All politics aside, what do you need for a great country?
When I ask this question, I do not ask it flippantly, but in reality; what
makes a great country? Just like a chain, a country is only as strong as its weakest
link, and just like a chain, many cannot see the weakest link for looking at
the complete chain. We live in a multi-cultural world with many cultures within
our own boarders. Everyone who lives in the USA have certain, unalienable
rights bestowed on them, US citizens have even more. Most US citizens want to
help people from other countries get what we have, but you cannot do that by
letting an unfettered flow of people into the US, it only makes the other
countries and the US weaker. In the past, we have had weak leadership in the
US, President; Bush Sr., Carter, Ford, and Obama would be good examples, while
JFK and Reagan would be examples of strong leaders. I am old, and I have never
seen politicians from both parties, because of their politics, who refuse to do
what is best for our country to keep it strong; to help other countries we must
be strong. I ask how do you become and stay a strong country.
A strong military should be at the beginning, to prevent any
invasion or stop an enemies attacks at sea, land, air, and space. Of all the
branches of government, the Military and Border Patrol is the only ones needed
to be large, most all other areas of government need to shrink. We need to set
a flat rate of funding from our GDP for the Military to operate. Most Democrats
keep it at 17% and most Republicans at 23%, so let us make it 20%. This will
help in two ways, no more attached pork spending to the Defense Budget, and the
Department of defense can plan without halting everything every four years to
see the election results. This being said, no longer will their funding be
taken if not used, they will be allowed to have savings accounts to use all
saved funding as toward long term goals. We will combine all branches into a US
Defense Force, splitting off into Air, Land, Sea, Space, Cyber, Special
Operations, and Acquisitions. Air will be all aircraft flying in the atmosphere
with Strategic Bombing, Tactical Air Superiority, Close Air Support, Global
Transport, and Global Reconnaissance. We can divide Land between the Army and
Marines to carry out their type of standard missions. Sea will be all
watercraft, but the Aircraft on carriers and other vessels will fall under Air.
Space will be over anything above the atmosphere including SATCOM and any
weapons deployed to space. Cyber will be over all computer intelligence
gathering, counter measures, and security. Special Operations will draw people
from the Air, Land, Sea, and others as needed to do what Operators do; Enough
said. Acquisitions will work with all areas to Develop Requisition, Test,
Deploy, and Train over all areas to prevent double work and double spending on
like projects. Can we agree on this?
Second, we should have the means to prevent our government
from turning us, the citizens in power of our nation, into subjects oppressed
by our nation. Without the ability to redress our government without fear of
reprisal, you do not have freedom. Hunting is not the reason for the Second
Amendment; it is to prevent a tyrannical government from oppressing its
citizens; it is the only reason our rights are secure. This is why citizens are
to have the same weapons as the military, and of course, it does not apply to nuclear
bombs. We should have the means to prevent our government from turning us, the
citizens in power of our nation, into subjects oppressed by their nation as we
see in Venezuela. You can look at the results of removing citizen’s guns by
looking at China’s Mao, Russia’s Stalin, and Germany’s Hitler, who together are
responsible for 118 million of their fellow citizens’ deaths. They accomplished
this after disarming their citizens. Why do you think the certain politicians
who are trying to get rid of your Second Amendment Rights, they are trying to
destroy the US Constitution? This is the only way they can control you. Our
government will not make laws or tolerate infringement of citizens Free Speech.
Third, we would need to recognize that no one person's life
is above another person’s life in worth, no matter your race, religion, gender,
financial status, political status, or celebrity status. I am of American
Indian heritage, there is no group of people, in America, mistreated more, than
the American Indian. This said we must not live in the past, if you do, there
will be no future for you nor your children. The people divide Americans who
are responsible for the lingering prejustice and hate. If they divide you, they
can stoke the fires of hate, envy, and racism. Liberal politicians lead the way
in dividing our country, they started with the Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus,
and Asian Pacific American Caucus; we can never move forward if we are divided.
I hate to point this out but all three, the Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, and
Asian Pacific American Caucus are racist (a person who shows or feels
discrimination or prejudice against people of other races). If you allow no
other race in your group, you are racist. What is ironic, if a group came out
named the “White Caucus”, they would be branded racist from the start; why are
not the others? Can we agree, no matter your race, religion, gender, financial
status, political status, or celebrity status, all lives are equally value.
Some people even push this to a point of saying animals lives are as valuable
as human lives. With all lives equally valued, your actions are the only thing
that tells us if you are a contributor to the American society, or a leach that
needs removed to protect our society. If you are a murder, your actions have forfeited
you life’s value by taking another’s life. If you are able, but refuse to work
and think you deserve a living amount just for existing, your actions lower the
value of your life because you are a leach on America’s working class. I am
sorry if the truth hurts, not really.
Question, if all lives matters, animal lives, black lives,
blue lives, green lives, and kids’ lives at the border; then why doesn’t unborn
child’s life matter? What does it say about a society when an animal’s life is
worth more than a child’s life? What does it say about a society when they
consistently elect politicians who care more out getting votes from people
illegally in the country and dead people than the legal living citizen? We as
free people should be able to live our life as we please, as long as our
actions do not cause injury or death to another, or put our National Security
at risk. Open borders put our nation at high risk. Why do politicians have
walls around their houses for protection, but deny the country walls for the
same reason?
Fourth, we should all have “Freedom of Speech”; this is not
freedom from being offended. Many misconstrues freedom of speech, as only
speech that is non-offensive, freedom of speech is offensive. Unfortunately,
freedom of speech allows our politicians and reporters to lie; the First
Amendment protects their lies, and neither held accountable. When the Founding
Fathers wrote the US Constitution, politicians and reporters had honor and
integrity, preventing them from spreading known falsities; their honor would be
at stake. Today, few if any politicians or reporters have any honor or
integrity; in reality, they despise it because they believe they are better and
above the common citizen. Wear an Obama hat or a MAGA hat; I do not care, but
DO NOT call the other person a racist, when it is a lie, to try to shut them
down; that is un-American. I spent 27 years in the military to give you the
right to say anything you want, no matter how enlightening or ignorant. We
cannot tolerate people physically attacking someone for having a different
opinion; it is wrong. We must stop the censorship in our schools and colleges,
all sides must have equal standing no matter how offensive. Free speech zones,
or designated safe areas must end, they are a destructive anchor to our
society. If there is a teacher or professor stifling Free Speech, they need
removed. Any politician trying to reduce Free Speech (Liberals), need removed
as well.
Fifth, we should have freedom of religion. Nowhere in the US
Constitution does it say there is a separation of Church and State; what it
says is there will be no State Founded Church. This said, Christian principles
are the foundation of America, but we accept all religions. Our Founding Fathers
did not want a corrupt overcasting religious shadow as the Church of England. This
is why there can never be a “Religious Test” for any government position, even
though many Liberals have pushed for a lack of Religion test in recent
nominations. The only religion ever banned was the Islamic religion, done by
Thomas Jefferson but unfortunately, never put into law. After reading the Quran
and learning about Sharia Law, he understood the violence and danger of this
religion as we found out on 911. Ever religion has rules but they should, as in
the law, be applied equally which in many cases does not happen. Let us use the
Catholic religion for an example. If you have a Catholic politician in your
congregation, they violate your beliefs on abortion and gay marriage; they defy
all you hold sacred, why do you not excommunicate them from the church? The
answer is because money has corrupted you, this is why we cannot have a State
Founded church. Would you want a corrupt religion mandated by the government?
No. We will not tolerate the enforcement of religious etic on unwilling or
people under the voting age, inside our boarders. Anyone who commits Female Genital
Mutilation (FGM), or a like etic, will serve time and have their citizen ship
revoked. We will establish freedom of religion, or no religion, as long as it
does not violate the law of the land. There will not be religious courts or
judgements (no Shariah Law), to direct monetary or physical punishments, on any
person in the US, from any religion. Religions can excommunicate or prevent
sacraments of people they deem unfit for their religion. No religion or
non-religion will direct attacks against any outside your group. You must still
integrate and abide by US law alone, and remove yourself from any group,
affiliation, or religious doctrine, which wants to cause harm or damage to
America or its people.
Sixth, the laws of the land must be good, fair, and enforced
equally across the board no matter your race, religion, gender, financial
status, political status, or celebrity status; no one should be above the law. Under
law, 18 U.S.C. § 2511(2)(d) requires only that one party give
consent. I do not care if you are President Nixon, President Obama, or Hillary
Clinton, if you tap someone’s electronics without a
Warrant; you need to go to jail as the common citizen would. I do
not care if you are President Nixon, President Obama, or Hillary Clinton, if
you have Classified Documents on an unclassified machine; you need to go to
jail as the common citizen would.
In U.S. Code Title 18:
Crimes and Criminal Procedure, Part I. Crimes, Chapter 37, Espionage
and Censorship Section 798: Disclosure of classified information. On the other
hand, I am not just talking about politicians. Celebrities like Jussie
Smollett, should be sent to jail and fined when they violate the law. Teachers/Professors,
and school faculty, grade school, high school, or college, who knowingly
violate student’s rights by saying they cannot wear an Obama hat, MAGA hat, or
fly an American Flag, need to be prosecuted. Many times these same professors
will lower grade because your political view is different from theirs, schools
and universities need to remove them permanently, because that is not how you
teach tolerance.
Seventh, we need a strong infrastructure to keep the
electric, gas, coal, roads, bridges, seaports, interstates, etc., maintained
and in good working order. Federal, State, and Local governments will take a 10%
stiffen from their revenue to build and maintain infrastructure. A Federal, State,
and Local government shall mandate the implementation of best practices for long-term
life span of infrastructure. We will use a road chemical formula and process,
which creates the best longevity results for the dollar. We will burying of all
electrical lines, to protect from weather and human error; unions will not have
a say in this National Security measure. Electric companies must buy back
excess electricity produced by customers.
Last, we need a good economy for our country's gross domestic
product (GDP), with trade agreements that benefit the US as good as or better
than the other country. We should have the same access to education without
discriminators placed on them by their race, religion, gender, financial
status, political status, or celebrity status. We should have an across the
board Flatt Tax on all above the poverty line so all will have skin in the game,
with a maximum collective Federal, State, and Local tax rates combined not
exceed 25% of earners income. If our governments, both federal and local cannot
live on 25%, they need removed. Can we all agree this would be best for our
country? If you cannot, please move to another country.
One last thing, we need to take care of our citizens over
non-citizens. We have politicians, who give money to many foreign countries for
education and infrastructure while ours fall apart. The same
who block Gold Star Americans families from college assistance, gave
college assistance to Illegal Aliens. Our senior citizens who live on $1,800
dollars Social Security a month, watch Illegal Aliens get $4,000 plus a month
in benefits. Think about that.
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