Voting, Our Most Important Right

Before we talk about voting, the US Constitution gave the right of the “Freedom of the Press” to scrutinize all politicians without bias and to tell the US citizens the truth; but our “Press” today are a travesty. “Big Tech” like Twitter, Google, and Facebook are open platforms to discuss your voting decisions and the pros and cons of every candidate and ballot measure to help people make an educated decision about what is best for themselves and their family. If and when you have the “Press” and “Big Tech” censoring people and stories for their own political belief, your voting rights are also being censored; you are not being allowed to become informed and educated to make the right decision for you and your family. This is voter manipulation.

I am an Independent, it does not matter which political view you hold; you should want a fair election, no matter what. You could be on the side committing the fraud or on the receiving end of the fraud, but if you support it, you can’t complain when it is done against you. We watched Democratic Senator Harry Reid use the “Nuclear Option” to get items passed that couldn’t garner the amount of votes needed, than the Democratic Party complained when the Republicans used the same “Nuclear Option” to pass items they wanted passed. If you know it is wrong and turn a blind eye, don’t say a word when it comes back around and it always does.

In this election, voter fraud has happened on the largest scale in history. I personally know multiple people who had loved ones vote in Michigan who have deceased for years. When you watch as voter machines purposely change 7 of 9 votes for the other side; this is fraud. When you have a judge tell people to count votes no matter if they do not meet the legal means to be counted, you have fraud. When you have over 100,000 Illegal Aliens voting, this is voter fraud. When Democratic election officials refuse to allow Republican Poll workers to in the room, which is the law, and refuse to follow the Supreme Court ruling; there is fraud. When the law says a “Mail in Ballot” must be requested but people mail them out to people without being request; there is fraud. When there are so many inconsistencies that a blind person can see them a mile away; there is fraud. If the fraud continues, your vote will never mean anything in the future; no matter which party you belong to, you will just become the slaves of whichever political party is ruling at that time. This needs to end.

How can we bring back the integrity of our election system?

  1. First, I think we need a 28th Amendment that limits all people in Congress to 8 years, with no Congressional Retirement, or Congressional Health Care after leaving office. In this Amendment, it should remove all protections from congress for purposely lying and misleading the American people. Currently, if you or I lying on the Congressional floor, it is a Felony, but a member of Congress is shielded by a law Congress passed; they do not even get censured. This Amendment needs to criminalize “Insider Trading” for congress, another one of those, “It a Felony for you or me, but not for Congress” rules they have made up. Then we need to do the 29th Amendment.
  2. The 29th Amendment would be to make ALL “Big Tech” platforms liable for discrimination. Facebook Censored over 200,000 Conservative sites illegitimately while censoring zero Liberal sites; this is election tampering. The “Press” refused to report the truth about the riots, luting, ANTIFA, and Biden’s Laptop; they even put out false stories to push their agenda for political reasons. Big Tech and the Press need to be fined every time they are caught Censoring, Knowingly Lying, Discriminating, or Misinforming the people; put the collected fines toward the National Debt; it will be paid off within 5 years.
  3. Passing these two Amendments would be a good start, but there is more we should do, with the next highest item is stopping ALL OUTSIDE MONEY! This one will be hard, but it will let the “People’s Voice” be heard instead of foreign or special interest groups. If any person’s family has dealings with foreign governments, they are not allowed to run for any office unless all ties have been severed for a minimum of 10 years.
  4. If you are having a “State Election”, no money for any candidate is allowed from outside of their state. If a candidate is shown to receive money from outside the state, they are immediately removed from the ballot and election. If a company has departments in multi states, let’s use Amazon for example, they cannot donate to any state election. If they are caught donating, by proxy or other means, they will be fined with the fines toward the National Debt. If it can be proven the candidate knew this was going on, they will be removed from the ballot. No out of country donations can be accepted and no charity or non-profit receive money from foreign nations or other states can donate to a candidate. State politicians also include US Congressional personnel so only their state can donate money to them.
  5. If you are having a “Federal Election”, which will only be for president, no money for any candidate is allowed from outside of the country. If a candidate is shown to receive money from outside the country, they are immediately removed from the ballot and election. If a company has departments in multi countries, let’s use Amazon for example, they cannot donate to any federal election. If they are caught donating, by proxy or other means, they will be fined with the fines toward the National Debt. If it can be proven the candidate knew this was going on, they will be removed from the ballot. No out of country donations can be accepted and no charity or non-profit receive money from foreign nations can be donated to a candidate.
  6. Voter ID is a must to stop this fraud. If someone cannot afford an ID, they will be given one for free after providing proof of citizenship. If any non-US citizen is caught voting, they will be immediately deported and banned from the US. When voting, the ID along with your picture and a biometric measure (finger print, or other) will be scanned along with your ballot into a secured system for voter identification only. If anyone votes multiple times, they will be prosecuted.
  7. Every state will be required to send in their voting rolls to be cross checked for multiple state registrations; if registered in more than one state or precinct, but only voting in one state or precinct, they will be removed from the other states or precinct. If caught voting in more than one state or precinct, they will be prosecuted.
  8. Any judge violating the State or Federal law by allowing the violation of voter laws will immediately be removed from the bench, if confirmed; they will be banned from judgeship for life and jailed for a minimum of 5 years; most go to court, no “Plea Bargaining”.
  9. Mail-In Ballots will be permanently removed, if you want to use “Absent-T Ballots”, that will be allowed. Mail-In Ballots are not secure and “Ballot Harvested” too much. Anyone caught Ballot Harvesting, and their accomplices,  will get an automatic 5 years minimum sentence if convicted; most go to court, no “Plea Bargaining”.
  10. If you have a Non-Profit like the NRA or Teacher’s Union, you can donate to Federal Elections but must have a blind member vote as to whom to donate to; it cannot be decided by Union Leadership. If 60% say Democrat and 40% say Republican, the donated amount will be split into 60% for Democrat and 40% for republican to prevent any union member from being disenfranchised.

Our country was founded on freedom, not tyranny. Freedom of Speech is not the freedom from being offended, and it is not necessarily Hate Speech just because you do not like it. If you want to be called a pronoun I do not agree with, it is not an assault if I do not call you that pronoun. The Politically Correct side of our society should want election integrity and so should the Politically Incorrect.  If you do not stand up when you see election illegalities being committed, please leave America, because you are by definition, Un-American”.

I personally would like to go back to the paper ballots with a person from each party counting them because it was close to impossible to have the voter fraud like we have seen in this past election.  I have a friend in Michigan who’s dad voted; he has been dead for several years. We have got to get this stopped.

It amazes me that the greatest country on earth, America, built on the principles that if you work hard, you can achieve success. It also dumbfounds me that we want to take away from the working people in America and give to the Lazy and Illegal people in America. The way we vote has allowed this to happen and it will not be pretty when it climaxes, and make no mistake, it will climax and the 2nd Civil War will start.

I heard a politician the other day that really angered me. The interviewer asked him how he planned to pay for the “Green New Deal”, “Free Collage”, and “Pay for All”, you don’t have the money. The politician said that they did have the money; they just haven’t taken it from the working class yet. Think about that. I wish I could find the video; he needs to be voted out immediately.  Taxes where never to go above 3%, now look at what we pay. It is all because we didn’t vote for what was best for the country. JFK once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” Unfortunately today it is reversed.

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