Peaceful Islam Not So Peaceful

As with anything, the beliefs and information that anyone or any group tells you can only be validated by watching and seeing the fruit of their labor, from this you can tell if they are truthful or a deceiver. With religion it, believe it or not, is even easier in many cases, they have written their true beliefs and objectives in their religious books and governing documents. When they tell you what they believe, if it doesn’t match their religious books, governing documents, and actions, you can’t believe anything they say. Every religious groups, as with politicians, you must watch the fruit they bare for their true purpose and Islam is no different. One difference with Islam that you must understand is there is no separating of their Islamic religion from their government; their religion and government are one and the same. The second difference is in the Islamic religion, no other religions has any standing or value in their eyes and should be destroyed at all cost, and this includes people claiming to be Atheist.

Around the world you can see the true Islam, many say that the terrorist including ISIS must be stopped from destroying ancient cities and artifacts but the Islamic religion says to wipe all enemies’ existence from the face of the earth. Here in the US we have two main problems, the first is people who have been radicalized in the Mosques in the US who are leaving to join ISIS and a good example of this is Asher Abid Khan. This Texas man was lured back by his family and arrested after trying to join ISIS, Asher Abid Khan, 20, of Spring Texas and a friend left to travel to Syria and was openly telling others “I wana die as a Shaheed [martyr].” National Intelligence Director James Clapper has said at a minimum 180 Americans have tried to go fight in Syria to join ISIS; this is only the ones they know about but the same thing is starting here as has already in other countries and it goes back to their Islamic teachings. If this is a peaceful religion than why is Pakistan's leader, Maulana Fazlur Rehman calling for military operations to stop a great threat in Pakistan; women wearing jeans. In Antwerp Belgium, the mayor is told to convert to Islam or be executed. In Iraq they are not even given that chance to convert as we have seen, they are just executed. In Singaporean two youths radicalized in their Mosque are arrested for planning a terrorist attacks. The Australian government is in the process of prosecuting the wife of an ISIS fighter who allowed her son to pose with severed head, does this sound like something a peaceful religion would want to teach their kids? This is about all the followers of Islam who believe in these radical teachings and they do get worse, ISIS burned a woman alive for refusing to perform ‘Extreme Sex Act’ according to the UN Envoy. Amnesty International charges Hamas with war crimes in the killing of 11 Palestinian children and two adults with a missile during the Gaza clash and Twenty-Three Palestinians who were shot for being suspected "collaborators", sentenced to death in "revolutionary courts" not to mention the dozens Amnesty International found who were tortured. Does this sound like a peaceful group to you, and by the way, who just took them off the terror watch list?

Our second problem is the terrorist who are coming here, our borders are not secure so we don’t know how many has come across the border. We do know the FBI has identified 35 Islamic Terrorist training camps in the US. We have FBI Director James Comey warning us about the “thousands” of ISIS terrorist and supporters inside the United States.” He briefed the National Association of Attorneys General that the FBI has active investigations of ISIL activity in all 50 states. Because of our liberal politicians we have a real threat here and they are is the same state as they were before 9/11, oblivious to the danger they have put us in. In 2014 and 2015, our politicians have even gone as far as to give 638 people who are terrorist or are supporting terrorism asylum in the US; does this make you fill safe? There is some bright sides and good Muslims out there like Ayaan Hirsi Ali who is a Muslim fighting against the radical Muslims, the genital mutilation, the honor killing, and along with Theo van Gogh who made a movie, “Submission” telling the truth about inside the Islamic religion; Theo van Gogh was later murdered by Mohammed Bouyeri who shot him, shot him again, tried to cut his head off, and then pinned a note to his chest with the knife pushing it clear to his spine; does this sound peaceful. If you listen to the politicians you can hear anything and everything, I don’t like Jeb Bush at all but he is right about one thing, ISIS didn’t exist under President G.W. Bush and like President Bush or not this is true. ISIS is a major threat to the US and has a camp in Mexico across the border from El Paso Texas.but when you have an incompetent president, they will say something like ISIS is like a Junior Varsity (JV) team which we all know was a mistake. A good president will make mistakes but will own up to their mistakes unlike President Obama who doesn’t have enough class to admit when he is wrong. The military pilots are complaining that they are not allowed to kill the enemy because of President Obama’s Rules of Engagement. The facts are during Gulf War there was 1,125 sorties a day, during Iraqi Freedom there was 800 sorties a day, during Kosovo there was 135 sorties a day, and currently in the ISIS conflict there is 15 sorties a day; it is a farce and President Obama is just doing 15 a day to say he is doing something. A good leader would change the strategy to stop ISIS, right? He will not listen to any of the generals on this and thinks he knows he is better at military tactics, it’s probably because of all the time he spent in the military…oh yah, that’s right, he didn’t serve a day. This wouldn’t even be happening if President Obama would have listened to his general’s advice in the first place and left the troops in Iraq. Now the White House says it not responsible for security of Iraq, but didn’t he and Hilary promise that if they had problems? Yes they did.

The ISIS mess is 100% President Obama’s fault, he pulled out when ALL the generals said stay and I don’t even think he is trying to win against ISIS, I think his strategy is no more than dropping a few bombs for show because it isn’t working. The Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, says this whole ordeal with ISIS is even worse than you think. When you match that to President Obama saying “Climate Change” is more of a National Security problem then our open borders and ISIS, there is a problem; do you agree? Wake up people, liberals never protect the people or our country, just their agenda. There are two things Radical Islamist don’t want you to know, first as Ayaan Hirsi Ali so rightly states this about the difference between her and Islam, “I love life more than death, the Shariah Law and its supporters believe in nothing but death.” The second which is what can save the Muslim people, “Education is what will set the Muslim women of the world free, hence the reason Islam refuses Islamic women this gift; it is to keep them in slavery.”

We Need To Stop Sending Our Jobs Overseas

For years we our presidents from both parties have been trying to help the world by sending our manufacturing, customer service, and development jobs overseas in an effort to infuse money into these countries’ economies. The intentions were good but the outcome is horrendous. Many of the product we receive from places like China have toxins in them, even our cooking utensils. Many of the products we get are substandard, the customer service reps you are unable to comprehend, and our developmental edge is being stolen. Our politicians like to lie to us or manipulate the data, the current administration has changed the way they calculate the unemployed to make the number look better. In the past, you only counted the part time employed as half a person employed and kept the count of all unemployed people as unemployed even after they couldn’t receive unemployment anymore. This administration has changed it to counting part time employees as a full person employed and removing you as unemployed once your unemployment runs out. If you look at the true numbers, we are at about 10% unemployment, just ask the black community, black males are the highest unemployed with males between 18 and 35 being at 25% unemployment. How many of these people do you think would take a job our politicians have gave away or that illegals are doing; I think most of them.

Our politicians are selling our country piece by piece for their own political and financial gains. As Secretary of State Hilary Clinton made many deals like this but this isn’t a Hilary bashing or Democrat Bashing time, I’m sure that many Democrats and Republicans both have done this even though it is illegal, treasonous, and leaves our country vulnerable. Hilary Clinton sold Russia 20% of the USs uranium production capacity as Secretary of State to which the Russians gave the Clinton Foundation millions is donations; who do you think the Clinton Foundation is going to funnel millions to for their political campaign? We have so much money from foreign governments and companies coming into the US that soon the US won’t be the citizens anymore. Our politicians and US companies have been sending jobs overseas for the last 20 plus years and one reason is because of kickback from these countries but also kickbacks from the US companies. Why do you think our border isn’t secure, the kickbacks from foreign special interest groups including the Drug Cartels and Terrorist Groups who want our borders open is just too much for some politicians to resist. Many illegals workers send their money back to their families, the company owners get cheap labor, they don’t pay taxes on their illegal workers, and they give “Donations” to the politicians to turn their heads the other way or even right legislation to protect this activity. It helps the Company owner, the politician, and the illegal alien but it doesn’t help our country, our citizens, or our National Security from people who want to kill us. They would rather make a dollar then protect their citizens and country; they need to go. Our president along with many other liberals think “Global Warming” is more of a threat to our National Security then the terrorist and gang bangers crossing our borders and coming into our country. Idiots like these crack me up, if you are against “Global Warming” why send our jobs to other counties who refuse to cut their toxic gas emissions instead of leaving them here where we have cut the gasses? A better question to our politicians would be, why do they want us to lessen our carbon footprint but most of them live in massive mansions, drive massive cars, and take private jets to places? No country or citizen from a foreign country should be able to donate to an active politicians, their charities, or own land in our country; it is not in the best interest of the US. If you check throughout the world this is the policy with the only exception being Embassies. We must elect politicians who will secure our borders, stop sending jobs overseas, and quit doing political favors for foreigners at the cost of the US citizen; before we can work on fixing the jobs problem we must end and reverse this cancer.

Another reason we are having problems is the greed of our government, at the Federal, State, and City level, they are taxing businesses to a point they leave the City, State, and even the country because they cannot be competitive in their market. When our politicians knowingly started letting China send anything and everything made with child slave labor, our manufactures couldn’t compete. We found out later that many eating utensils had toxic chemicals in them even though the Chinese ensured us they didn’t. We could have put the same tariffs they and other countries like Japan put on our exports but the politicians again were getting kickbacks. Inside the US we had problems like in Detroit. One reason for the great exit from Detroit in the late 1960s and early 1970s was because the city massively raised the taxes on its citizens, the ones who could afford it moved. They did the same to the companies, many small local business went out of business but the bigger companies just moved. Common Sense 101; if you tax the crap out of the working people and local businesses, they will fail or move. This is why you see the exodus of all the millionaires from California and New York. A man I know who was living in California and is a millionaire told me between the Federal, State, and City taxes, at the most he was getting was 35 cents out of every dollar he made with a flat Federal tax of 9% no matter if you make a dollar or a million. We should set a federal standard that the most, with all taxes and everything else withdrawn that you can take from a person is 30% of his gross pay. The federal tax on companies should be a flat 7%, this is one reason they can’t compete on the world market with another reason being the Unions. My uncle worked for GM and if he hired someone to sweep the floors, he had to pay them 5 times what the normal person would get because of the union. I was a supervisor and had a Union employee refusing to follow any of the safety requirements but I couldn’t do anything about it, I met with him and his Union Steward and the Steward said I was picking on him. When the Steward was shown the security camera video of him being told to follow the Safety Requirement and refusing to multiple times, the Steward just told him not to do it again; he did and we still couldn’t do anything. I had another guy who just wouldn’t do anything and I couldn’t do anything to him even after catching him sleeping in a vehicle in the middle of the flight line where aircraft taxis; Unions were good when they were first started but when you have this as the result today, they show they are worthless and don’t care about the customer which the business must answer to. I have a friend who works at one of the Big Three US car manufactures as a line supervisor, he has had people come in high and drunk but he, because of the Union, couldn’t do anything with his key phase being, “You Can’t Beat the Union.”

The reason our jobs are leaving is because, “We the People”, we keep electing the politician who are anti-American jobs, anti-American worker, anti-American security, and anti-American freedom; in short they are anti-American! When you elect people who want to relinquish our sovereignty to the UN and even vote to make us pay a tax to the UN, do you think our companies are going to stay here or find a friendlier country. If we as Americans keep going down this liberal path, we will end up as the hailed liberal icon of the 1950s and 1960s Detroit did, bankrupt; the only problem is, the wolves at the unsecured door will than attack the wounded nation.

My Predictions on Terrorist in America Coming True

Unfortunately my predictions of Terrorist coming to America has come to fruition. I have been saying for years that we in America are vulnerable to terrorist, we need to start protecting our citizens, and country from terrorist infiltration. We are a country founded on the core principle of 100% freedom but yet many of our politicians try and succeed in taking them away one by one every day. We have a bias politically correct side which refuses to see or classify terrorism for what it is because the truth is a bitter pill to swallow. We need to remove all and any foreign terrorist elements from our country but instead we are letting them in and letting them stay. We need to secure our borders but instead we open them up to try and get more votes for our party. We don’t deport illegals whose sole purpose in this country is to bring in drugs, market sex slaves, and murder like MS-13 and others, are politicians are protecting them just like they are protecting the terrorist. You have our politicians and the news media protecting these terrorist because they are Muslim and being bias in their reporting but why? The best example I can give you is do you remember all the Christian and Jewish businesses being attacked because they wouldn’t service gay weddings? The funny thing is (not really) the National news slams these other religious businesses for what they perceive to be the prejudice acts. When a man filmed himself going into a Muslim businesses asking for the same thing the Christians were slammed for and being refused service, the news media wouldn’t even touch it; isn’t this being prejudice or is it plain bias?

If you are going to bring down the strongest nation on earth, how do you do it, you do it by a two prong method of infiltrating the government and education system. First you want to infiltrate the government to bring support for your cause, you get small changes passed to make it easier to bring what you truly want later. Second you want to brain wash people into thinking it is a just cause which is easier done by using time and teaching them from kindergarten till they graduate college. By the time anyone realizes what has happened it will be too late and almost impossible to remove this cancer from your country; ask England. If you look, this is exactly what is going on today in America.

On the FBI’s website they had a list of 35 Jihad Terrorist Training Camps within the United States but has our government moved on any of these camps; NO. You have the FBI Director James Comey saying that ISIS/ISIL influence is growing in America yet our elected officials leave the border unsecured. Mr. Comey calls it a "chaotic spider web" in the US, with young Muslim men being radicalized in all 50 states. ISIS/ISIL has just threatened our military (ABC News, Fox News) supplying names and addresses within our country of the military they are targeting. This is probably a ruse to get the ones they really want but it shows their threat is real to which the Pentagon has elevated the alert level. What has our elected officials done; NOTHING!

We have a big problem in America when Christian, Jewish, and all other religious studies are banned from public school but Islamic studies are mandatory. The Islamic group ISIS has just claims responsibility for the Texas attack and we are forcing our students to study the Muslim religion but ban all others; does anyone else see something wrong with this? After every Islamic attack in America, our current president still will not use the word terrorist to describe the attackers even though that is how they describe themselves; why? President Obama along with our elected officials do nothing about the violent illegals who are here (from all ethnic backgrounds) because of political correctness which is going to get Americans killed. In New York City, school officials gave in to Islamic pressure and closed the schools for 2 Muslim holidays to appease the Muslims but they won’t do the same for other religions such as Christians, Jews, or Buddhist.

I have showed you The Truth about Terrorist Attacks on American Soil and because of political correctness neither President Obama nor any previous president has moved against it. Now President Obama has taken it a step further than any previous presidents calling terrorist attacks on US soil “Work Place Violence” to protect the murders. In the world you have over 5,000 “Honor Killings” every year with most all being against women yet the liberals who are supposed to be for “Women’s Rights” are the ones blocking all effects to stop Muslim abuse of women in the US. You say it can’t happen here but each year in the US we have hundreds of honor killings, maimings, and forced kid marriages committed within the United States, local news cover it but national news usually avoids it because it goes against their agenda.

You need to ask yourself do you want to be governed by Sharia Law because that is coming next and already is being used in America. If you disagree you will end up just like all the ones who refuse in Iraq and Syria, beheaded or burned. You will not have any more freedom nor will you have any justice because the Muslim system of justice is more corrupt than anything I’ve ever seen in the 50 countries I have been in. It makes the North Koreans almost look civilized and we know they are not even close to being civilized. The choice is all of ours but we must protect our citizens and country or you will see the next civil war like happening in Iraq and Syria happening right here in the United States; mark my words.