of law; that it should be applied to all equally? Do you believe in America you should work for what you get and keep the majority of it? Do you believe in America, Americans should come before foreign governments or Illegal Aliens? Everyone should be subject to the same laws, with the same punishments, including our Politicians, affluent people, and any race, religion, or gender. If you are an American Citizen and do not believe in this, please go to another country and renounce your citizenship, because you are not worthy to be called a citizen of this great country. If you do believe in this, then stand up for Your Country and your Way of Life.

Liberalism say, “You must conform to what we say”, is that what you want. Most of our Federally Elected Liberals, both Democrat and Republican, believe they know what is better for you then you. They make rules and regulations to try and force you to bend to their way. Example:

When President Reagan was shot, the first thing out of Liberal's mouths was, “We must ban Assault Rifles”, Why? President Reagan was shot with a .22 caliber Röhm RG-14 revolver, so how did Liberals make the jump to Assault Rifles? It was because they did not care about President Reagan getting shot, only they had an opportunity to take a portion of the one right that is in the Constitution to prevent a Tyrannical Government, like the Liberals want. They want to take away your right, this is what Liberals do.

They lie about the facts, make up cover-stories, get the Liberal Media loop the reporting from one station, to another, then another, and back to the original one, referencing the previous station with none of them having source data; if they do have source data, it is from a far Left source who made it up. Example:

In 2007, Al Gore predicted that in five to seven years, there would be no ice in the Arctic because of global warming, yet that same year, according to the Danish Meteorological Institute, is growing at a phenomenal rate; How can both of these happen at the same time? They can't, it was another Liberal lie to pave the way to get rid of anything they did not like.

If Liberals get in charge of a system, such as the IRS, where they can use it to target people or organizations they do not like, even if it is against the law, they will. Example:

The IRS was busted for targeting conservative, 401 non-profit groups in 2010, to prevent them from raising money for Conservative Candidates. Senior management within the IRS’s Exempt Organizations Division, all Liberals, were found to be the culprits. They wanted to prevent the conservative voice and used the IRS as a weapon. They lost in court and had to settle the law suite by apologizing to over 467 groups and pay millions. Shouldn't these officials at the IRS’s Exempt Organizations Division have been fired? They weren't.

The hard truth is, minorities were offered money through social programs after the poll taxes and the Liberal Democrats other shenanigans failed. Through these social programs, the Liberal Democrats have managed to put minorities back in chains, but instead of being medal chains, they were financial chains. Liberals have held down minorities and poor white people using these programs to control them and put them into submission. Vote for us because there are no jobs for you and if you vote for the other guy, he will take away your money. The truth is if you lose your will to work, you lose your will to advance yourself out of the poverty level, this is holding you down. Any group that refuses to let someone else in their group purely because of the race, is a racist group. Example:

Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Muslim Caucus, and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) do not allow any other race on their caucus; that is the definition of being a racist. Are we all not Americans, the other identifying factor of these Caucuses is they only have Liberal Democrats in them.

Are you for one Gender's side, no matter if they are the victim or perpetrator? This goes both ways, but the majority of mistreatment is toward the ladies in our country. Here is where I ask a very pin-pointed question. Are you a Feminist or a Liberal Feminist? What is the deference. A Feminist is for stopping all mistreatment of females, no matter their race, religion, party affiliation, or age. A Liberal Feminist will only come to a women's aid if she follows all their views “lock, stock, and barrel”, and supports their Political Ideology; They are not real Feminist. If you do not support women, and look at them with the same respect no matter if they are a Senator or house wife; you are not a true Feminist.

Are you for one Religion's side, no matter if they persecute another religion or non-religious person or group? If you said yes to this, you should leave the US, you do not deserve to live here in my opinion. You need to respect other religions, no matter if you think they are 100% wrong or not or even if they are an atheist. The only exception to this is when said religion or atheist group want you dead because you do not believe as they do, you do not have the right of Free Speech about their religion, or they deem your life style as offensive. Freedom of Speech, which is a right, does not give you the freedom from being offended. A large portion of Islam believes if you offend their religion, the Quran, or Mohammad, you should be put to death. If you are part of Islam and believe this, go to another country because you do not deserve to live here. If you do not want to blend with the American society, leave now.

The history of our country is under constant attack from the Liberal left, it shows the truth about their past and Liberals associations, it also about truth of our history. Are you for one Race, no matter if they are the victim or perpetrator? Are you for one Political Party, no matter if they are right of center or left of center? If you take a look at our history, the ones who claim to be the fighters of freedom and equal rights are really the oppressors, Liberals. Examples:

The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was founded by the Democratic Party in 1865, it extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for Democratic resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks. The first African-American man elected to any state legislature was Republican Alexander Twilight, in 1836. The first African-American man elected to any state legislature in California was Republican Frederick Madison Roberts, in 1918. Democrats gradually regained control of Southern legislatures. They proceeded to restrict the rights of the majority of blacks and many poor whites to vote by imposing new requirements for poll taxes, subjective literacy tests, more strict residency requirements and other elements difficult for laborers to satisfy. Racism is all over Liberals and the Democratic Party, so why do minorities vote for them?

To show the last part of Liberal hate for Our Country, all we have to do is look at this impeachment. The process for impeachment is put into place for a good reason, this impeachment is being used as a Liberal weapon against what the American people want, but the Liberals do not. This started with Liberal Democrats wanting President Obama to have a 3rd term which violates the US Constitution; but the US Constitution doesn't matter to Liberals, it is a Road Block to their plans. After this failed, and Hillary lost in a land slide, but before President Trump even took office, Liberal Democratic were calling for his impeachment; think about that. They do not care about the American peoples votes, this is why they are also allowing Illegal Aliens to get driver's license, so they can Illegally Vote, and vote against what the American people want.

Voting to me is our most precious right, it should be set up to be as free of corruption as possible; any American would agree with this; then why won't Democratically controlled states allow the Federal Government to scrub state voting registries to remove Dead People, Dual Registrations, Illegal Aliens, and Felons who are prevented from voting? Once again, they do not care about a fair vote, just winning at any cost, even if they have to throw away military votes as they did in Dade County Florida, in the 2000 election of President Bush. Miami-Dade County also had 125% of registered voters compared to its population; when voting was cast, one Dead Man who voted was immediately noticed, with a possibility of up to 30,000 dead people voting Florida wide, of the 53,000 dead people still on the rolls. In California, they found hundreds of dead people had voted.

We can fix a lot of the Voting Problems quickly, but Liberals do not want to, it will cut into their ability to manipulate an election. To fix the problem, first have all state Voter Registry hooked together so when Mr. Fluffy moves from California to Florida, the system will automatically flag that he has moved by tracking his Social Security Number. Second, if you have to have an ID for flying, renting a car, getting cigarettes, going to the doctors office, getting utilities hooked up, and getting into the DNC or RNC conventions, it only makes sense you need one to cast a vote. Only someone trying to cheat the system would have a problem with this. Third, any non-US Citizen caught voting illegally, will be automatically deported, no matter if they are a diplomat or awaiting asylum.

We must start following the US Constitution to strengthen America or we will not have a country or rights. Please comment.

What Would Work to Better Our Country

I ask myself constantly; What could we do to make our society better, safer, and freer? What can be done to help America to become stronger and more able to be the beacon of Freedom and Justice for the rest of the world. Every nation wants to be us and most every citizens of these nations want to be our citizens; we are the best. This said, when you make a list of the problems in the US, the majority of people point to, most can be fixed very easily, so why do our politicians not want to fix them?

Healthcare is one problem that can be fixed by a stroke of the pen. Make all state borders open and the price will drop and the service will rise. Currently, even though they will not admit it, many states insurance companies have a monopoly on service which makes prices go up and services go down. At the same time I say this, I believe in Freedom. I worked with a guy who made the same as me but said he could not afford health care. The reason he could not afford health care was because him and his wife smoked 2 packs each of cigarettes, had ever cable channel you could want, and bought the NFL Sunday Ticket. The cigarettes were $600 a month, Cable TV was $135 dollars a month, and NFL Sunday Ticket was $34 a month for a grand total of $769, not counting all the other stuff he was constantly buying. I believe in freedom, he has all the right to spend his money like he wants but do not come up to tell me you cannot afford it, your priorities show you do not want it.

Another problem is politicians using the Defense Budget to pile on pork spending, around half of the last Defense Budget bill was pork spending. The Democrats usually give 17% of the budget to the Defense Budget while the Republicans give 23% to the budget to the Defense Budget; why not just make it a permanent 20% of the budget. This would get rid the pork spending and save billions of dollars. Speaking of the budget, we need to break it out again from the single budget, back to the 12 areas of Discretionary and 6 NON-Discretionary spending so the rest of the pork spending can be removed. We need to reverse what, I think it was under President Carter, when Social Security went from individual accounts to a conglomerate, so we can stop Congress from stilling our money. The Social Security Act, signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935, to give the middle class and poor people a type of retirement. Congress in there appetite for more money and power has also been robbing the US Post office for years of billions of dollars, that needs to stop as well. All budgets, excluding the military and intelligence agences need to have their books wide open for the public to read; this would be freedom.

Next, let us talk about guns. Like it or not, guns have never killed anyone, but the person behind them have. I believe it was the US Constitution that gave the states the right to all licensing, no matter what the product, that was until the Liberal Democrats violated the US Constitution approving Gay Marriage across the board and every state. I have noting against the equal treatment of the LGBT community, but if the Federal government can violate state rights by shoving Gay Marriage into every state, I guess it can also make a National Conceal Carry License. We need to do this because no matter how many time the Supreme Court upholds the 2nd Amendment, Liberal Democratic states refuse to follow the law. This will make the Liberals go wide with statements like, “You are violating the US Constitution” or “You are overstepping your authority”; but is this not what the Liberals did with Gay Marriage. Liberals always want a different set of rules for themselves. The biggest problem with shootings are three fold.

First, according to the FBI stats, 82% of all mass shootings happen in designated “Gun Free Zones”. The only thing “Gun Free Zones” do is prevent “Law Abiding Citizens” from protecting themselves and allows criminals to have easy targets; does this sound smart.

Second, mental health officials have to be allowed to sidestep HIPAA laws when they believe there is an imminent threat without fear of loosing their licenses; if they are habitually wrong, in other words harassing gun owners, then they need to be slapped.

Third, everyone who buys a gun, needs to go through training on that weapon so they can remain proficient. This pne is pretty simple but along with this there should never be a registry of guns, it is our only defense against a tyrannical government which is were the Liberal Democrats are today with many Republicans licking their heels. Liberals lie, there are more people killed by texting then by guns, but they want your guns. They want to turn you from citizens into subjects so you will lose your freedom. Do not think it cannot happen, it is what Hitler, Castro, Mao, and Stalin did that led to the murder of over 147 million deaths because they couldn't defend themselves.

Congress has past several laws that need revoked. First, Congresses raises need to be directly tied to the Military pay. Under President Obama's last four years, the Military pay was 1.25% while Congresses was 2.8%. The ones who fleece out country made over twice what the Women and Men who die for our freedom received in pay raises and the average pay for a Military officer is $77,000 where congresses is over $193,000, not including all the other special pays they receive which many put around another $113, 000; think about that.

The Speech or Debate Clause needs to be removed. This is the clause that allows congressional members to knowingly and purposely lie to congress and the American citizens. This was put into effect citing the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 6, Clause 1), but instead perverted the US Constitution. It was put into place by Senator Mike Gravel, Democrat from Alaska, on June 15, 1971; but do not be fooled, many Republicans were just as much at fault. This allows Congress to deceive, manipulate the truth, and flat out lie not only to the American people, but also within congressional testimony without being punished as would happen to a normal citizen.

We need to pass a law that directly mandates that if the US Congress passes a law, it must also be applied to them. Congress is allowed to do insider trading without consequence where for you or me, it would be a felony.

Next, Voting. I think voting is our most important US Constitutional right. First, I have a couple of questions. 1. Why would you not want anyone to remove dead voters from the rolls? 2. Why would you not require an ID to vote when you require one to get into the DNC or RNC conference? 3. Why would you not want to prevent foreign influence on an election by Illegal Aliens? 4. Why would you not want to release your state voter rolls to the Federal government? And Last; 5. Why would you have a group known to be very partisan, run the voting machines? All the questions above should give you fear that they even need to be asked.

1. The only reason that you would not want to remove dead voters from the voter rolls is so you can cast votes using their names to give a different outcome to an election; in short, to cheat the winner who you do not want. If we just take a look at Florida, in 2012, 2,600 legal Third Country Nationals here on VISAs were registered to vote, 53,000 dead people re-registered to vote that year, and as many as 182,000 registered voters were found to be Illegal Aliens. Most were found in the Liberal Democratic strong hold of Dade county, the same county that tried to throw out every Absent T ballot from our military serving over seas. Sense G.W. Bush only won by 500 votes, how close would it had really of been if the Liberal Democrats had played by the rules?

2. The only reason would be to get illegal votes. You need an ID to cash your Social Security Check, Buy Cigarettes, Buy Alcohol, or get a plane ticket, so why would you not need one to vote?

3. Illegal Aliens voting are the only way Liberals can win in some areas. I have already showed you that they do not care about your voting rights, only their ability to win at any cost. The minorities in America are starting to switch sides because for 60 years the Liberal Democrats have promised them the world and gave them nothing but excuses. The Illegal Aliens are here to take the Legal Minority's place.

4. State voter rolls are where you can find voter fraud. When you take the Federal Social Security roll where John Doe died in 2000 but re-registered to vote in 2004, you know you have corrupt people in them precinct and can investigate further; corrupt people do not like you finding them.

5. During the 2016 election, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado had Voting Machines changing votes; it

Maybe one last good thing here would be, no one donating to anyone's campaign can have foreign contributors. If a charity receives money from Canada, they cannot contribute to any American political campaign. If a New York Charity recieves money from a California company who does direct business with foreign countries, they can not contribute. How does that sound?

Last, let us talk about Immigration and Visas, but first we need to point out a couple of facts many do not like. Fact 1: You cannot be a country without a secure border. Every country has a border to protect it's citizens and assets. Fact 2: Illegal Alien is not a race, there are over 40 countries of origin for Illegal Aliens coming into the US, white, black, Latino, Asian, Indian, Muslim, and many more so you cannot be a racist for being against Illegal Immigration. Fact 3: According to the FBI, of the Illegal Aliens in the US, 51% are involved in criminal activities from petty theft to murder. On the other side of the coin, close to 40% are hard working people trying to make a better life for themselves. The left overs are scamming the system to get free benefits that only Americans are to receive. Unfortunately, politicians would rather give them to Illegal Aliens to buy illegal votes then give it to a Disabled Vet, A Homeless American, or A Family who needs some extra help; remember you voted for these politicians.

You need a boarder wall that is high, deep, with sensors, and near impossible to scale; no it will not stop everyone, but it will stop 95% of the people and drugs from being driven strait across. It is also to stop the drug cartels who do not give a damn about you freedom or security; what they did to the 9 Mormons in Mexico, they will do here if not stopped. The Mexican President is in the cartels pocket; how do I know this, he is still alive. Any politician who goes after the cartels die very quickly.

Combine this with the fact in a one year time frame, the Customs and Border Protection picked up nearly 4,000 known or suspected terrorists; I would say we need this border without a doubt. We need to protect our families and homeland or we will end up without both. We need to set up a quicker system for immigrants to include taking their DNA. I know of one Illegal Aliens who was a convicted rapist but used many aliases to get back into the US. Once they took his DNA, he was linked to no less then 5 rapes; he in now serving time. We can also use bio-scans like finger prints and cornea scans to ID persons quicker then waiting for the DNA test to come back. If released and you do not show up for your court date, it is automatic immediate deportation. If found to commit any felony crimes, DUI, or any drug crime, automatic immediate deportation. We will remake appointments for all who missed theirs, if they refuse to go, automatic immediate deportation.

We need to track our VISA holders just as close as possible. Only two of the 19 hijackers were in America on non-expired VISAs and one of them was on a student VISA but never showed up for class making his VISA revoked but none of them were being tracked. Of the 461,000 Temporary VISAs issued every year in the US, seldom are anyone of them tracked down after they expired to see if the person has left or filed for an extension; This needs to end.

To keep our country safe, we need to know who is here, which includes living citizens, dead citizens, legal Immigrants, and Illegal Aliens; there is nothing racist about it. The people who call you racist is grasping after straws because their argument has a false foundation. They are doing it not to protect the US or make it a safer place, but to push a political agenda.

Why won't our elected officials fix these problems? Maybe because they get rich off them. If the President is limited to eight years, shouldn't our Congress be limited to the same? These positions are to serve the US people, not become a lifetime appointment. If we limited their time in congress (and maybe ban all lawyers), America will only be better for it.

Please Comment.

Do You Trust Politicians?

I slam Liberal politicians, both Democrat and Republican, quite a bit, mainly because, well, they deserve it. Unfortunately, too many Americans believe what they see on CNN or Fox without ever questioning if the news media, or their politicians, are telling the truth. Then you have many, who no matter if you have it on video where they can watch it, still deny the truth. I trust Zero politicians or news media, you should be the same way. What I do not understand is why people sell their souls to the people hurting them, blindly following the politicians and news media that is taking their freedom and the cause of life lost due to their policies. When the top 10 most violent cities, most fiscally strapped cities, and lowest educated population per capita cities are all ran by the same groups, some for 88 years as things get worse, you would think you would want a change.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Albert Einstein

After reading the above, people living in Liberal controlled areas who keep voting in the same Liberals with the same failing Liberal policies are “Insane”! Let us look at the Liberal Insane Capital of the world; California.

  1. Our forest fires are because of “Global Warming”. FALSE!

The forest fires are not a cause of “Global Warming”. The forest fires and their large size are a direct result of Political correctness. Politicians who refuses to let the proper land maintenance happen because you might disturb a grasshopper is the culprit. Let me ask you a question. How many are hurt by these massive fires? A thousand times more than if, you just did normal land management. Liberal Democratic politicians have caused these fires by their ineptness; not global warming.

  1. We must shut down power to people to prevent forest fires caused by “Global Warming”. FALSE!

The forest fires are not a cause of “Global Warming” nor do electrical lines cause these fires. They are caused by the failure to maintain electrical lines, failure to inspect these electrical line, and failure to use the taxes and profits designated to maintain these electric lines, on the electric lines! The policies that allow this travesty to happen were, you guessed it, put into place by Liberal Democrat politicians. The same politicians that refuse to take responsibility for their actions, and do nothing but lie to cover up the truth.

  1. We do not have an Illegal Alien gun violence problem; it is the gun’s fault.

Let us talk a little about guns as a whole. According to the FBI, 80% of all gun deaths take place in “Gun Free Zones”. Of these shootings, close to 100% are committed by previously convicted felons, illegally carrying a gun into a “Gun Free Zones” because? Criminals do not care about the law, all “Gun Free Zones” accomplish is putting the “Law Abiding Citizen” at a disadvantage. Do you see how stupid that sounds? The fact of the matter is, criminals want to go home too, “Gun Free Zones” are nothing but criminal magnets, they are much safer in a “Gun Free Zones” then they would be robbing a house, they only have to worry about other criminals. Ask yourself, Why does the Liberal Democrats want to take guns away from “Law Abiding Citizens?” This is the only way to make them “Subjects” instead of “Citizens.” Listen to the Lies.

Liberal Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe states, “We lose 93 million Americans a day to gun violence”, if that was true, we would not have anyone after four days.

Liberal New York Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington thinks scientists had invented heat seeking bullets, her quote, “Some of these bullets as you saw have an incendiary device on the tip of it, which is a heat seeking device”. First, incendiary device catch things on fire, heat seeking devices track items using their heat signature, two totally different things. She apparently has watched the 1984 movie “Runaway” too many time because there is no such thing available. A heat seeking missile costs upwards of $500,000, to develop this from a 10 foot missile to a 2 inch bullet, would cost a fortune, hundred times more. In short, this was a flat out Liberal lie.

Liberal State Senator Hank Johnson stated, “This is a Ghost Gun, this right here has the ability with a .30 caliber clip to disperse 30 bullets in half a second.” Think about this, that is 3,600 rounds a minute, if I don’t have to change magazines, don’t have to aim, and don’t have to recover from each shot, I can pull the trigger just over 200 times in a minute. Do you think someone may be lying about the 3,600? I don’t, it’s a fact he is lying.

According to the CDC, 60% of all gun deaths are suicide which means less then 16,000 are murders. When you look at the FBI's gang murder rate, you fugure out two things, 27% of gun deaths are murder by gang members, which the majority are Illegal Alein gangs like MS13. Who supports open borders, not holding Illegal Aliens for ICE agents, and Sanctuary Cities; Liberal Democrats.

So who is directly responsible for the 27% of gun deaths? Liberal Democrats! If you look at the majority of murders, the FBI stats states about 86% (gangs or otherwise) happen in “Gun Free Zones”. Who is the ones always pushing “Gun Free Zones” even though all it does is put the “Law Abiding Citizen” at risk? Liberal Democrats.

So of “Homicide” gun deaths, Liberal Democrats are responsible for 86%. So of the 39,773 gun deaths in 2018, 23,864 were suicide, 13,683 are homicides committed in the Liberal Democrat, “Gun Free Zones”, which leaves 2,226 deaths not contributed to suicide or Liberal Democrat policies which is less then 5 percent. Think about that.

According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports, the overwhelming majority of gun-related homicides are perpetrated with handguns, with rifles of any kind accounting for less than 3 percent of gun-related homicides. So why are the Liberals going after “Assault Rifles?” As I stated before, this is the only way to make them “Subjects” instead of “Citizens.” Listen to the Lies.

Another statistic from the FBI is 54% of rural counties have ZERO homicides, while Liberal Democratic Controlled medium to large cities all have homicides every year. I wonder if that is because of the Liberal Democrat policies?

  1. The homeless problem in San Francisco is not really a problem.

If you take a look at San Francisco, a once beautiful town, you now see drunks and druggies sprawled out all over the town. You see these people shooting up drugs in front of children, you see them defecating in front of children, sexually harassing people, and putting the people of San Francisco in physical danger. Yes you have a problem and it points back to the Liberal Democrats in charge once again. As always, Liberal Democrats will never admit their policies have failed nor admit they are wrong.

  1. We want you to be green and buy electric cars but we will tax you more because we will be losing “Gas Tax” money.

    If Liberal Democrats really believed in “Climate Change”, Al Gore would not be living in a Nashville estate consuming 21 times more energy a year than the average American. If they truly believed, Bernie Sanders would not have three massive houses. Last, why would Barrack Obama own three mansions burning up more then Al Gore's 21 times? A better question would be, how can the Obamas afford $25 million in houses after only making $3.2 million in the last eight years; this is before any book deals or anything.

I will tell you this, I have met many politicians, due to my previous job, and the two most vile were Hillary Clinton and John McCain in that order. When the cameras were off, most all the politicians were as arrogant as you can imagine; did I ever trust any of them; NO! Today, Politicians and News outlets all lie to push their agenda, do not believe either of them or what they say. Go find the raw clips to find the truth. When you have a politician saying you must pass the bill to see what is in it, never vote for that person.When you have a politician flat out lie about a transcript like Adam Schiff did, you need to get rid of them; they are not worthy of the office.

Please let me know what you think.

The UN and Its Allowing of Slavery and Human Rights Violation

The UN is suppose to be the World Police and Justice system, but it is anything but; it is as corrupt as any place you will find. How can I make such a statement without proof? I can't, but I do have the proof so I can say this is a fact. News from around the world reports this along with videos. How can you expect to put people in charge of an organization, from corrupt countries, and expect the organization not to be corrupt.

There is a great article out there, Amid Tsunami of Scandals, UN Ignores Massive Corruption, which outlines a lot of the corruption going on in the UN. After the UN troops left the Tsunami area, there was a joint investigation into the UN. The findings of the UN Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) found the worse, across every aspect of the UN there was fraud, corruption, and impunity against prosecution across the UN system. A survey by a previously UN occupied town showed 8 out of 10 underage girls were raped by UN troops. The UN did virtually nothing, the rapist were never punished. The exact same horror story is repetitively told in every country that has been occupied by UN troops. Murder of innocent civilians has also been documented in Mali and the Ivory Coast to Congo Haiti, and many other places.

At a minimum, 60 percent of the UN leaders are involved in fraud and corruption, the other 40 percent is not cleared, just not noted in the report. This is no surprise sense the UN has no document defining the term “Fraud”. The report shows the complete UN personnel have immunity from prosecution, who is above them? When whistle blowers come forward like Anders Kompass, leaked UN documents show UN officials conspiring to destroy him.

Over the years, the United Nations has been hit by an unprecedented wave of more and more fraud, waste and corruption claims.

The revelations was an embarrass Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary-General, who himself changed the definition of WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction), because his son, Kojo Annan, was selling WMDs to Saddam Hussein during the Oil for Food embargo. When the US traced back the money, it went directly to Kojo Annan. This is when Kofi Annan had the WMD changed from WMD material like the VX, Serine, and mustard gas we found, to completed WMDs ready for use.

Here is a question for you. What country pays the most in the UN? The US pays 22-28 percent of the UN funding. How many of the UNs 5 year terms for Secretary-General have been held by an American over its 74 years history? Zero, so why are we paying 22-28 percent?

Did you know the UN wanted to disarm America and was given the help to do so by one of our Previous Presidents and many members of the US Congress? The resolution was the “The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)” and was pushed in 2013 by the Obama administration, with 43 Liberal Democrat Senators voting for it. Luckily, The Non-Liberal Democrats (I do not think they exist anymore) and Republicans defeated them.

Many will say that this is all ludicrous, but the evidence shows otherwise but as we have seen from some of our elected officials (Eleanor Holmes Norton), the evidence and truth does not matter. They do not care about the American citizens or America and are just as corrupt as the UN officials. Maybe that is why our corrupt elected officials like thee UN so much. If they did care about America, or human rights and especially women's rights, they would be up in arms over the reality of the UN counsels. If the UN cared, they would not be supporting terrorist.

You can see Hezbollah using a UN Ambulance to escape after they have committed a terrorist attack in Israel. You have two UN people busted second time within a week for supporting the Hamas terror groups.

If the UN was here to protect the people's rights, women's rights and stop atrocities, then why does the below happen within the UN?

The Top 10 countries with the highest percentage of slaves per population is India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Russia, Nigeria, Moldova, Haiti, and Mauritania; five of these countries are on the “UN Human Rights Council”. The countries with the highest numbers of slaves North Korea (104.6 million slaves), Eritrea (93.0 million slaves), Burundi (40.0 million slaves), Central African Republic (22.3 million slaves), Afghanistan (22.2 million slaves), Mauritania 21.4 million slaves), South Sudan 20.5 million slaves), Pakistan 16.8 million slaves), Cambodia 16.8 million slaves) and Iran (16.2 million slaves) with three of these on the “UN Human Rights Council”.

How can you have the biggest slave owning nations in the world be on the “UN Human Rights Council”? You can't, Any country with known ties to slavery or human rights violations, should not be in the UN, let alone on the “UN Human Rights Council”; but they are and it gets worse. Of the 47 members of the “UN Human Rights Council”, 31 of them are known human rights violators; so how are they on the “UN Human Rights Council”? Why are they allowed to be a member of the UN at all? Why do UN Peacekeepers made up from these countries have immunity from prosecution while committing atrocities? You have to ask yourself, what are they doing good for the world? Below is the members of the “UN Human Rights Council”.

Afghanistan, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cuba, Chile, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Egypt, Eritrea, Fiji, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Somalia, South Africa, Spain, Togo, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Uruguay.

Currently there are 45 members of the “UN Women's Rights Commission”. Of the 45 members, over half are known human rights violations against women; so how are they on the “UN Women's Rights Commission”? This does not make sense does it. Below are the members.

Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Comoros, Congo, Cuba, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Malaysia, Namibia, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, United Kingdom, and the United States.

Lets us check out the UN Peacekeepers and their actions. Are they doing good or committing atrocities.

One BBC headline reads, “Kosovo UN troops 'fuel sex trade”, this was substantiated by Amnesty International (AI). AI found girls as young as 11 from eastern European countries, being sold into the sex slavery by UN Peacekeepers.

UN peacekeepers from Nepal are facing allegations of child rape in South Sudan, with a UN spokesman describing the case as “especially heinous”.

The U.N. Department of Peacekeeping Operations has documented 10 allegations against Burundian peacekeepers working in CAR, including seven cases of sexual exploitation, rape, and murder.

In February 2018, there was over 612 documented cases of sexual abuses and rape committed by UN Peacekeepers.

Have I shown you enough for you to see the truth about the UN? Should we be funding an organization who allows their people to rape of children and women, not to mention the murder of innocent people with no one ever being punished. As I stated before, the US provides 25 percent of their funding and I think it needs to end.

Please Comment.

The Truth About Liberals and Lies

When I talk about a subject, the first item to me is to research the topic, find the truth. If there is a video link to it, in this way I do not look like a fool as many Liberal Politicians do every day. If you want to find the truth, which all of us should want, never believe the news or politicians, find their videos to see what they really said, look at their voting records, and find the stats from a reputable source. With politicians, check their votes to see their true stripes and you will never be surprised; well hardly ever. Here are some Liberals who excel at lying.

Liberal Sacramento California City Council Member, Sandy Sheedy says, “There has been a lot of people who have been shot by an unloaded gun.” Are you kidding me? The Liberal Democrats must think the rest of the country is stupid to state that lie; but some still believe the lies.

Liberal New York Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington thinks scientists had invented heat seeking bullets, her quote, “Some of these bullets as you saw have an incendiary device on the tip of it, which is a heat seeking device”. First, incendiary device catch things on fire, heat seeking devices track items using their heat signature, two totally different things. She apparently has watched the 1984 movie “Runaway” too many time because there is no such thing available. A heat seeking missile costs upwards of $500,000, to develop this from a 10 foot missile to a 2 inch bullet, would cost a fortune, hundred times more. In short, this was a flat out Liberal lie.

Liberal State Senator Hank Johnson stated, “This is a Ghost Gun, this right here has the ability with a .30 caliber clip to disperse 30 bullets in half a second.” Think about this, that is 3,600 rounds a minute, if I don’t have to change magazines, don’t have to aim, and don’t have to recover from each shot, I can pull the trigger just over 200 times in a minute. Do you think someone may be lying about the 3,600? I don’t, it’s a fact he is lying.

Liberal Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, stated, “We lose 93 million Americans die every day from gun violence.” If this was true, in four years, no one would be alive in America. Gun violence, or murder makes up 11,208 in gun deaths. If Governor McAuliffe meant to say 93 persons killed a day, he would still be over three times the amount with the number averaging 30.1 people a day; which means he was lying from the get go.

Liberal United States Senator Diane Feinstein wanted to take all the guns from the military and military retirees because in her words, “With the advent of PTSD we can’t prove that prior military person and that they weren’t impaired or mentally incapacitated.” Start at the 3 minute mark and listen, Snopes says she didn’t say it but listen to her in her own words. She is a liberal and like most all liberals, she lies to get what she wants; she said in a news interview that she just wanted to remove assault weapons but not all guns but video tape doesn’t lie but she does. She is a sitting congress woman and can’t tell the truth about her intentions.

Liberal United States Senator Diane Feinstein has a habit about lying, here she says she just wants to take certain guns, but in another video, she admits she wants to take everyone's guns. Do not take my word for it. Take hers.

Social Issues

Liberal Representative Sheila Jackson Lee states, “I Stand Here as a Freed Slave”. I guarantee you she was never a slave. I grew up working in the fields and will bet you she had never set one foot in a field to work.

Liberal Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi stated, "Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs." Side note, there is only 327 million Americans.

Liberal Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton states when asked about the evidence, even from Michael Browns own pathologist which proved the police officer was correct, her response was, “The evidence isn’t a concern.” If you do not care about the truth derived from the evidence, you do not need to be in office.

Liberal United States Senator Hillary Clinton states about her Bosnia trip, “I remember landing under sniper fire, there was no greeting ceremony” which was a blatant lie. Some of the media and Hillary supporters try to make it seem like she was talking about the “Hillsides”, but that was not what she said. She has more false statements in her history then Charles Ponzi, who was such an accomplished liar, the Ponzi Scheme is named after him. Hillary makes him look like an amateur.

Liberal Representative Nancy Pelosi explains how she and other Liberal Democrats tried to use the “Wrap Up Smear”, where you knowingly tell lies about people to ensure they do not get into office. It is usually done right before an election or interview before congress because the target will not have time to form a defense against the lies.

Liberal Mary Frances Berry, former chairwoman of the United States Commission on Civil Rights shows why no Liberal should ever be on a Civil Rights board when she stated, “Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them.” Civil Rights are for all legal Americans and this type of indoctrination is what is splitting our country apart.

Just Plain Ignorance.

Liberal Representative Sheila Jackson Lee states, “Today we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working, we may not agree with all North Vietnam is doing but they are living in peace.” She does not even know the history of America, yet she is still put back into office. When it comes to lying, I could right a book on her alone.

Liberal Representative Hank Johnson I think may win the ignorance award, he think if you put too many people on Guam, it will tip over.

Liberal Presidential Candidate Al Gore states, “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.” This is not just a plain lie but a hilarious one, the military invented the internet long before Al Gore was out of diapers, but this shows the extent Liberal will lie to get what they want.

Liberal former President Barack Obama stated, “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.” Anyone who does not know we have 50 states, not 57, should never be allowed to run for office, especially not the presidency. The scary ominous thing about this is there is 57 Islamic Countries.

Liberal Congressman John Conyers stated on the Health Care Bill, which he voted for: "I love these members, they get up and say, Read the bill ... What good is reading the bill if it's a thousand pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?” If you take the job, do the work! If you are not going to do the work, do not take the job.

Liberal Senator Chris Dodd, while on the campaign trail: "Eight more days and I can start telling the truth again." If that is not funny enough on its own, I am pretty sure he was actually telling the truth for once.

Liberal Senator Al Gore stated on zoology: "A zebra does not change its spots."

Liberal Representative Nancy Pelosi on legislation: "But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it." I could write a book on Nancy as well, but to pass a bill into a law without reading it is dereliction of your duty. Once again, if you do not read the bill, you should not be allowed to vote on it.

I have shown you allot of our politicians lying or just being plain idiots, but my reasoning is because you as Americans, or even people reading this from other countries, should never trust your politicians of news agencies. Both has shown us time and time again where they knowingly lie without a care about the truth. If “Climate Change” was as bad as they try to make you think, my house would be under water right now; its not. They say these lies mainly to try and scare you into making an emotional response instead of a logical response. Liberals cannot win on logic so they use scare tactics. Liberals want to attack anyone who supports the 2nd Amendment, but there was only 14,542 murders by guns in 2017 compared to, house hold accidents were 161,374 deaths or suicide was 44,965 deaths. Gun deaths are not even in the top 10 causes of deaths in the US and account for only 0.005 percent of US deaths a year.

Why do I tell you this? These politicians lying to you is to get a response to make you have an emotional, instead of a logical response to take more of your freedoms away. Ask yourself a question. Why would you have to show your ID to get on a plane, buy cigarettes, or go to the DNC/RNC convention, but not have to do so to vote? It is so criminal politicians can cancel your vote. Liberals do not want a fair vote because they would lose every time. For an example, in the 2012 election, with 75-80% of Philadelphia's citizens being Democrats, when the voting in their 59 divisions where counted, President Obama had 100% of the votes. This is a statistical impossibility. With 20% of Philadelphia's citizens being registered Republican, not one of their votes were counted; Philadelphia does not require an ID. Think about that. When the Federal government went to scrub the state voter books to eliminate Illegal votes, Duplicate votes, and Dead people from voting, every Liberal state fought it; why, because it is the only way they can win. They have no desire to tell the truth or follow the law, they just want power, and this applies to Liberals in both parties. This is why they want to do away with the Electoral Collage, because if that happened, then 5 states would be all that is needed to pick the next president. To drive this how, President Trump, like him or not, won 3,084 counties in the US out of 3,141.

Let me know what you think.